Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Just a quick peek in to let you all know I'm thinking of you! Daylight savings time starts in the early morning hours here. Hubby and I have made some progress in the gathering/sorting of information for taxes, but there's still much to do! Hopefully we'll have it all turned in by the end of the week! In the meantime, I'll keep sending lots of , {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts and healing vibes! Take care, Everyone!
10/Mar/13 5:56 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Of course, I didn't look at the numbers.

'When I speak about love and compassion, I do so not as a Buddhist, nor as a Tibetan, nor as the Dalai Lama. I do so as one human being speaking with another. I hope that you at this moment will think of yourself as a human being rather than as an American, Asian, European, African, or member of any particular country. These loyalties are secondary.'
— The Dalai Lama
10/Mar/13 5:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Lovely lunch today with Kate from Sydney, Kate from Lane Cove, Lizzie from Gosford and of course Nola, June and me, and the misters Nola, June and Suzy. Oh and kiddo.

We left home around 9 this morning and got back around 7.30 tonight. We stopped a couple of times on the way home or we would have been home a bit earlier.

10/Mar/13 8:19 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I had such a terrific day catching up at the Sudoku meet with June Suzy Kate Kate and daughter Lizzy and respective hubbies of Don and Ken. Truly a fantastic time. Ken took us sight seeing of Sydneys North Shore which was so informative and gave us a chance to get some great pix.
Hope to learn how to post some pix. Greg got a few hints from June.
Suzy looks very well.
Keep losing internet connection as I type and end up in another sentence.
Hugs to you all. I am getting homesick now,miss Sonny too,but still many days of travel before we get home.
Hugs to everyone.
10/Mar/13 10:00 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Now, what can I remember?
Glad the Sydney meet went well. Wish I had been there too.
Broni - you said you love your truck. I guess that means that whatever was wrong is now fixed.
Tami - your friend, whose name is on the previous page and I have forgotten it (old-timers disease) is still in my thoughts. Glad they allowed the occasion to be recorded and glad his recovery is slowly progressing.
Tricia - your party sounds lovely - nothing like sweet little kids to cheer a person up.
Heidi - glad your pain was slightly better today and that you are taking things easy.
Julie - love the Dalai Lama quote.
Goodnight all
10/Mar/13 10:14 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good Evening. I enjoyed my day and it was fun meeting Nola and Lizzy for the first time. Ken then gave Nola and Greg a very detailed tour of the north west shores of Sydney Harbour. Balls Head, Greenwich Point, Hunters Hill to name a few places. We certainly saw some lovely (and pricey ) homes.I have downloaded a couple of photos onto my page.
10/Mar/13 11:01 PM
   Lizzy G  From Gosford, Aus    Supporting Member
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Thanks so much for a lovely lunch with June, Nola, Kate, Kate & Suzy, husbands and kiddo!! Im not a very talkative person but thoroughly enjoy hearing about others adventures through life.
10/Mar/13 11:04 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Welcome to SA 10 Lizzy. It was lovely meeting you. I hope you got some sleep before having to go to work.
10/Mar/13 11:16 PM
   Lizzy G  From Gosford, Aus    Supporting Member
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Sleep wasnt on the agenda today June!!! Just got home and the phone rang, can I go and rescue a baby ring tail possum, how could I say no?!?!?! Luckily not too far away but when i got there found they had found a second one, possibly a twin of the first so had to drive around 10kms to drop them off at someones house who had more time for them. Im turning the phone off when i go to bed in the morning!!!
10/Mar/13 11:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Today the back is a little better than yesterday. I still am being extra careful with it. I am gonna risk driving my tractor a little. IH needs some calf huts moved to a different area for some bottle calves he's using for a coccidia study. Either I move them quickly & easily, or he uses my tractor and does a bad job. He's gonna give me a call when he's ready for me to move them.
11/Mar/13 4:58 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Happy Sunday.

Heidi, please be careful with your back.

Glad the Sudoku meet went well. I have only been to one and it was great. I hope someday to meet more of my sudoku friends. Until then I will have to be content with messages and Skype.
11/Mar/13 5:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH was shocked at how easily my tractor moved those big metal calf huts. It took about a minute to pick up and move each one to a different pasture.
11/Mar/13 5:56 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Thanks for posting the photos, June. Welcome to SA10, Lizzy G - sounds like you had a busy time when you went home.
11/Mar/13 9:57 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Lizzy, welcome to SA10, glad you dropped in. It was interesting hearing about the rescue of the possums. Is this something you do often? Just possums or what other animals? Do you work at a rescue facility? Care for orphans in your home? I almost thought we were listening to Heidi, but she rescues Collies mostly. Do drop in and tell is about what is happening in your little corner, would love to have you as a regular.

A very quite day here today. Doc changed my PB medication, I tried one of them yesterday morning. Will be on the phone with doc tomorrow, I was up all night going potty, lost 7 pounds in 24 hours, that is a bit much. I think that is the weight of a GALLON of water.

I decided in the wee hours that I needed gator aide, or some electrolyte replacement, did not have any. Internet to the rescue!! I found a recipe used by the WHO (world health organization) in third world countries trying to prevent deaths from dehydration and underlying electrolyte imbalance. Ingredients most of us would have in our cabinets at home, easily obtained in our groceries, baking powder for potassium and salt for sodium. People die for lack of it, that is so sad. I will not be buying gator aide or power aide again, this is so easy and inexpensive.

Heidi, glad to hear the back is a bit better. I have tried a 'natural remedy' for mine, Cinnamon. It has long been used as an anti-inflammatory in far eastern medicine. I do think it is helping. One half teaspoon cinnamon a day, either as a tea or in a cinnamon syrup on toast or in oatmeal. I have had more energy, my pain meds are working better, lasting longer. Three days this week I walked downstairs twice each day, it has been months since I could do that. Sitting in the chairs was not torture. Who would have thought, something so simple, when nothing else has worked. BIG THANKS to my friend who suggested it.

JUNE, enjoyed the photos from the meet up. Lovely view, but you know me, love any body of water bigger than a mud puddle, and in a pinch a large mud puddle will do

HEIDI, I am sure Gil could not have moved those huts if he had all day and your tractor. It takes a bit of skill, probably a big bit. You make it sound easy. shoot woman take credit for your abilities.

HI TAMI, glad you popped in for a visit. I do hope your friend with the stroke is recovering, it sounds miraculous that he is here and breathing. I was interested to hear that the filming of his daughter's bat mitza (know I spelled that wrong) was not usually allowed. Could you tell me a bit about the history of that, the reason? Just curious, that's all.

CYN, in case Broni does not see your question, this from what I remember from her post. It seems her truck has 2 batteries. One was dead, and was causing a drain on the other. A new battery fixed it right up.

SUZY, a long day for you. I hope no ill effects from the traveling. Do you work this coming week? I do hope you have time for a good rest and recovery. Yo
11/Mar/13 12:16 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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WELL, I did a JULIE, post to long to fit the page hehehe. Here is the remainder.

SUZY, a long day for you. I hope no ill effects from the traveling. Do you work this coming week? I do hope you have time for a good rest and recovery. You looked great in the photo!

JUNE, how about you, seems a long day for you, after a long week. Do you have a day or two where you can put your feet up with a cuppa, rest and recovery?

Julie, hope the tax papers are soon assembled and delivered and you find a bit of 'me time'. Just reading your busy days makes me tired!

OK< cannot remember back a page, and would loose this if I tried going back. Hugs to each of you, with extras, til later.

11/Mar/13 12:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We had a cow give birth to a dead bull calf today. He apparently was stuck in the birth canal too long and suffocated. In the last couple of days, because of my back, I haven't been doing as many cow checks as I should have, and I missed this one. Drat.
11/Mar/13 2:48 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... I will try that cinnamon trick. Maybe cinnamon and honey on toast for breakfast tomorrow. It sure can't hurt me.
11/Mar/13 2:53 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Just a quick visit, as there is so much to be done. We took some time off to go to a quartet concert our D was in, and then out to dinner. Must get back to doing tax ffuts tomorrow!

{{{{{{ H U G S }}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes and prayers for all!
11/Mar/13 5:14 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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MizT and Heidi, read somewhere recently that cinnamon and honey are good for diabetes as well.
MizT you were right about the truck, the spare battery was draining the main one, have not replaced it yet but have disconnected it so happy little truckie hehe!
11/Mar/13 6:45 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Really do not understand the personal tax system over the pond. We get a group certificate(stating income and taxes paid) that we take to the accountant with any receipts for donations, work expenses etc. a document for paying our own health insurance and it is done. Can pay a $1000 into our super from our own funds and the government will pay the same into your fund.
Sorry if I am boring you.
11/Mar/13 6:59 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Yes, Broni - our personal tax system is quite a simple process. Our business tax system, while it may be simpler than in the US, is a pain in the butt.
I dread having anything to do with the ATO as much as I dread the dentist!
11/Mar/13 10:21 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I find our tax system to be incomprehensible, but our finances are very complex. That is why we have an accountant that we trust.
12/Mar/13 12:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Today has been a better day in the calving world. We had 2 bull calves and 1 heifer calf born. All 3 are doing well, though my back is hurting a little from wrestling with them to ear tag them. I accidentally tagged the last one in the wrong ear, so I'll have to move the tag the first time we work the little buggers. Bull calves get their tags in their right ears and heifer calves get tagged in their left ears. That way we can tell at a glance what gender they are when sorting or working them. You usually can't look underneath when they're in a herd.
12/Mar/13 10:28 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Brenda, hope Andrew is okay. It seems like we never get to the point where we are not interrupted by our kids..

Mamacita, beautiful as usual..

Heidi, hope all your calves are safe and healthy

Tami, I thought your rabbi allowing videotaping was just brilliant! Generous and thoughtful... I bet it helps David with his recovery. Every little thing is important. For me, finding reasons to keep going was very very important.

MizT, having groups sponsor the parties is a wonderful idea, and this party sounds particularly special.

Julie, I love the Dalai Lama's quote!

Nola, it was wonderful to finally meet you!! Now I just have to find a way to get up your way one day... won't be anytime soon unfortunately.

June, the photos are great. For some reason the group shot I thought I took didn't work so I'm glad yours did! Great choice for a location! Thank you for organising this for us again.

Lizzy, it was lovely to meet you and I hope I see you around more often! I love your T-shirt! I didn't know you worked with wild-life rescue.. the group down here is called N.A.N.A.

Heidi, learned something new again today - ear tagging this time. Of course I will not remember which ear is which, but I will remember it's different.
12/Mar/13 12:09 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Our excitement has been a visiting puppy. She is one of 3 who wander the streets (it has been suggested we'd be doing her a favour if we kept her) We're not sure what breed she is but Alie is in love. She is going to be gigantic though. We took her home last night and she came to visit again this morning. Maybe she'll come back again when Alie is home.
12/Mar/13 12:11 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
Check out my page must have been celebrating the calves born today with help from our farmer Heidi... glad you had a fairly good day in the birthing department and hope the back holds up until you can get some help in that department.
Nice to see that Lizzy was able to get to the meet and find her way from Easy here...always happy to have you come and chat at will.
No comment on the US tax system...just glad I am no longer bothered...Since I collect Social Security, my School pension and an annuity from Sully's employment with the government, I have no taxable income and am now considered a freeloader even though I worked and paid into the system for well over 30 years, and that is what I'm living off of, to say nothing of my poor savings that are quickly being used up with medical cost...only in America of the free...sigh.
Today marks one year since my accident and boy has my life changed...fewer folks are still here and the stupid continue to act out and while I'm worn a bit more each day, I'm still able to know that there is a reason to still be here...and am glad in it since there are a whole lot of folks still in my world that I like to hang with.
Reminiscing makes me ramble so forgive me if I do a little of bean-speak...It feels good to just type away knowing that while others may not 'get' whats being said, they 'get' the need to say it...Hope all have more joy than challenges and may your world be full of unexpected joy that brings a smile to your lips...Peace.

12/Mar/13 12:20 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy... this ear tagging system isn't standard. It's just the way I do it. Most people just randomly tag for identification.
12/Mar/13 12:36 PM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Morning everyone.
Gorgeous Autumn Day here in Perth

Too many pages for me to catch up on

Welcome Lizzie to SA.. I have a friend living in Terrigal, whom I visited last June. You live in a beautiful part of the World!

Nola, noice to see you having a great time on your holiday. I saw some Pics on TOS.

Hugs and Love to all and Sundry ♥
12/Mar/13 1:35 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Got three puppies here now! Daisy (as we call her) and her 2 siblings - can't get a look underneath because they won't stop for long enough so don't know if they're little boys or girls. One is brindle like Rocky (I call him/her little Rocky and the other one is kind of spotty... I called him/her Spot.
12/Mar/13 4:51 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, it's so logical it would make sense for it to be standard, though maybe I just explained why it isn't to myself...
12/Mar/13 4:53 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, All! I'm going to take a few minutes to quickly scan a few comments and post. I have just found out that hubby and I have been duplicating efforts as we scurry to get things together and organized for tax preparation. We have been working individually (he while I am practicing and me while he is working on 'projects' in the basement. We have each been collecting information in a word document - but NOT the same one. We each started one separately. So, tomorrow, we need to find a way (guess we'll need to print out one of them) to try to consolidate. Hopefully between us we have gathered most of what we need, but we'll learn more tomorrow.

It sounds like the Sudoku lunch was another huge success. I'm so glad that some of you have been able to meet some of the others!

Welcome to Lizzy G! I'm glad you have found us here!

June, you and Ken are such wonderful hosts! Thank you! After I post this, I'll be going to your page to see the pictures!

Nola, I now have a face to go with your name. I'm glad to 'meet' you. Enjoy the rest of your travels! I'm sure Sonny misses you, too, but might act aloof for a bit when you get home.

Heidi, I hope you have been able to get some more rest and your back is bothering you less! I suspect calving can't end soon enough for you. A shame about the dead bull calf, but great news about 2 bull calves and 1 heifer calf today! I like the system you have devised for tagging! Certainly makes sense!

MizT, the party sounds like great fun. I'm also very interested in trying the 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon. I need to get to the store, as I have very little here in the house.

Broni, I hadn't heard about cinnamon & honey for diabetes. That should be good news for people dealing with that. I'm not in the least bored by your comment about our taxing system. To be honest, I'm intrigued by yours. There must be an easier and faster way than what we are currently dealing with.

Brenda, I hope Andrew heals quickly and has no complications!

Suzy, how exciting to have a visiting puppy! If the owners are just letting their puppies roam, perhaps they really aren't interested in owning/caring for them. Otherwise, I'm seeing a very sad and disappointed Alie when she finds out they belong elsewhere.

Tami, how kind of the rabbi to allow videotaping of the Bat Mitzvah! I hope your friend David gets a great deal of pleasure from watching it!

Mama, I didn't see your comment as rambling - just a bit of reminiscing, which is good on occasion! Looking back, it's so good to remember how far you have come in the year since your accident. Your progress and recovery mean a great deal to all of us.!

Sending a big HELLO to those who have been unable to post for a few days! I certainly understand! We want you to know that you are missed.

For all who visit these pages, I'm sending much , {{{{{HUGS}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts and healing vibes!
12/Mar/13 5:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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OOPS, missed the post by Rolanda and 2 from Suzy.

Hi, Rolanda! Enjoy your beautiful autumn day!

Suzy, have you been able to find out if the owner intends to keep the puppy/puppies or if he is looking for a home for them? Would you take another dog? Good luck in finding out!

And now, I'm outa here. {{{HUGS}}} to all!
12/Mar/13 5:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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The daughter of the owner of the dogs came looking for them this evening. They don't seem to get home until after 6. One dog is hers, Daisy is sold, and the brindle is for sale. The next time the dogs come by I'm calling the Rangers, they will give them a fix it warning..
12/Mar/13 7:03 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Hear you Mama.
Not much else was kept but did have comments as I read.
Love and Hugs.
12/Mar/13 9:38 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We lost our bowls today. Played a strong team Our other ones won to we got one point (possible 5)
I have had Laura on the phone.Could I make a costume for one of Belinda's dogs to wear in the dress up a pet at the show on Friday. Also she has this 'peddlers parade' at school next week and could I make some things for her to sell (I was doing the fash washers when I was umpiring last Saturday). And could I also cover some coat hangers. ''You are good at doing those things Grandma'' They really know how to get around you.
With a meeting tomorrow and a funeral on Thursday before collecting Laura from school and taking her to Belinda's, I think I am going to be rather busy!
12/Mar/13 10:28 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Suzy, if these people are selling the pups why on earth are they neglecting them by allowing them to run around outside.
Andrew's had burst open the glue on Sunday so he had to go back to the hospital to have it sorted again. He has a couple of days off work now so hopefully he can stop using it and let nature do what it should and heal the gash.
When I read about you all sorting your taxes out and having to use accountants I think our tax system is so easy. Most people don't have to do anything HMRC does all the calculations from the data sent to them from employers. Only when our taxes are a little more complex (mine included because I have the rental income and a private pension) do we have to do a self assessment each year, but that is done on line and really is simple. The hardest part is having to pay any back taxes, the best is when we get a refund.
Just got back from Celia's after taking her some groceries. She keeps saying she is going to go down town herself next week but never does, though I don't blame her as it is so cold here just now.
13/Mar/13 12:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm not going to say anything about those lowlifes who let puppies run loose. I would end up furious and having a tirade against jerks who would let any child, human or animal, run unattended and risk being killed or mutilated. I would also end up saying that they have no right to have control over ANY lives. I would also wish them about every bad thing I could imagine. So I'm gonna keep my mouth shut on the subject.
13/Mar/13 3:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I slept late, so once the methadone takes effect, I need to go do a cow check, then put out some hay for the cows. I also have a few errands to run before the 6:30 pm Cattlemen's meeting.
13/Mar/13 3:23 AM
   Lizzy G  From Gosford, Aus    Supporting Member
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MizTricia asked if rescuing possums was all I rescued and do I work in a facility. Well the answer is no to both, I belong to a small rescue group here and Ive taken on mainly non venemous reptiles (snakes and lizards) I either relocate them or if they are injured I will keep them in care until they can be released back into the wild. I sometimes have brushtail possums in my aviary in the yard like a half way house between being hand reared and released again back into the wild where they came from. I keep frogs, snakes and lizards on licence as pets here besides a regular cat and dog!! Should mention Hubby too!!
Well thats enough of me and my animals for now, the rescued greyhounds can wait for another day!!
13/Mar/13 4:44 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hello all, again life interferes with things I would rather be doing ... sigh.

FIL is going home today. My hubby picked him up at noon from the hospital and will be spending the night with his dad. His dad will have all kinds of care at his place, but not sleep-in, so there will be times he will be alone. He will be a bit more mobile as a wheelchair is being provided. I made enough meals for a few days, but he will also be part of a program called Meals-On-Wheels where he will get a fresh hot meal every day. The upstairs of his house has been closed off and the heating vents turned off, so there will be no reason for him to go up there. His dementia is just at the beginning stages, so he should be okay, plus hubby's sister lives next door. So now we wait for his placement to come up at the nursing home where MIL is.

Suzy, I would take at least one of the dogs if I were you. If the owners are letting them loose, they are not really responsible owners. We took in a cat for the same reason one time. Took it away from the owners because they kept letting it loose, and it was eating out of garbage cans and was really filthy. Our local animal control officer had the people charged a fine and we could have had them pay even more, but we didn't.

I took the grandies out for lunch today ... they are on their spring break. Maggie came along and we had a good time. It's nice to get away once in a while.

Gotta run and get some ffuts done. My shoulder and arm are aching, so I am doing things with a lot of decent breaks in between.
13/Mar/13 8:43 AM
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