Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Good luck for the exams tomorrow June.
07/Apr/11 7:48 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Welcome to Page 36
07/Apr/11 7:48 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good morning all. Got home late last night. Dylan had a baseball game, they won, and by the time we got home and got the kids to bed, it was time for me to go to bed.
07/Apr/11 8:14 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I have read the posts but do not seem to be able to remember much. All I know is that it seems all is well in Sudokuland, except for Karen
Coffee is brewing and should be ready in a moment.
07/Apr/11 8:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gekko all,
MizT, I loved the sound of you being spoiled! Been too long me thinks...

Gail, I just say 'I'm sorry, I'm out of work right now'. Works a treat, wish I'd thought of it before!

I don't know what I've hit, but every e on the page is highlighted... looks really weird...
07/Apr/11 8:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Went over the page while I was typing. Too tired to go back now so will read in the morning.

Nighty night everyone
07/Apr/11 8:47 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Gail, I agree with Suzy. Just say "I'm not working." I had a phone call like that last year and told them my husband was out of work. The woman on the other end asked if there was anything they could do for us. That was a surprise. She told me to take the number and call them if we needed help.
07/Apr/11 8:50 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Time to go torture the little kiddies. See y'all later.
07/Apr/11 8:50 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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We had Sag Bot for dinner...hope you're all sitting down...Beth cooked it 'all by self'!
07/Apr/11 9:04 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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That is more direct, I will try that in future. June, your info is empowering too, I will no longer feel awful for saying no.
07/Apr/11 9:05 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Gail, what is Sag Bot?
07/Apr/11 9:21 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm up and taking off in 8 minutes to load up steers and drive them to the processor's. I'd rather be sound asleep in bed resting my aching body.
07/Apr/11 9:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I know that a Bot is a fly larvae, and I know what sagging is, so it sounds like an exhausted baby fly?
07/Apr/11 9:24 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Sag Bot = Spaghetti Bolognaise
07/Apr/11 9:33 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone! VERY early here! 6 a.m.
Julie: Not sure if BP is affected by the sinus infection. Dr. & I think its just family history. He wants me on the meds for 30 days & I go back for follow up.
07/Apr/11 10:14 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Rolanda: YUM!! Do you make your own sauce too?? I do, and that was our dinner last night too.
I missed something again--What's wrong with Karen?? I guess I need to go back & read.
TTT: I know you're off torturing the kiddies!! Have fun with that.
07/Apr/11 10:25 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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OK, I read about Karen...Love & Hugs to her at this sad time.
07/Apr/11 10:28 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Yippee ... D went to the bus stop with the grandies this morning (with the walker) for the first time in about 10 months!!!!
08/Apr/11 6:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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WOW, Theresa!!!!! That is a MAJOR improvement!
08/Apr/11 6:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm tired and am going to take a short nap. I was up way too early this morning, especially after working so hard yesterday.
08/Apr/11 6:40 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good napping Heidi. This is major ... there is light at the end of the tunnel.
08/Apr/11 6:42 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Theresa, that is fantastic! I bet she felt great being able to do that!

June, I agree with Gail - that info is empowering and I won't feel as bad in the future either.

No news from here at the mo, same old same old...
08/Apr/11 6:48 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Just been talking to Glenn (Winter Springs) as his other daughter will be coming to Sydney in a week to spend three weeks with her sister. Now have to get ready for this stupid exam. Why do I put myself in the position that I have to do tree hour exam at my age!
I should have ben going to Camden Show to watch Laura ride. Or going out to lunch with some friends.
Take care. I will be back later.
08/Apr/11 7:17 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Luck June, know you won't need it though.
Theresa, what wonderful news, hope D continues to improve.
08/Apr/11 7:26 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Theresa, that is great news about your daughter. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting a little brighter.
08/Apr/11 7:51 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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June, you are going to do fine in your exam. You would not have started if you did not know, deep down inside, that you were capable.
08/Apr/11 7:52 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good luck, June.
08/Apr/11 8:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good luck with your Umpire's accreditation exam, June. You'll do great!
08/Apr/11 10:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I turned Buddy out today. He was done with his antibiotics, he was showing no more sign of pain, and the infection in the foot had cleared up. The hole still has to heal over but that'll close up as easily outside as in a stall. I told him that he was going out and his head picked up and he nickered at me. I led him out to the pasture gate and he pranced over to it, sound as a drum. The instant I released him, he took off running and bucking, and ran around the 8 acre pasture several times, with the other horses following him in excitement. No sign of soreness whatsoever!!
08/Apr/11 10:08 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good for Buddy. I am sure he had a great time running.
08/Apr/11 10:33 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Harley had a date today. Hubby got together with one of his friends. Friend has a black lab named Princess. The two of them had a great time running around the dog park and sharing a water bowl.
08/Apr/11 10:35 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
Theresa: Good news for your daughter...Recovery is usually slow, hope she's being patient and not overdoing!
Heidi: Glad to hear Buddy is doing better!! GREAT news there.
Went to brekkie after blood test today. Could have eaten a cow (No offense Heidi--LOL) Also went to the mall (in Layton, near Hill AFB--Didn't go to the base today, didn't need anything from there). Had a nice day with Darrell. Did "fend for yourself night" tonite.
Darrell found a recipe for ciabatta bread. Dough is rising now, first time I've made it. Will let you know how it turns out.
Got up at the crack of dark this morning, tired. Cold today. Supposed to warm up tomorrow. My lilac bushes are budding, hope they survive. TTFN all, Love & Hugs to those who need them.
08/Apr/11 12:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, All! I hope you have been having a great day!

Gail, I know what you mean about those calls from various charities. I've been working on an answer that we are unable to help/contribute at this time. In addition to "selling raffle tickets" a number of charities here ask you to send a letter to 10 or 15 of your neighbors. "A contribution isn't required, but we need to get the information out there." Sure, just requires you to fill the envelope with the material, address, stamp and mail all of the envelopes to your neighbors, who will, of course, be thrilled to receive them. Another "charity" "sells" household items that you would "need to buy anyway," like light bulbs, mops, etc. Ah, the aggravation! You can do it, Gail!

June, I like your response to the callers! I hope the rules test went well today - or goes well tomorrow! (I'm too tired right now to figure it out. Sorry.) Dinner sounds yummy!

Rolanda, your dinner also sounds yummy! Enjoy the time with your friend, here kids and her Dad! Will be thinking of you! Will you be doing some sight-seeing?
08/Apr/11 1:46 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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No Julie, no sightseeing. My friend is from Perth, so she knows what's what, as do the kids.
Apparently one of her kids is staying with the other Grandparents.
I just had visitors.. MIL and C (Scottish Visitor).
Back to slaving in the kitchen.
The Sweets are made- Jelly and Fruit, with Custard.
Now to make the Bechamel Sauce for the Lasagne..
08/Apr/11 2:03 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, I have been waiting to hear how your D went later - did she pay for her freedom attempt or did all go well?

June, hope the exam is over and you are either on your way to Camden or lunch out.

heidi, I would have loved to have seen Buddy celebrating, a real heart warmer..
08/Apr/11 2:10 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, I'm out of work and I don't know my neighbours... It's late for you again, how do you manage on so little sleep??

Tami, just watch out that they don't make any destructo-babies on their dates. don't know if that's a smilie, but it should be!

Rolanda, hubby doesn't like the sauce so lasagna is much easier to make in this house.. enjoy your visitors!

08/Apr/11 2:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It was a smilie!!
08/Apr/11 2:16 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Rolanda, thank you for your TOPP and good wishes to June!

June, I hope the accreditation exam went well!

Tami, congratulations to Dylan and his team on their win! I hope your students are beginning to feel more confident about their big exam next week!

Suzy, I hope Alie is feeling better and all is well with your family members!

MizT, what fun to hear of you being "spoiled!"

Gail, how nice that Beth could prepare your dinner! You' and hubby have done a great job of raising her! Dinner sounds yummy! You're right. It will be easier to say no to those callers now that we have the information from June about how those organizations work!

Heidi, I hope all went well this morning, and hope you didn't over-do! You probably need to pamper yourself a bit between now and your procedure next Wednesday! I hope your nap helped!

WooHoo! Theresa, what wonderful news for your D, her girls and you! It must have felt empowering to be able to walk the girls to the bus stop! This is a day for celebration - as long as she doesn't over-do!

June, I imagine you'll be doing some sight-seeing and feeding of Glenn's other daughter when she comes to visit her sister. You are such a warm and caring person! I feel privileged to know you!

Heidi, that's absolutely wonderful news about Buddy! He obviously really listens to you and understands! I'm so glad he has healed so well! How exciting that the other horses enjoyed seeing him enjoying his freedom!

Tami, it's fun imagining Harley and Princess on their "date" to the doggy park! I'm guessing the extra activity and attention ought to help him.

Yay, Suzanne, what a great plan to eat breakfast out after a blood test! Let us know how your ciabatta bread turned out! I hope your lilac bushes do well! Ours don't usually open until Mother's Day.

Falling asleep here - and we have another early morning tomorrow. Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers and to everyone! Good Night!
08/Apr/11 2:19 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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A few posts came in while I was typing, but I'm heading off for now. Good Night and Take Care!
08/Apr/11 2:21 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzanne... Why should I be offended? I'm in the business of raising beef. The more you eat, the better I like it.
08/Apr/11 2:43 PM
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