Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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No husband has ever been shot while doing the dishes.
09/Apr/11 7:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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428F Suzanne
09/Apr/11 7:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Well, that's weird, there is not a single post from me on page 37 (record??) but I am sure I typed a comment on lasagna sauces and the relative merits of google chrome...
09/Apr/11 7:39 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Thanks much Suzy!!
09/Apr/11 7:43 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Sorry Suzanne, I was making supper for the people next door. Thanks, Suzy. I keep the following links as one of my favourites.
09/Apr/11 7:46 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Rolanda, it's the white sauce hubby doesn't like, though he will eat it if it's served..

Gail, what a great day for your hubby, maybe he should go in a tiny bit more often..

Heidi, sorry the OTC pain killers aren't working very well..

Theresa, we never find out about anything at the school either - at least from them. The kids tell us whatever is going around the rumour mill.
09/Apr/11 8:01 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, I used to keep a link for my conversions, but when I got this computer, the built in calculator has a conversion tool on the side! It's brilliant. I guess they worked out that people are more international now and need things like that.
09/Apr/11 8:02 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Anecdote: There are twin 17 year old girls living next door, or there were. One of them has been living with Dana, though the rumour mill says she is coming home. The other one is moving to Wollongong, at least that's what her lawyer said when another girl got an AVO against her!!! That is the one the mother has always thought is perfect.
09/Apr/11 8:04 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Theresa, I have the same metric link bookmarked for conversion. I was talking to Suzanne while driving home and she asked me. I could not do the conversion in my head and told her I would send her the link when I got home. You beat me to it
09/Apr/11 8:19 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Nothing better than the smell of bread baking!!! YUMMY!!
09/Apr/11 8:29 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, what is an AVO?
09/Apr/11 8:41 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Thanks TTT, Theresa & Suzy!!
09/Apr/11 9:10 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Morning all!
MizT - sorry, I don't know how the glass broke - we were sitting at a table to the side and heard the noise. By the time we discovered what it was there were people (and cleaners - how did they get there so fast?) milling around it!
Theresa - I guess the situation with your D is hard on all of you. We just see it from your point of view and often wonder if your sonIL is as involved - obviously he is and it is just as hard on him as it is on you. Fingers crossed that progress continues with as much speed as possible.
09/Apr/11 9:43 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Gail - is that Jack from Bayswater who is coming to your gathering tomorrow? Hope you all have a great day - as if you wouldn't!!
09/Apr/11 9:44 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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It seems school breaks are all messed up with Easter being so late this year. Qld schools have a pupil-free day this Friday 15/4, then the 4 days before Easter off - Easter and Anzac weekend and Public Hols for the next 5 days - back at school on 27/4 for 3 days then a 3 day weekend for May Day/Labour Day.
09/Apr/11 9:49 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tricia, AVO=Apprehended violence order. Taken out when people feel threatened by someone and that person cannot got near them. Sometimes works , sometimes doesn't.

Schools here and Victoria finished yesterday and both go back on Wednesday 17 April.
09/Apr/11 10:07 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Sounds like an AVO down under is the same as a restraining order here.
09/Apr/11 10:15 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Gonna say goodnight now. I have my last day of Saturday school in the morning. See you all tomorrow.
09/Apr/11 10:16 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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June, here we call them Restraining Orders, and I believe that's what they're called in the States as well.

I need to go put the girls to bed in about an hour. I fell asleep watching a bit of TV and the phone woke me up. I am SOOOOOO tired today. Hopefully I will sleep better tonight. Last night was my own fault - I had a coffee too late in the day. My bad.
09/Apr/11 10:18 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Oops, Tami and I posted at almost the same time.
09/Apr/11 10:18 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yes Cyn, Jack from Bayswater, silly me, got the suburb wrong! They're sort of next to each other, I think they are next to each as stops on the train line.
June, I am ever so sorry you wont be here at the same time, it would have been lovely to be able to catch up with you again. My sister who lives not far from you will also be down here Easter weekend.
09/Apr/11 10:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I had a short nap, but couldn't sleep well because of the pains in the back and legs. Oh, well, 4 1/2 days to go until the epidural.

Speaking of epidurals, how did yours go, MizT?
09/Apr/11 11:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to the Owl Cam in a little while. I'm well and truly hooked.
09/Apr/11 11:06 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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HEIDI, I would say my epidural was a success, I got a lot of ffuts done today I could not have done last week. I slept without taking pain meds, I think it is much better thank you.

I cleaned my fridge, not that it needed it mind you , cleaned the blender, boy it had seen hard duty lately with only a swipe, not a cleaning, I made soup for lunch, and a few other chores, Al commented on how long I was on my feet in the kitchen without having to stop and sit.

I hope the days pass quickly till your procedure

Theresa, Suzy, yes, called a restraining order here also. Sorry the phone interrupted your nap, don't ya hate when that happens?

09/Apr/11 11:18 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Just got back from D's and the grandies are tucked in their beds. We were watching retro cartoons - the ones I used to watch as a kid except they had been colourized. Bugs Bunny and Tweety and Yosemite Sam and Porky Pig and Daffy Duck and on and on.

I'm off to bed myself now. "See" you all tomorrow.
09/Apr/11 11:38 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just popping in to say Hello! (Better late than never, I guess.)

Rolanda, you got a lot accomplished! It's always nice to know what dinner will be - AND have it prepared ahead of time! Good for you! Enjoy the rest of your day!

Gail, you and hubby had a busy and productive day! Good for your hubby and S fixing the motor! What better way to celebrate than a Gail! I hope you enjoyed it!

June, if you finished the test early, I'm sure you did well! That means you weren't sitting and agonizing over a choice! Probably just as well that you came home and got a nap afterward.

Cyn, the noise of the window breaking must have been at least startling, if not frightening! And what a loss of all the yummy desserts! At least you got to enjoy a mother-daughter day and were able to buy a gift while you were out!

Tami, I hope the Saturday School goes well. Good luck to all the students next week when they take the tests!

Rolanda, another busy day in the K for you, but sounds well-planned, which makes it easier. Enjoy all the visiting! So sorry to hear about your friend's Dad's diagnosis!

June, congrats to Belinda and Laura!

Theresa, I hope your D didn't over-do yesterday and is able to do just a little more each day! Wonderful news! The situation at the school isn't too great. I hadn't heard anything on the news, so apparently nothing serious happened.

Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear that you weren't able to sleep. I hope you can get some rest and maybe even some pain relief soon!

Theresa, I think all of your family needs to be pampered and have a few days away from the ordinary every-day grind! {{{{HUGS}}}} to you, your hubby, your D and your SonIL - and also the grandies! Thinking positive thoughts!

Suzanne, I went to this site
220 C is 428 F.
09/Apr/11 3:03 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, great TOPP! And, of course, you were able to answer Suzanne's question ages ago.

Sorry, my head is pounding, so I'm going to call it a night! Thinking of all of you, even if I didn't comment or respond to your comments. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers and for All! Good Night!
09/Apr/11 3:09 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed, and hopefully some sleep. I won't sleep well until after the epidural.
09/Apr/11 3:11 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Gail - say hello to Jack for me. He and I had a discussion on Easy about DLS and faded curtains last week. I think I held my own for a Queenslander!
09/Apr/11 3:51 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I'm home alone and not feeling 100% - nothing specific, just blehhhh! Col worked from 3.30am to 8.30am, then off to a Scouts Sausage Sizzle at a local Bunnings (do you have them at Bunnings in other states?). Scouts are his baby and I'm not getting too closely involved until he's firmly entrenched back in them or he, being a man - albeit a lovely one, will dump everything onto me. Not on! Been there, done that etc, etc!
09/Apr/11 3:56 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yes Cyn, our Bunnings' have sausage sizzles, run by various local groups.
09/Apr/11 5:25 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Day My Friends.
Yep, Cyn having a blehhh day myself, nothing sprcific.
09/Apr/11 5:36 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Well at least the r is next to the e.
09/Apr/11 5:37 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Same here in the West Cynthia, Bunnings Sausage Sizzles
09/Apr/11 5:45 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. I am getting ready for school. Beastie boys got up early today. The older boy decided he wants to start jogging so younger one is going with him. They plan on getting up early on weekends to jog. They are taking the dog with them. This could be interesting.
09/Apr/11 9:28 PM
   Vicki  From NW Brisbane
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Hi all, I'm back. I have lots of reading to catch up on.
It was a nice week -we didn't do anything exciting but just relaxed. I developed a cough which I'm still trying to shake. It should start to disappear after I go back to work on Monday.
We bought a new tap (mixer type) for our kitchen, so Kevin has spent the afternoon installing it. Of course, we needed a trip to Bunnings to finish it off! It's working now so that's wonderful.
The dog was happy to see us but I think the boys have been overfeeding him this week. He has definitely put on weight. His diet starts tomorrow with a good brisk walk.
It's time I headed off to bed, so I'll catch up and come back later.
09/Apr/11 10:03 PM
   Vicki  From NW Brisbane
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Rolanda, I'm very excited that I'm actually on my second ball of wool in my scarf. That's a bit of a miracle for me.
09/Apr/11 10:05 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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I am on my second Ball of wool too Victoria..
( my balls of wool are 100g)
09/Apr/11 11:34 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Beautiful weather here - no coat required.

I am currently knitting a baby blanket. I hope to start the scarf in September - I can't knit in the summer. Right now I can only knit about 2 rows before my right arm and shoulder starts to ache, so I have to stop. The joys of aging never end.

Hubby is going to see his parents this afternoon, and he is working at his second job tomorrow. So it looks like I will be home alone for most of the weekend. I will have no excuse for not getting some ffuts done.
10/Apr/11 12:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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everybody. Another bad night, as expected.

It's 70℉ / 21℃ right now, and supposed to get up to the mid-80's. But that's coming with a thunderstorm. Most of the storm is hammering away to the north of us, but we'll be getting some of it this arvo.
10/Apr/11 1:46 AM
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