Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Animals are such agreeable friends- they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.

George Eliot
06/Apr/11 8:09 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Coffee is ready. Help yourself.
06/Apr/11 8:09 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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And they love you unconditionally.
06/Apr/11 8:45 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Hehe! Not the coffee!
06/Apr/11 8:46 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Good luck, MizT.
06/Apr/11 9:16 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Adding my best wishes MizT xoxo
06/Apr/11 9:34 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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GOOD LUCK, MizT. I hope it's a bad one!! (but you won't feel it, fortunately.)
06/Apr/11 9:53 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Best Wishes Tricia ♥
06/Apr/11 10:00 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tami... I didn't know if you knew or not. I wish I could get birds directly from Australia..... though since the Scarlet Chested Parakeets are so rare (and shy), they wouldn't export them any more even if it were legal.
06/Apr/11 10:00 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to make a run to Pain Management myself, right now. I can only pick up the prescriptions in person on Wednesdays. They can never be called in. I was hoping that I could stretch it until next Wednesday, when I'm having my epidural, but I only have half a pill left.
06/Apr/11 10:04 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Brrrr, -5C right now. It snowed overnight - not what I wanted to see. It's supposed to go to +6 so hopefully the snow will melt. Need ... more ... coffee ...
06/Apr/11 10:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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This is gonna get UGLY. I just talked to Pain Management. My Doc won't be in today, and won't be back until the day of my epidural. I will be out of Methadone until then. I'll have to hoard that last half pill and try OTC pain meds until then. And considering Robert and I HAVE TO mix and pour 1,600 ibs of concrete today, I'm going to be useless for the next week.
06/Apr/11 10:13 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa.... you have my sympathy. That's why I left the northern climates. I don't like snow in April.
06/Apr/11 10:15 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, have you tried Aleve? I did for the first time this week and it seems to work the best for me on my aches and pains. I couldn't take it before because I was on an anti-inflammatory. I stopped the anti-inflammatory because it wasn't working.
06/Apr/11 10:32 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Aleve doesn't help. I have recently discovered Excedrin Back & Body, and that helps some.
06/Apr/11 11:27 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I'll have to try that, Heidi. I've always liked Excedrin for headaches.
06/Apr/11 11:29 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I am so sorry you are out of pain meds. they should be some way to cover when a doc is not in the office. I hope you get through the week with as little pain as possible. Sendi9ng gentle hugs to you, sweetie.

Well, I had my breakfast, and my coffee, all before I read June's note. But I would have had my coffee anyway it is de caf, hope that means less dehydration. Had I read your note, June, I would have had some other fluids with it. Oh well, they will start an IV and get me hydrated fore they take me to procedure room.

I have made Al's feedings for today, lined up in fridge. Perhaps he and his brother can get them in today, but I would not bet on it. One day that is not correct will not be that big a deal now, no antibiotics or other critical meds.

Time to get dressed, glad my web cam is not on, I have my old comfy terry robe and a nice terry turban that joy gave me on my wet hair, I am not pretty but I am clean and smell good!

I may not see you again till tomorrow, depends on instructions and how I feel.

Hugs to all, and many thanks for the good luck wishes sent today. I do appreciate it.
07/Apr/11 12:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have quit for the day. I put down the rest of the gravel base and tamped it down, then mixed and poured 240 lbs of concrete before Robert showed up. We used a total of 1,520 lbs of concrete for the project. The concrete is now setting.
We also moved George's 2 steers over from his property to our holding pen attached to the loading ramp. It was an interesting job because they got playful and were dashing around in every direction but the one we wanted them to go in. We did succeed, tho. At 7:30 am, we'll load them up and take them to the processor's.
07/Apr/11 4:32 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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morning all,
Thinking of you MizT ♥

Heidi, hope the OTC pain killers at least take the edge off.

Theresa, I like Aleve but I'm not allowed to take it anymore... :(

Tami, why can't teenagers be like animals???
07/Apr/11 7:08 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Just got home from looking after the girls for 3+ hours. Hubby left me a message he's working tonight at his 2nd job.

D had her appointment with the surgeon today and she can start putting weight on her foot - as much as she feels comfortable with.

Hopefully I will be back later, but I need my supper. TTFN.
07/Apr/11 8:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa! great news about your D. She should start getting her life back. So should you.
07/Apr/11 8:57 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, wonderful news! Though the 3 hours sounds like hard work...

07/Apr/11 10:12 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good mAen everyone!
Doctor's report: Sinus infection (DUH!! I knew THAT!!), high blood pressure (thanks mom, Sandra, Grandma) (got meds for that too).
Need to schedule bloodwork, mammogram...will call tomorrow to schedule.
My mom was concerned about my weight (she's thin as a toothpick) Doctor is NOT (so THERE!! pbbht)
07/Apr/11 10:18 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I had one incident with my oldest grandie - she has a real attitude problem. I told her I was there to help and I was not going to put up with it. I sent her to her room and told her she could come down when she was ready to apologize. About 20 minutes later she came down and said sorry. I am going to do that from now on. She was fine after that. We played school and I was the teacher.

Suzy, aren't you glad though that animals don't act like teenagers?
07/Apr/11 10:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm glad that you put your foot down with your Grandie, Theresa. It sounds like this method works.
07/Apr/11 11:22 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Back home, so far uneventful other than being a bit woozy from anesthesia. My sister stopped to pick up the few things I might need tomorrow, Milk. bananas and a medicine for Al, so I do not need to go out tomorrow. She got me home and inside and in my recliner, then fixed me some dinner from things in fridge, but so nice to just sit and have it delivered to me. I could get spoiled hehehe.

When we came in, Al was up in kitchen, warming his own feeding and getting his own meds. Ah Ha! He can do it himself!! I shall remember that in days to come.

Theresa, glad the time our in her room put grandie into a better attitude. Hope that continues to work. Happy to hear daughter is doing better and can begin weight bearing on that hip. wishing her a speedy recovery now.

Suzanne, hope the sinus infection gets better soon, those are not fun. Take that BP med, get the high BP under control, it is important.

Heidi, sorry you had to do so much fore robert got there today, but glad he did arrive to help you. sounds like a long and difficult day for you. Hope the loading of the steers goes well tomorrow and your "fix" makes things much easier.

I had a nap after my dinner, iced my injection site, and now I am gonna try watching a bit of TV fore going down for the night. Maybe have something else to drink, too, still so thirsty.

Hugs to all, and see you tomorrow.
07/Apr/11 11:26 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Thanx MizT!! I know it's important to take care of the BP, no worries, ok?? Going to get the bloodwork done in the a.m. (walk-in basis)...Told Darrell to tread lightly till I get my coffee (afterwards)...
By the way, I missed something, what did you have done (procedure-wise)?? Hope you are feeling better soon!! LOTS of Love & Hugs to all with extras!!!
07/Apr/11 12:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone! I hope everyone is well and enjoying the afternoon or end of their day!
07/Apr/11 12:36 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Three pages to read. Theresa, I like your quote from the 14th Dalai Lama! I'm so glad your D is hitting some milestones! I hope she continues to improve. Thinking also of your FIL and hoping he will follow through on is appointments!

MizT, you're so right that the colonoscopy prep is no fun! I can understand that you don't want to do it every 3 years. Please pay attention to your body if you decided to stretch the 3 to 5 years! Hope all is well with both you and Al! Was your pain block today (Wednesday)?

Tami, I'm glad your boys did well at home alone! The first time is harder for the parents than for their children, I think! How nice that Bernie and Bobbi came over & took them to lunch - a treat for all of them! Please give my best to your Mom & Dad! I think of them often and hope they're both well!!

Suzy, an hour walk home from school is a long walk! I imagine it was a transition for Alie to be home alone with Ebob gone! So glad to hear that singing at school went well and the other students cared enough to be quiet & listen!

I agree with both Tami and Suzy - leaving children at home in the evening seems different from during the day or after school. I don't remember ever leaving our Ds at home alone over night and only remember it happening to me once. I was actually babysitting my young cousin while his dad took his mom to the hospital for the birth of his younger brother. It was in my home town and about 2 blocks from my parents, so not particularly scary. (It was also about 40 years ago in a small town.)

MizT, I'm glad you and Al didn't have wind damage - and glad your neighbor's tree missed their patio and house when it came down!

June, I like your approach! Great day to get a hair cut and treatment - a reward for having had to go through the mental preparation for an appointment that was postponed.

Tami, good luck to your students - and to the Beastie Boys - when they take their state tests next week!

So sorry to hear about Karen K! What a shame - and never easy to deal with, even if you know intellectually that there is usually a reason for it.

June, interesting story about the rum balls! I'm sure she wasn't trying to get drunk - just sampling the batter as she made them. I've certainly been known to eat my share of cookie batter before the cookies got baked! It's one of the reasons I no longer make cookies.

Heidi, what a shame that IH is so irresponsible about paying bills! Can't imagine what would improve the situation! But I'm glad that we weren't missing you because of wind or storm damage!

MizT, I had to make a similar arrangement for D's one day a week when they were about 2nd & 4th grade or 3rd & 5th. Neighbor had a D a year older than my older one & they watched TV together for about 45 minutes, then walked to school. I think she was the only neighbor who didn't work outside of the house and was a big life saver for me. Well, she provided peace of mind! Your tape for your d
07/Apr/11 1:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops, I ran over:

MizT, your tape for your daughter to keep her on track as she prepared for school was an inspired idea!

Heidi, I hope you and Robert were able to get the hole filled! Things would certainly fall apart if it were up to IH to make repairs! Thank goodness for Robert! BTW, how are his D and grandie?

MizT, your Mexican pot pie sounds yummy!

Broni, I'm sorry the eagles are eating up your internet allowance! I think I'm glad I didn't see the little E out of the nest. It was hard the first time I saw it, so glad a lesson must have been learned! How is Possum's Mum doing? Sending positive thoughts and {{{{HUGS}}}} your way!

Heidi, you certainly learned the neighborly lesson well and by example are probably helping teach it to others. Well, except for IH, that is! How wonderful that you can help so many others!

Theresa, Happy Anniversary to your in-laws this coming weekend! I hope everyone enjoys the potluck dinner! Will you be taking it to them in their house?

Heidi, I hope all the work got done on time! Thanks for the photos of the love birds! It was fun to see the medium dilute kind of all lining up so you could see one eye.

On to page 34.
07/Apr/11 1:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm totally shot, and heading off to bed. We're loading up the steers in 7 hours. My back and body have shooting pains.
Glad it went well, MizT. I wish I could have joined you. Ah, well. 6 days to go.
07/Apr/11 2:42 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Been out all morning, taking mum to her appt, going my grocery shopping.
Still to put the shopping away, and have some lunch.
Apparently there was a minor Earth Tremor here in Perth not that long ago. ~ Geoscience Australia says an earthquake with a magnitude of 2 was felt around Perth but no exact location yet.
07/Apr/11 4:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, great TOPP on page 34!

Heidi, I forgot to tell you that I like the photo of the medium dilute lovebirds! (Or maybe I remembered to type it - not sure because I'm falling asleep at the keyboard.) I like how their eyes seemed to line up in the photo.

My internet connection seems very slow tonight - sluggish like me. Maybe it needs a good night's sleep as much as I do!

Suzy, I'm guessing Alie enjoyed a bit of the attention! Too bad she had a sinus headache! Hope she's feeling much better today!

Heidi, what a shame that IH was too busy chatting on the phone to eat the wonderful dinner you had managed to provide in less than 20 minutes. Did he finally eat & go to his meeting? I really enjoy the pictures of all your birds!

Gail, Cyn, Suzy, and others with the wonderfully colored birds, I'm sure it's hard to enjoy them when they're eating fruit from your trees and making a mess, but I think I could put up with it for a bit. On the other hand, maybe as I think about the mess it would be better just to look at their pictures.

Rolanda, enjoy all of your visitors! They'll keep you busy, but in a fun way, I hope!

I'd like to let eveyone know that I am practicing saying that magical word, "No; no thank you; I couldn't possibly fit it in my schedule."
07/Apr/11 4:19 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Tami, great TOPP! Broni, great addition to it! (I'm glad you clarified about the coffee, though.)

MizT, thinking of you! Heidi, good idea to refill your prescription rather than tough it out another six days!

Theresa, I hope the snow has melted! Thinking positive thoughts for you, your D, your hubby, your grandies, your in-laws, and anyone else who could use them! Wonderful news for your D! I hope your hubby won't be working too hard with the 2 jobs!

Heidi, is there no back-up or partner for your pain management doctor who could write the prescription? How awful to worry about going another week without! Hopefully you'll be able to find something OTC that will at least take the edge off! Gentle {{{HUGS}}}

Suzanne, I hope you will soon kick that sinus infection! I'm wondering if a sinus infection can affect blood pressure. I've been dealing with a sinus infection for a couple of weeks, & when we had our annual physicals, my BP was higher than usual. I've been trying to figure out why. Do you suppose it's just a coincidence that we both have sinus infections and both have higher BP?

Heidi, I hope you're able to sleep well! You, too, Theresa!

Rolanda, a busy day and quite a few more to come! Be sure to enjoy your visitors, but remember to take care of yourself! I hope your Mum's follow-up after cataract appointment went well! I'm glad the tremor was a mild one and hopefully caused no damage or injury!

Eaglet #3 was hatched this evening. I think the parents are going to be very busy!

And now, I will be heading to bed. Good Night to everyone! Positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{HUGS}}}} and for everyone!
07/Apr/11 4:36 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good for you Julie, they are great freedom responses. I am having to use another one often these days, and I don't like doing it, but when charities ring up these days (as they do all the time!) I have started saying 'No, I can't help this time, my circumstances have changed'. I hate the way they try and get around that by saying that they aren't asking YOU for money, could I just sell a small book of raffle tickets to help the deaf/needy/research/children/whatever...means the same thing anyway, I'd be the sucker buying them all again. Still haven't won the car/house/trip of a lifetime yet!
07/Apr/11 5:51 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Gail, those selling tickets etc over the phone are on commission so do not feel guilty. Just tell them that you have specific charities and you donate direct to the charity, not over the phone.
Julie I saw eaglet 3 sitting in the egg with the egg split open. Eaglet 1 is very greedy and aggressive so hope #3 can cope.
07/Apr/11 6:34 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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having a break from studying for this exam tomorrow. We have this rule book and you have to find the answer to the questions in the book and quote the rule number. It is a 90% pass mark and some of the situations they ask can be very difficult to find in the book. I have been doing lots of practice questions.
07/Apr/11 6:38 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have bought some green prawn for dinner so garlic prawns. Not sure what else to have?.....that made me look in the freezer so it might just be a steak sandwich. Anyone care to join us?
07/Apr/11 6:43 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I would love to join you June, just cannot manage to get there this year
Good luck with the exam tomorrow, I'm sure you will do ok.
07/Apr/11 6:54 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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We are having Chicken Soup (simmering away on the stove) and Bread for Dinner.
About to cook up some mince and make the meat sauce for Lasange (tomorrow night's dinner).
Just been speaking to my Friend. She along with her Kids and Dad will be coming around 5.00pm tomorrow afternoon.
07/Apr/11 7:46 PM
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