Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The back is feeling a little better.... probably down to a 6+ or 7 now. I'll be going back to bed in a little while.
08/Mar/13 2:34 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All. It's late and I'm tired so will be heading to bed in a few. The procedure went well and the pain is much diminished, just the pain of being shot up with big needles and being pushed and probed, so keeping my fingers crossed that this will hold up...the nurses and doctors were wonderful trying to help me. I was supposed to rest today, but when I came back from the hospital, Angelique had caused one of the toliets to back up with her paper usage and I had to get the plumber. He came early this morning and the toilet was easy peasy to unblock, but I had also had a leak in my kitchen faucet and that required that I go buy another faucet ....I had had to wash clothes because I was behind since I hadn't washed due to the pain, then had to take Ray grocery I'm tired, but happy that everything has now been done and I can rest tomorrow.
Will try to catch up on the reading I've missed tomorrow...too tired to concentrate now....I hold you all in thought and prayers hoping that you are healing or have healed, and no new challenges have come to worry you and yours. Safe travel to those traveling and hope you are enjoying the experiences...Peace.
08/Mar/13 3:11 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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SO glad the procedure went well, Mama. Less pain is always a good thing.... unless you have leprosy. Sorry.... kinda punchy. Too many painkillers today. See you all tomorrow.
08/Mar/13 3:54 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Having computer issues tonight. This is the umpteenth time I've tried to post. If it doesn't go through (or even if it does), I'm going to call it a night! Blessings to all of you!
08/Mar/13 5:54 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Were you swearing Julie? Hehe!
08/Mar/13 6:32 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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MIL came home from hospital today. They have taken her off warfarin to stop the bleeding. The worry now is about clots. That is the risk.
Shopping and out tonight so have not had much time to be here with my friends.
Pleased things went well Mamcita. Please get all the rest you need.
Hope the back is starting to feel better Heidi.
Julie, hope your computer soon behaves itself! It is nice to have my computer back again.
08/Mar/13 9:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The back is still on the warpath. It really limits what I can do today. I also have a dental appointment this afternoon, for a cleaning and exam, but they're also going to be dealing with the 2 crowns that broke loose.
09/Mar/13 2:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Glad to hear that your MIL is home, June. Glad for her, that is. She'll be happier at home and quality of life is important, especially for the elderly.
09/Mar/13 3:09 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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TAMI, I set up electronic banking so Joy could pay my bills if I were not able. All she needs is my password. My SS check is auto deposit, never have to see a checkbook or a bank.

My daughter who is now 50 walked to school every day and I never worried about her safety. she was only driven to school if it was raining or bitterly cold. Mothers all along the route to school watched for children walking past. If there was problem, a skinned knee or something, they came to the rescue.

I need to be downstairs. residents are having their annual rummage sale. I hope to find a thing or two that I need. I will be back later. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
09/Mar/13 3:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just canceled my dental appointment. The back is hurting too much to sit in the dentist's chair. Off to bed now.
09/Mar/13 4:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I found 2 pair of earrings, plus a necklace/earrings set that asked to come home with me. One matched the blouse and sweater outfit I had on. I also found someone who made jewelry to repair a necklace my daughter had made for me. Worth the trip down for that alone, I always liked that necklace.

I am just an achey mess this afternoon, think I will have me a nap. Hugs again.
09/Mar/13 9:15 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Anecdote: I was talking to another casual teacher a couple of weeks ago. He was having trouble with a kid in one of his classes and said 'Do you know Mr Deputy' meaning he was going to be sending him there if he didn't straighten him out. The answer 'Yep, he's the bald, fat, ugly old guy'. 'You are picking up papers at recess!' Made him pick up 50 papers while he watched. Another teacher said to him. 'Do you know that kid's name.' Well he did, but he hadn't made the connection, it was Deputy!! The kid was talking about his father!
09/Mar/13 9:39 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Lots of pain in here today, big hugs!

I'm lucky, I'm tired and finding it harder to walk, but I have no pain
09/Mar/13 10:49 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I am umpiring the Men's Pennant games this afternoon. I will take some craft work to do as I could sit there for three hours and not be called. (you only have to measure if the players are not able to make a decision themselves).
I have been busy sending everyone directions to get to the gathering tomorrow. It will be nice to catch up with some other, especially Nola and Suzy.
The jewellery sounds great MizT.
Sorry about the back Heidi.
09/Mar/13 11:24 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hahaha - love the Deputy story, Suzy!!

Remember how I started the Group on FB for my cousins - well, the one who has terminal cancer has just joined FB so he can be a part of it and not wait for his kids to visit and show him what's happening. Not bad for a sick 71yo!
I actually feel like I've done a good thing. Very chuffed!
09/Mar/13 12:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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That is wonderful Cyn! He beats the pants off the 52 year old who thinks the world has changed too much!

June, I hope you get to spend most of your time in the shade today! I got your directions and will talk to hubby later about how he wants to get there.
09/Mar/13 12:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I've been worried about your MIL being off blood thinners too. That's how I ended up back in hospital last time. Hopefully she is getting the heparin injections to keep her safe.
09/Mar/13 12:46 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All,
Good to hear your MIL has been released from the hospital I think June. Hopefully you guys will be able to see that she does what needs to be done w/o any problems doing them (meds, rest.etc.). Hopefully your bowling duties will allow you to do what's needed and be able to rest up for the meet tomorrow...hope you ladies and gent have a great time.
Suzy, Glad hubby will be driving you to the meet so that you can relax and enjoy yourself as you get a bit of rest....sounds as if you may have been doing too much...take it easy girlllll. Have fun with the rest of the ladies...hugs to all of you and pictures too.
Heidi and MizT hope you both feel better...thankfully my pain is now under control it seems, looking forward to having more company.
I know there were some folks who posted, I'm thinking Theresa and Nola, but am not sure...but now I've forgotten what I wanted to say to them...Did wonder through if Broni was able to get the newish car fixed and back on the road yet, and looking for a David update from Tami..Julie, hope your days will become less busy soon so we can hear from you while you don't have to keep your eyes propped open to say hello.
OKay folks...I'm off to do something else...have a great weekend all..Peace.
09/Mar/13 1:24 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, thought it but forgot to say that I'm glad you found some things you liked and a way to get the necklace repaired. I pretty much wear the same jewelry all of the time, stuff I can shower in and never take off. I do love to look at, and sometimes buy, other stuff though.

Mamacita, so glad to hear that one person at least has much reduced pain levels right now!

Forgot to explain but hopefully it was obvious that deputy was a role not the real name.

Mamacita, I keep thinking, tomorrow I'll have a day where I don't have to do anything, or Monday I'll have a day, but my do nothing day never seems to happen. Except last Saturday when I barely got out of bed all day - the day after the Sydney trip for the concert. Hopefully they won't call me in on Monday and I'll be able to 'do nothing' that day.

Today when I got home I decided that this level of exhaustion had only one cure - exercise. So I did all of the exercises the physio gave me (I only managed 10 reps instead of 20 for some of them.) Now I am vegging in front of the TV and able to do it without feeling guilty.
09/Mar/13 3:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Glad your pain levels are down, Mamacita. I think you sent them to me. Today was a complete write-off. Tomorrow HAS to be better. If it isn't, I may end up going to the ER, though I don't know what they can do other than give me morphine.
09/Mar/13 3:48 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! No time to read (again tonight)! I realized late this afternoon that we were supposed to have all of our tax information gathered/organized/delivered to our tax preparer by March 1. OOOPS! Hubby had been gathering a few bits of it in the last few days and I finally had time to read the post from our tax person. (Hubby usually just gathers tax information as it arrives and puts it in a file, so I usually don't see it. Sometimes, he doesn't even open the envelope. Yikes! I may not get here much over the next few days/week.

Sending much love, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to everyone!
09/Mar/13 7:04 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have spoken to Nola. She had a lovely holiday in Tasmania and is looking forward to meeting some of us tomorrow.
I only got called once today. To measure the length of the jack from the mat (has to be 21 metres or more). I just did some craft of things for Laura to sell at school. Face washers made to look like patty cakes.
Julie, you are always so busy no wonder the time for your tax got away from you.
Heidi, I am sorry for your pain.
09/Mar/13 9:13 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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A little better today, but I'm not gonna push it. Back to bed.
10/Mar/13 3:37 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Well I spent a couple of hours down in A&E last night instead of being out with Richard at the pub. Andrew had gashed his hand whilst at work. I thought they had let him loose with the sharp knives but he had done it on a broken plate which had been put in a rubbish bag. Clean cut right down to the tendons but missed nicking them and very close to a large blood vessel. It could have been a lot worse. The Dr glued him together and put gauze sutures over to keep it together. No washing dishes for a week. He is back to work but is on light duties behind the bar.
(HUGS) to everyone who want or need them. Hope everything goes well with the get together with Nola.
10/Mar/13 4:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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This afternoon is the party for those having birthdays in March. How nice we are all invited .

Doc put me on a new BP medication. I just got it yesterday, pharmacy had to order it, since he prescribed a 3 month supply. I have had a headache since about an hour after taking it. Need to see if this is one of the side effects. I think we tried this once before, but I have lost the list of medication we have tried that ha unacceptable side effects, it was on the other computer. Bummer.

JUNE, good that you only got called for one measurement during bowls. The face cloths you were making sound cute, good luck to Laura selling them at school.

Heidi, glad the back is some better today. Yes, take it very easy, let it get better. Sending healing thoughts and wishes for a pain free day for you. Yeah, I know, but we can wish can't we??

Julie, I always hated the getting tax stuff together, hubby was terrible with keeping up with important documents, so I sympathize with you. Hope it goes quickly and smoothly for you. Do drop in, post without reading to let us know you are OK> hhhuuumm, if you do that, how you gonna know I asked you this hehehehe.

Suzy, all of this was costume jewelry, nothing expensive. I wore it when I was young, but had not in years. Many of the ladies here have matching jewelry for outfits, so I thought why not? I have bought mine at thrift stores, rummage sales. I spent $1 for the earrings and necklace set, $1 for one of the earrings, but $5 for one of the earrings. they were hand made by one of the residents, did it to help her out. Besides they were pink, and I have more than one pink top for spring.

Cyn, I am glad your older cousin was able to set up his facebook account and keep in touch with family through it, way to go!

SUZY, funny about the boy talking about his own father, but kinda sad too, that he would say that.

OK, time to go cook. I am out of the habit, had lunch delivered last 2 days. Have ground venison thawed, think I will make burger patties from it. then I can eat as a sandwich or with veg as a meal.

Later, hugs for each of you, with extras.

10/Mar/13 4:47 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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A beautiful sunny afternoon here and most welcomed after the cold winds we've had recently. I'm bringing you this weather report in the hopes that some of it will be coming your way and chasing all of the wet humid rains or the snowy cold or whatever the adverse conditions may be where you live and it will be sent flying for awhile.
May the sun warm you and bring a smile to your faces and wrap you in hellos for days to come. For those in pain, may the sun act as a balm to ease your woes, and if the spirit is exhausted by life's challenges, may it awaken the hope and joy that is dormant. For all of the loved ones who are not as well as we'd like, may we share all that's good and kind and help them w/o tears....This is my wish, this is my dream, that all of SA'ers live free and in the glow of God's peace, this day that never ends.
10/Mar/13 6:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's overcast here, but warmer than it's been in a long time. It's tee shirt weather! I wish I felt good enough to spend more time outside. I've left cow checks in IH's hands, and I have no idea if there are any new calves. He hasn't noticed any, but that's hard to do if you don't look in the right direction or look closely.
10/Mar/13 6:57 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Mama, what a wonderful post, you made me smile.
Heidi, take care.
Mama, was a dead battery in the car dragging the other one down, all good just need a new second battery but no rush.
Brenda, glad Andrew is OK even though you didn't get to the pub with Richard.
Miz T, hope the headache subsided and you were able to enjoy the party.
Julie wishing you more time to enjoy.
Hope Nola and the gang have a great time.
Love and Hugs to all.
10/Mar/13 8:54 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Brenda - Ouch!! for Andrew. Glad it's been sorted.
Mama - You always say lovely things.
June/Nola/Suzy - have a wonderful day. Wish we all could be there.
Hope the weather there is better in Sydney than up here. I am so sick of rain - never thought I'd ever say that.
10/Mar/13 9:53 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Thought I posted yesterday but I must have lost it in cyberspace.

Brenda, glad that the damage to Andrew is not too bad. Sounds like a major booboo to me.
10/Mar/13 10:03 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Went to David's daughter's Bat Mitzvah today. It was a bittersweet day. She did fabulous. The Rabbi gave permission for the day to be videotaped so that David could watch the video. This is breaking a Jewish taboo but I am glad he made the exception. Found out a little more of what happened. When Judy got to the hospital last Friday she was told to get everyone here. They did not think he would make it through the night and if he did that he would be a vegetable. Not only did he make it through the night, he is expected to recovery. He is in rehab and wants to come home. Please keep him in your prayers as it is helping. I told Judy today that my friends around the world were praying and that he is wrapped in a cirle of love. She really appreciates it.
10/Mar/13 10:07 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Back from the party, and it was fun, glad i was able to go. Our parties here are sponsored by groups or individuals, and this one was sponsored by a kindergarten class at one of the Episcopal churches. The class made birthday cards and one little boy, with help from his Mom, passed them out to the celebrants. A darling little girl went around giving napkins, she made sure not to miss anyone, she was soo cute! Others even served plates of food, and no plates were dropped, they did a great job! the music director who also gives voice lessons had some of her students sing for us, others played the piano. the hit of the day was a 'young at heart' gentleman who played the accordion. He had to have help walking in and getting that instrument on, but he could still play! Old songs that begged us to sing along. The food was good, chicken fingers and honey mustard, finger sandwiches, tiny baby kitsch,veg and dip, and someone made this confection that looked like a birds nest, with a colored egg candy in it. some kind of Asian noodles in a caramel sauce to hold the twigs together. Very cute and tasty also. I happened to discover that my former neighbor Caudelle had a birthday just 2 days ago, but she was not on our list. I found our activities director and let her know, the group had come with one extra gift bag, so she was recognized on her birthday also, yeah Trish! Just thought you would like to know a bit about our party. The best part was the children, the little ones, younger brothers and sisters of the kindergarteners, shucks, they were all so cute. Not a lot of children here on a daily bases.
10/Mar/13 10:29 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A beautiful sunny day here. We will sit and chat looking over part of the Harbour. I have my camera in my bag. Kate, I am sure, will also have her camera.
10/Mar/13 10:29 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Lizzie G from Gosford is attending for the first time, cannot wait to see the pics.
10/Mar/13 1:10 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Give everybody my love, Broni. Wish I could be there, too.
10/Mar/13 2:40 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Wish I was there too Heidi.
10/Mar/13 3:46 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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June, Lizzie, Zusy, Kate, and Nola as far as I know.
10/Mar/13 3:47 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK... I misunderstood. I thought you were going, too. Sorry.
I think I need to go to sleep. At least my back is doing better finally. I'm down to a 6 in the 1-10 scale.
10/Mar/13 4:07 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have a happy tummy, at least. I made lamb chops, green beans and a home-made apple pie for supper. The pie was made from apples from my trees (that I planted) and froze.
10/Mar/13 4:10 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Hey Heidi, I have memory lapses and have no excuse!
Home made apple pie yummy!
PS: I love my truck.
10/Mar/13 4:45 PM
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