Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand and Stars, 1939, translated from French by Lewis Galantière

19/Mar/13 9:29 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Julie, I will keep you and your hubby in my thoughts. mixed in with generous amounts of hugs.

Tami, I hope the promotion helped your brother. We gave it the old college try, didn't we?

I should hear from the vet today ... fingers crossed.

Lots of snow today. It snowed overnight and is supposed to snow today, tomorrow ..... it will definitely be a white Easter!
19/Mar/13 9:32 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Yippee ... it's a snow day, the school busses are cancelled. I am pretty sure my daughter will not be saying Yippee.
19/Mar/13 9:35 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hello all, Theresa, I know how tired you are of that snow, but know your grandies will enjoy the day off with a chance to play in it. Spring is on the calendar you experience it it seems...hang in there...hope the news from the vet is all good.
Julie, so sorry your hubby is having so much trouble having his eyes say nothing of the pain or worry for you both...thinking of you both♥ (((hugs)))
20/Mar/13 2:18 AM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Finally we have proper Phone Line and proper Internet Connection !!!!

Bedtime in my neck of the world .. zzzz
20/Mar/13 2:18 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Something is going on with my pooter, making it hard to post anything...will be reading but not commenting for a few days. Take care everyone. Peace.
20/Mar/13 2:20 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, thoughts and prayers for hubby and his eye problems. I do hope that tomorrow's update is full of good news. Thanks for letting us know.

Theresa, sending wishes that the vet has good news for you tomorrow. Drats to your spring snow. Hope the grandies enjoy their day off from school.

Forgot what I read back a page, and going back I would loose this, so here is to a good day for all the topsiders, and hope down under it is a good night for sleeping. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

Mama, do drop in when you can, hope the computer problem is soon repaired. We will miss you while you are gone.

YEAH ROLANDA, so happy you have a proper phone and internet line now. It was a long wait for you.

20/Mar/13 3:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Julie... You have my good wishes for hubby and his eye problems, too.

Good luck with your pooter, Mama. I know you've probably tried this, but sometimes we forget the obvious. Have you tried re-booting?

I finally got the first corner aviary put together. The cockatiels have been moved in it and they seem to like it. On Friday, we'll put together the second one they shipped to me. The lovebirds will get that one.
20/Mar/13 7:12 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Frasier (our cat) has liver disease and pancreatitis. We are going to try a special veterinary diet and hope that will help. If not, he would need a liver biopsy, and I'm not sure I'm willing to go that far. Poor little guy.
20/Mar/13 7:41 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Rolanda - will be great to see you around more. It's been a long wait for you. Glad it's over!
20/Mar/13 10:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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CONGRATS, Rolanda!
20/Mar/13 10:31 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I lost a 'Julie type' post yesterday.. quite excelled myself.. didn't have time to rewrite it and now I cannot recall what I had commented on...So.. Heidi, Julie, Midge, Tami, Rola & Theresa... you will just have to try to imagine what it was I had commented on. I do recall that I had commented to mama about is so good for the soul..
20/Mar/13 11:22 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good TOPP.. TY Theresa.
Tricia you sound like you are having way too much fun.. keep it up...
Julie my fingers are crossed for a good outcome at your hubbies doctors visit..scary stuff.

Last night I travelled home on the train for the last time after singing with my best friend .. I will miss her so much when she goes to Hong Kong in a few weeks. Hubby got a job offer that was too good to refuse. The removalists will be at her place on Thursday so she won't even make it to our Harmony Day performance. We met when our boys started primary school and did all the committees, fundraisers, working bees etc when they were young and socialised even more as the kids have grown up. My world will be a much duller place without her around the corner. She actually appreciates and delights in my eccentricities.. average folk don't.. they just recognise that you are a bit different and shy away. So be it..
20/Mar/13 11:41 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Drumming tonight.
It is good to be busy.. stops one from becoming maudlin about all the changes in ones life.
Trying to hire a ute [topsiders - small open tray pickup] to go collect a desk that won't fit into the back of my car unless I drive with the back open all the way home.. I'm seriously considering that option..

Now I'd best get back to work.
Lot's to do before drumming in less than 6 hrs.. more than I can do in that amount of time.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

20/Mar/13 12:27 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just had to re-glue a crown in again. My appointment with my dentist to get those 2 crowns permanently reattached is Monday. My next oral surgery to get the implants imbedded is this Thursday morning... less than a day and a half. I guess I'm gonna have some novocain in the next 5 1/2 days.
20/Mar/13 2:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Great TOPP, Theresa! We're all taking steps!

Thanks to everyone for concerns, prayers, positive vibes for hubby. At today's appointment, the pressure that had been building up inside his eye had reduced, but his vision was not as good as yesterday. We don't know if that might be normal fluctuation, as how often does one check vision on a daily basis? The doctor seemed satisfied with findings, told hubby to continue the regimen of 3 different drops (2 twice a day and the other every hour while he's awake). He returns to the doctor on Friday. Hubby let me join him in the examining room today; the doc seemed very matter-of-fact, not reactionary or overly concerned. Must admit that was reassuring!

Theresa, I think you've had enough snow! I'm sending warmer, spring-like temperatures your way. (There's talk that we'll be getting more snow this weekend. Yuck!)

Theresa, what a shame that Frasier has liver disease and pancreatitis. I hope the special veterinary diet will make an improvement and you (and he) can avoid a liver biopsy.

Mama, I'm so sorry you're having computer troubles! At least you can still read, apparently, even though you can't comment. Hopefully things will be back to functioning correctly soon!

Hooray for Rolanda! What a relief it must be that you will now have phone and computer access! We look forward to hearing from you more frequently!

Heidi, I'm glad the corner aviaries are making the birds happy! Is IH actually helping with putting them together?

Bean, what a shame that your best friend will be moving away soon! Just look at it as a reason to visit Hong Kong. And be thankful for the internet and Skype!

Heidi, I hope your oral surgery on Thursday goes well and hope the reattachment of your crowns produces the desired results! You certainly have had more than your share of dental emergencies.

It's time I head to bed! Thinking of all of your and sending lots of , positive thoughts, healing vibes, {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and prayers for each and every one of you!
20/Mar/13 5:35 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Morning from a cool, grey, day in Alabama. Hope we have sun later, to burn away some of the yuckiness of this. Tonight, Tomorrow and Friday nights forecast much colder overnight, with a freeze warning for the AM 29F (-1C). Thursday forecast for ICE PELLETS as precipitation, joy joy. Seems Theresa's and Julies frozen percipt is gonna make it this far south. But daytime highs, today is forecast 61 (15 C), low 50's (10C)for the next 2 days, so not too bad. Thus ends the weather bulletin, we return you to regular posting.

Julie, it seems the news from doc was good. I hope the continued treatment clears the problem and Friday you get an all clear report. Thoughts and prayers continue your way.

Heidi, good luck with your dental procedure tomorrow, will be thinking about you. I hope it is painless and swiftly done.

BEAN, I do think I read a post that had a comment to Mama about Beanspeak, not sure if that was the post you thought lost or in another. Seems you are staying super busy, hope you are enjoying every minute of it.

Theresa, so sorry to hear the news about Frazier. Wishing him a full recovery on his special diet. Please try to keep as much of your snow confined to your area as possible (see earlier, we have frozen stuff forecast, I am sure it will be what escapes Canada and makes a run for the south hehehe)

Mama, know we are thinking of you, even if you cannot post your usual comments. Perhaps your computer needs a little factory adjustment (that was Al's name for a swift kick or whap up side the tower hehehe)

busy day yesterday, book club which I enjoyed very much, and then I did laundry. another resident was in laundry room and she kept up a running stream of conversation the entire 2 hours hehehe. I was tired and happy to get home with my clean clothes. did I say I hate going to laundry room??? I do believe the washer and dryer are second on list of things I miss most. first is not being able to walk outside from my apartment.

OK, time for a shower, and get a few more things done today. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

21/Mar/13 1:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Ditto what MizT said.... except for one item in the weather report. It's cool and SUNNY here!

I'm stuck home today, thanks to IH. He did it again. He made an appointment for people to come here this afternoon and test the water. Then he took off for the plant so I have to sit and wait for them. I would rather go into town and pick up dog food and my prescription for antibiotics for the oral surgery. But I'm stuck here. I could also spend my time hauling hay, but I have to stay at the house. Waiting for people to show up.
21/Mar/13 4:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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They've been here. Very nice people. One of them has done foster work for the same Collie Rescue group that I work with!!!!

A glass topped display table I ordered (for displaying some of my shells) came today. With the glass top shattered. I've been talking to them, and we decided that I'll keep the table and find someone to replace the glass top at their expense. What a day.
21/Mar/13 6:18 AM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Morning everyone.

My nephew is getting married late this afternoon.
Not that we are invited (only a very small wedding, not much $) my sister and I are going to the ceremony, to watch the couple get married :)

Easy Peasy Dinner this eve ~ Casserole (had put 1/2 in the freezer from last week's crockpot cooked casserole). I'll heat it up in the Crockpot, so it will be noice and ready for serving when home.
21/Mar/13 12:10 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I leave for the oral surgery in 7 hours. Nighty night, everybody.
21/Mar/13 3:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Sudoku Friends!

Has everyone had a busy day? Not many posts here.

MIzT, it seems the other resident was determined to make even doing laundry a party with her constant conversation. I hope at least some of it was enjoyable!

Heidi, I'm glad you had a sunny day and hope you were able to accomplish all you intended after the visitors/water testers left! I'm glad they were nice - and at least one shared a common interest with you via collie rescue! Too bad about the shattered glass top for the table. Seems like a good solution to have you purchase new glass and have the company pay you back for it.

Heidi, I hope the oral surgery goes quickly, well and painlessly!

Rolanda, I hope you and your sister enjoy your nephew's wedding! Someo small weddings are very poignant and personal. I hope they had a beautiful day for the start of their new life together!

The eyelids are dropping, so I must love you and leave you. But first, here are some {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes, and !
21/Mar/13 4:57 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Julie, still want to know how YOU are my girl???
21/Mar/13 7:17 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Bed for me, a big week.
Catch you tomorrow.
Love and Hugs.
21/Mar/13 10:16 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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And it's snowing again ... quite heavily at the moment.

Frasier is inhabiting the bathroom with his dish of special food. At night I will remove all catfood from downstairs and let him out, because he likes to sleep on my side at night. I gave him his two kinds of medicine last night and 10 minutes later he threw it up. Sigh ... the main objective right now is to get some weight on him and hopefully his liver will start to regenerate. I have high hopes the special diet will help. The vet is also giving me an info sheet where I can make my own catfood, which is a lot cheaper. I did that for my dog years ago when she was diagnosed with liver disease.
22/Mar/13 12:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back home from the oral surgeon. My face is already swelling.... which they said would happen. It's also getting pretty sore. I may have to fill their prescription for painkillers. I hope it doesn't get to that point. Meanwhile, I think I'll lay down and get some sleep.
22/Mar/13 1:09 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all,
Theresa....hope the special diet works for Frasier.
Snow sounds nice as I sit here in my nightie feeling warmish.
Julie....hope Hubbys eyes get back to normal with treatment. Hugs to you both.
MizT...hanging around a laundry for 2 hours and waiting, would be a nuisance.You must feel like there are better things to do with your time.Can you leave it and come back?
Heidi...hugs as you get thru more dental surgery.

Sonny is being de-sexed today.Drop him off around 9am.Friends pup was done on Tues, he came home bouncing around and hasn't stopped since. He didn't seem to have any grogginess or aftereffects at all.

We celebrated (early)our eldest Grandsons 11th birthday last night with dinner at home. A nice time and early night because of school the next day.Unfortunately, the twin boys were both ill but managed to have icecream cake.I have my doubts whether they kept it down during the night,but all day, that is what they felt like eating.
I am catching up with Drs appoinments,house cleaning etc. Finally re-hung curtains that I washed ages ago.It gives me nice sense of achievement to see the rewards of the hard work.
Still have to get into the yard though. With all the rain,weeds are everywhere.
Take care!
22/Mar/13 6:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I had a nice sleep and feel much better now. I'm on a soft food diet for 3 to 4 days, which actually works well since I can only eat on the side of the mouth that has the 2 loose crowns. My appt. to get them glued back in is in 3 1/2 days.
22/Mar/13 10:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I made a superhuman effort and did a good deed this evening. IH's truck broke down in Louisville, with the livestock trailer hooked up to it. Because of a truck show in Louisville, there isn't a hotel or motel room to be had. So He called me and I drove up there (though I'm not supposed to drive) and picked up him and the trailer. The truck is now at a repair shop up there. Once it's fixed, I'll have to take him back... an hour's drive each way.

The mouth is feeling better all the time. I don't need the prescription for the pain killers they gave me. There isn't much swelling and no bruising, though they told me there would be. I feel like one tough lady.
22/Mar/13 2:31 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Heidi, what happened with the big bird cage or did they send you another smaller one?
22/Mar/13 3:03 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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(Northern Hemisphere) Spring greetings to everyone! We can't seem to get our temperature above mid-20's F, and snow is predicted for Sunday. Sorry,. Theresa, but we aren't expected to get as much as you.

Hubby returns to the ophthalmologist in the morning. His eye is feeling better, and the vision is less blurry, so we hope he'll get a clean bill of health.

Theresa, I hope Frasier gains the weight he needs and gets his liver functioning better soon. Hopefully he'll be able to keep the medicine in longer each day. Better yet, I hope the special diet works so well that the medicine will no longer be needed!

Broni, I hope your busy week is at least partially enjoyable!

Heidi, it's good to hear that the adverse effects didn't amount to as much as predicted by the oral surgeon! I hope you heal quickly since you'll be back at the dentist next week! I'm also glad you had a good sleep before you got the call from IH! Does he have ANY idea how lucky he is - not just that you drove to Louisville to pick up him and the trailer, but all the other things you do that save his back. Just remember to take care of yourself, too!

Nola, it sounds like your hectic schedule picked up right where it left off before you left for holiday. Happy Birthday to your oldest grandson and I hope the twin boys are recovering from their tummy woes! Sounds like you're getting a lot done! I hope Sonny reacts well to his surgery!

Broni, I was also wondering about the large bird cage. When Heidi mentioned the corner cages, I wondered if they were to replace the large cage.

It's time for me to head to bed, so I will send the customary wishes for all: positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and . Good Night, Everyone!
22/Mar/13 5:48 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK... the cage story. The large cage that I originally paid for was a corner cage... 5 sided. They shipped me a smaller one of the same style. I had a fit, then we rationally discussed options. We decided that I'd pay for the smaller cage they shipped to me instead of returning it (I can always use cages) and they's ship me the large one I originally paid for. A box has arrived, but I haven't had a chance to unpack it yet to take measurements to see if it's the correct size. Between my back, Lady and oral surgery, my plate's been full. I haven't wanted to get into a major fight with them if the second one they shipped is the wrong size. Which I suspect it is. The box is the same size as the previous one was.
23/Mar/13 12:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm supposed to be taking it easy in bed. So while I was out on the tractor, feeding hay to the cows, I discovered a distressed calf. It had gotten itself in a hay feeder and couldn't figure out how to get out. Last night it got way below freezing, so the calf got chilled on an empty tummy. I just finished stomach tubing her with warm milk to warm her insides and give her some energy. She's showing some interest in life now and her mama is showing her a lot more attention. I'm doing a great job following doctor's orders. NOT.
23/Mar/13 2:32 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I found out this morning Frasier has a temper. He bit both my hands and it hurt like heck. They are a bit inflamed still. I put an antibiotic cream on the bites and it seems to be OK. He also scratched my left leg and stomach ... ouch. What a little stinker!

Off to the store to get some stuff. Light snow falling right now, but very light. Hubby won't be home until almost midnight and I don't think I'll be awake.

BTW, FIL has a nurse/home care worker coming in. She dropped in one day and didn't take NO for an answer. She helped him with his shower, etc. Guess what? He likes her!
23/Mar/13 7:29 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. I am officially on spring break. Yeah!!!!

Theresa, glad that FIL is accepting help.

Julie, keeping hubby in my thoughts. Glad the vision is getting better.

Heidi, why am I not surprised that you are not listening to the doctor???
23/Mar/13 9:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I WANT to listen to the doctor. Truly. I even made IH read the 2 pages of instructions he sent home, but he's not cooperating. He wouldn't feed the cows, he couldn't be bothered to look for a rental in Louisville. He couldn't be bothered to let me rest and call one of his 3 employees to pick him up last night. It's easier for him to ask me.
23/Mar/13 11:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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BTW... the heifer calf didn't make it. She was gone when we got back from Louisville this afternoon.
23/Mar/13 11:34 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Sad about the heifer Heidi, but that is life, no matter where we live. Heidi you have honoured your vows has he??
Tami, hope we see you around during your spring break, enjoy my friend.
Hot today, took Bella for a walk this morning and she is snoring her head off, well she is turning 10 next month and that is pretty good for a pure breed.
Whinge coming up, skip if you like.
Almost bad a work for the first time on Thursday. I am good a training people but this lady only listens to what she wants to hear then tries to blame me for not giving clear instructions, well dang I missed her call intentionally on my day off wanting to know if she should make a cheque out for the super for an employee to him or the super fund that it was being sent to! Is it just me??

What we do for our friends.....was happy working the 4 days a week and was exhausted by then, but my friend needed a bookkeeper and of course I could not say no, just spent over an hour at his shed/office filing all the work I did for the last quarter(and the previous girl needs a kick up the butt for the mess she left)have brought back more work for the March quarter. Eek why do I do this to myself?
23/Mar/13 1:04 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Brighter note,
sitting back listening to good music and Bella snore talking to my friends. Does't get much better.
23/Mar/13 1:06 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Sorry if I was a bit antsy in my first post. Just starting to relax.
23/Mar/13 1:07 PM
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