Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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NOLA< you are correct, I do think anything is better use of my time than hanging around the laundry room. On top of that, the chairs provided there are torture chairs It is suggested you NOT leave your clothes unattended. I usually go around the corner into the sun room/elevator lobby where there are comfortable upholstered chairs, set a timer to be back when washer finishes and read. Last time, I went back right on the minute as timer said first washer would be finished. The talkative neighbor had come into laundry seconds before me, and she had my washer opened, hunting an empty one for her clothes. There are only 4 washers, you may only use 2 of them at a given time, so that is what you face if you do not stay close at hand.
23/Mar/13 3:20 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Heidi, I wish I could wave a magic wand and turn IH into a caring and cooperative person who would help when you could use the help and call someone else for b\help when you're supposed to be taking it easy! I'm so sorry the heifer calf didn't make it. You did what you could for her. When you have time to check on the second cage sent to you, I hope you find that it's the correct one! Otherwise, that company either has incompetent order fillers - or possibly an incorrect SKU number on their website. Hopefully, any mistakes made by them will be promptly and graciously remedied

Theresa, I'm so sorry you found out the hard way that Frasier has a temper! I'm glad you had an antibiotic cream to put on the bites. When hubby had a severe reaction to a bite by our indoor cat (he doesn't have good immunity to such things), he ended up in the hospital for a couple of days with IV antibiotic. The doctor told him if it happened again, he should wash/scrub the bite site until it was bleeding, as the blood will help wash out the site. Is Frasier just letting you know that he doesn't much care for the medicine?

Tami, hurray for spring break! I hope you get a chance to relax and recover and enjoy your family!

Broni, it sounds like you could use a break and some relaxation! We're here to hear any concerns or complaints of all of our 'members'/family, so no worry! How about a {HUG} or ttwo?

Well, I've come to the bottom of page 615, so will post this before turning the page.
23/Mar/13 5:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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MizT, I'm so glad you were nearby when the wash was done. Imagine what you might find if someone is too impatient. Would 'talkative neighbor' at least have put the clean clothes in an empty dryer? Years ago we lived in an apartment building with just 4 washers and 4 dryers. There was nowhere nearby to wait, but we also tried to time the machines so we wouldn't find our clothes dumped somewhere.

Before I forget, I want to thank all of you again for the positive thoughts and prayers for hubby's eyes. He was back at the doctor again today. Pressure continues to come down, and his vision was better. Doctor will see him in 2 weeks (continue use of 3 eye drops, though a bit less frequently until then). Dr want to keep tabs on the situation - thinks the implanted lens may be causing the inflammation. It may need to be replaced in the next couple of year. (That would be the third lens replacement in that eye. We shall see what develops.)

Heading to bed, so sending the usual {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, healing vibes, positive thoughts and for everyone!
23/Mar/13 5:13 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Here's a TOPP plus 3, so we don't get too far down the page.

“Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never be again And what do we teach our children? We teach them that two and two make four, and that Paris is the capital of France. When will we also teach them what they are? We should say to each of them: Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move. You may become a Shakespeare, a Michaelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel. And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is, like you, a marvel? You must work, we must all work, to make the world worthy of its children.' ~ Pablo Casals
23/Mar/13 5:16 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Julie, Frasier has always been a big bundle of scaredy-cat nerves, so I'm not sure what his problem is. I spent much of yesterday and this morning so far trying to catch him, all to no avail. I think I am going to have to forget the special food and see if one of the medicines helps. The second med is really only a supplement, and when I give it to him he throws up. Without the special food he will probably not thrive as well, but he is not a happy camper. So for now I guess we'll see how far the med (prednisalone) goes. I don't like to see him so upset, and I don't like getting bitten.

With cats, you have to be more careful of bites than scratches ... they become more easily infected. My bites are still inflamed, but it doesn't seem to be spreading. Julie, that's good advice about scrubbing until the blood flows, because you really want to avoid blood poisoning.
23/Mar/13 11:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Cet bites and scratches are all very dangerous. Think of them as small Komodo Dragons (their bites kill through the toxic level of bacteria in their mouths). Any scratch or bite from a cat must be taken seriously. It sounds like Frasier isn't feeling good, Theresa, and has gotten extra irritable besides being a scaredy-cat. A lot of us get irritable and unreasonable when we don't feel well. Poor Frasier.
23/Mar/13 11:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're sitting here waiting for a sprayer truck to show up here to spray the pastures for buttercups. Buttercups may look pretty, but they choke out grasses and are toxic to livestock. The pastures need to be sprayed just as they're emerging from the ground. The guys were supposed to be here last week, but the truck delivering the chemical to them broke down somewhere and finally arrived at the farm store last night.
23/Mar/13 11:59 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, there are wheeled carts here, laundry baskets of metal mesh on legs. A place to put your clothes coming out of the washer or dryer. Usually someone needing the machine would put your clothes into that. there were two empty washers that day, she just wanted the one I had used, the only top loader of the four.

Yesterday winter had an encore performance. It was wet, it was cold, it was windy. Know what I did? I went shopping. Not the smartest thing to do on a day such as that, but I had been in all week, and just felt I had to escape. I found some things I had been wanting, got some things I needed, and came home and crashed.

Not a fun thing, when I went to get in my car, I found I could not. Someone with a full sized van, with raised roof and a lift gate on the back passenger side door, had parked so close to my drivers door, I could not get my door opened. I photographed the tag, took it to Janice who has a list of every tag of every car of every resident, supposedly. This one was not there. She started out to parking lot with me, and said, Oh that is ____'s van. Back inside, she tried to phone his apartment, no answer. So back out we go, and Janice opens my passenger side door, and climbs very ungracefully (good thing she wore pants instead of skirt Friday) over into the drivers seat, cranks my car and backs it out of the parking space. I told her I could postpone my trip, no need to do that, but she did, so off to shopping I went.

When I came home I got the BEST parking place in the lot. It is under the bridge between the 2 buildings, so a covered parking space, a single, no others nearby to block me in, and right adjacent to the front door. I can still see it from my window, I like checking on my vehicle daily, so all is well. The funny thing is, driving home, I sent out a wish for a good parking space, adding, you know, the best one would be nice. I drove in, could not see a space in the regular lot, pulled into the loading zone, and was about to unload groceries before hunting a remote parking space. As I started out of the car, I was facing the best parking spot, and it was empty. I had asked for it to be available for me, then did not even look to see if it was hehehe. Next time, if I ask for something, I will at least look to see if my wish were granted

I need to get my new jeans washed and dried, before Joy comes this evening. They were too long, but might shrink when washed and put in dryer. since I must dry clothes in dryer, must do it before heming them. so I am off to laundry room again. Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.
24/Mar/13 5:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Janice just earned her keep. I hope she hints to the owner of the van that they're not the only residents there, and that they need to be considerate of others. I'm glad you were rewarded with the best parking spot in the lot. And now that you've done your shopping, you might be able to use it for a couple of days.
24/Mar/13 7:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Except for opening gates to the horse pasture for the guy spraying, I've done nothing today but sleep. My body has needed the rest to heal. IH wanted me to drive around the farm with the guy spraying, opening and shutting all the gates for him, but I gave him a firm ''NO! I need to rest. I just had surgery, remember?'' and left him to deal with the guy that HE arranged to come spray. He wasn't happy (he believes his time to be more valuable than anyone else's) but he did it. I don't think he'll learn anything, tho'.
24/Mar/13 7:58 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hope Suzy is OK!!!!!
24/Mar/13 9:42 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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What is going on in Suzy's world?
24/Mar/13 11:56 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I see this van parked 'over the line' often here. It is a pain to get car centered in the space, they are angled wrong, only small cars can just drive in and stop, midsized and full sized need to swing wide, pull in, check alignment, back up and make corrections. Some just do not do all the steps. I know from experience, after shopping us older birds are tired, achey, and just want to get out stuff into our apartments. If more of them had to come down and move their cars to let adjacent car get out, they might take the time to do so.

Well, I know why I just kept on hurting today. I thought I should have rested from my trip yesterday and be OK, but I was not. another thunderstorm coming, thunderstorm watches and warnings tonight, that weather change is why. Meds have kicked in now, thankfully, it is better. So appreciative of modern medicine and good pain medication.

Hugs to all, with extras for your pleasure. Till later.
24/Mar/13 12:02 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Thunderstorms rolling across Alabama. I went to bed, just cold and achey, dozed off. Phone kept going off with warnings for Bib and Chilton County's warnings, that is about 40 miles south, where I lived before. Tired of the wrong warnings to my phone, and no warnings for here, but I had forgotten where I went to set this feature up.

OH, look on the phone, where the warnings originate just might be there in the message. Yep, but a huge website, took scrolling up and down several times fore I found 'weather alerts'. I removed the old counties, clicked on my current county, now, should not be bothered with information I do not need. Think I will try bed again
24/Mar/13 2:43 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've slept most of the day, except to feed dogs, birds and me. IH had to make himself supper. My body obviously decided to make up for the time I didn't rest.

I may have to drive to New Jersey this week. My (kinda) friend who has the cancer is doing really bad. Her daughter Maxine has been so worried that her BF drove her to New Jersey to visit her mother in the hospital (I know he has some ulterior motive, but neither of us can figure it out.). I'm hoping to join her out there after Monday (important dental appointment and Lions meeting) so I can both see her and try to mediate at least one reasonable meeting between the two. The only thing preventing me from going out there is if I don't get post-surgical approval for that long a drive. It's about 14 hours each way.
24/Mar/13 3:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The weather for this week looks absolutely hideous for that drive. Lots of snow and ice the whole way between here and there all week. I'm more likely to obey the oral surgeon's recommendations when facing dangerous roads. This may not be a life-and-death situation out there. The drive could very well be.
24/Mar/13 3:45 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! No time to read & comment. We had a long day with drive to my sister for haircuts & dinner, so nearly 5 hours total on the road. It's just past midnight, and I am scheduled to donate blood around 7:15. So off to bed with me.

Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , positive thoughts, healing vibes and prayers - enough for all!
24/Mar/13 4:07 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Guess it is time I dropped in to let you know I am still around. Just been busy with bowls, cleaning etc and trying to keep away from the pooter as it is not helping my shoulders which keep aching.
I checked and Suzy was on her computer this time yesterday so she has probably been busy today.
Heidi, take care of yourself. It is nice to do all you can for your friends but your own health and safety must came first.
MizT. Love hearing about all your doings in your new life. Hope you can keep the parking space for a while and find it there for you more often.
24/Mar/13 6:00 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie you are busy as always. I guess the haircuts come with a nice visit to your sister.
Rolanda, so pleased you are now fully connected so hope to se you here more often.
Nola, nice to see you back home safe and sound. When do you have to start back at krow? You seem to be getting a lot of jobs done in the meantime.
24/Mar/13 6:04 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have been trying to get some of the garden cleaned up. With the rain a few weeks ago things are a bit (a lot) overgrown. We are also going to get some new fences at the back and down one side and I need to do a lot of clearing away so that can get done.
Lost the last couple of bowls games. Our club had the 3rd grade team promoted to 2nd grade but with four of the eight players not playing this year. It does mean we are playing much better players than ourselves. I know I am an average 4th grade player playing 2nd grade but some times having some good shots. Only two more games in the competition thank goodness. I am tired of playing twice a week with a bit of practice as well.
24/Mar/13 6:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi all,
Haven't been around much. I didn't get called into work at all last week and it got me down. 5 11Q2c x4dwQ (Hello from Tahli)

Theresa, sending hugs and thoughts that the diet works....

24/Mar/13 7:50 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Okay she's in bed. I'll try again.

Theresa, so glad to hear your FIL accepted the nurse who wouldn't take no. Mum was like that. When they had difficult patients in hospital she wouldn't take rubbish from them and was able to get them to do stuff others couldn't - and ended up their favourite... Such a relief for everyone!

Broni, it's really easy, you put your tongue behind your teeth for the first sound, then you mouth opens for the end. Try it... nnnnnooooo. I'm not at all surprised you couldn't say no to your friend, it wouldn't be you if you did. And even I think I know the answer to the super question and I've never even done my own taxes! Not surprised you were feeling antsy either.

Heidi, the lesson I just gave Broni applies even more to you... if he has no choice he'll take the other options.
24/Mar/13 8:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I think your talkative neighbour is very rude in the laundry and I hope you made some little comment about must have just finished because I had the timer going or something to send her a message. She must have been standing there when it stopped! If I had a comfortable chair I'd be happy to sit and read for a couple of hours, or crochet. But not in a torture chair with rude neighbours!

Theresa, we can only get antibiotic cream with a prescription here. Have to say I miss my Neosporin! It was brilliant.

Tami, 2 more weeks until the next break here and I dread it. If school is in I at least have a chance of getting some work.

Julie, I was waiting to hear how your hubby's eye was going. Sending thoughts and wishes that it continues to improve.

June, the weeds have gone nuts in my 'garden'. I got stuck into some of the ones out the back, but the front needs it the most. You have a lovely garden and I'm sure it looks great after you work today.

We've had Tahli since Saturday lunch time. We had a baby shower to go to on Saturday afternoon so Don watched Tahli while Dana, Alie and I went. I'll try to remember to tell you a story about this baby.

I'll post now in case I lose this.

24/Mar/13 8:48 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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We had Tahli overnight so Dana could 'clean'. Unfortunately she is sick as a dog so isn't able to do as much as she would like. We were supposed to take Tahli home today but after talking to Dana on the phone we decided to offer to keep her another night. The offer was accepted on the condition she got to see her to give her a hug. Wish we hadn't let her near her (wish she hadn't gone to the baby shower) as she apparently can't keep any food down on top of cold/flu symptoms.

We are now waiting to see which of us gets it first...

I haven't been able to spend much time on the computer since Tahli got here. `I'm on my really slow little netbook now so I don't wake Tahli up by being in my office.
24/Mar/13 8:55 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Baby story: Baby's daddy is in the Navy and has 3 one-month long exercises scheduled between now and the end of the year. The first is supposed to start the week after the baby is due. Baby grandmother said she is hoping the baby comes after he leaves so everything can be organised and a routine established while he is away because he is such a control freak and saying that he isn't being involved in the baby planning.

When the baby grandmother found out about the baby she immediately went out and bought everything the baby could possibly want or need and started giving lectures about where they should live. Even trying to go halves in a house on property with them. Her D lives with the baby daddy, not at home.

She wonders why he doesn't feel involved and has the hide to call HIM a control freak???

At the baby shower we wished them an early birth and gave them tips on what makes a baby come quicker... hope we were right.
24/Mar/13 9:17 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, that is just what I said, 'it has just finished, I had my timer set to let me know>' Giving her the benefit of the doubt, she had just walked in before me, it is possible it was finished when she got there, but just barely possible.

June, it is not fun to play out of your league in any sport, so to speak. If you are the better team, there is no challenge. If you are the weaker team, there is no hope. Neither team really benefits. How long before your team is rated again, somewhere more nearly the level you play?

Julie, thanks for dropping in, letting us know what is keeping you so busy. Hope the visit with your sister and the dinner were enjoyable. That is a LONG drive, does your hubby enjoy driving, or is this a chore for him?

Heidi, I had just looked at the regional weather map, and it is a MESS north of you. I do hope Maxine can handle the visits with her mother without your being there. You do not need to be driving through that. Looks like some of it could reach down to you, it is just barely north of you now. glad you got the sleep you needed, continue to take care of yourself. If you don't, your body will do again what it did yesterday, just shut down and you will sleep wherever you are. that would NOT be good if you were driving in terrible conditions.

Did I say I received the things I had ordered, the LED lantern amongst them. I bought batteries for it, of course, 'batteries not included' and put it together yesterday. good thing I did not wait till lights went out to install batteries. it was a bit tedious. they had to be positioned just so, then the large bottom section screwed on firmly. I got it on the third try, but can imagine how much more difficult it would be in the dark, or by flashlight. NOW, lets hope I do not need it this year, but we still have a long way to go with spring storm season.

Did I tell you my BIL Roger had damage at his property from that storm where we lost power? Roof shingles blown off, enough he was advised by insurance adjuster to replace entire roof. Of course they will not pay for the entire job. The roof is 5 years old, so they will only pay 2/3 of the cost, figuring life of the roof is 15 years. They also lost a storage building, and (funny) the lid to a huge trash can. Can was full of crushed aluminum soda cans for recycling. Lid was on it, and a cement block was on top. Block and lid not to be found, can still upright, contents undisturbed. Wind can do strange things.

I am out of here, have some gninaelc to do, I made new spring hanging for my door. I found a childs straw hat, glued spring flowers to the brim along one side, and hung it. Kinda cute, bright and cheery. Now I must clean up the leftover flowers, glue gun, papers and such.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
25/Mar/13 3:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Glad you're OK, but busy, Suzy. I was getting worried when we hadn't heard from you, too.

Funny story about the cinder block and trash can lid, MizT. Wind can sure do strange things.

The weather here is deteriorating. Cool and wet now, but they're calling for snow the next few days. It looks like winter is back already.
25/Mar/13 4:31 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Morning/evening all.

Glad you are OK Suzy. Babysitting is tiring work especially when they are little.Hope Dana is soon better and none of you catch it too.
I was going to say that not having work, might give you a chance to rest up,but not to be with Tahli. are you going? I saw news footage of the snow and was amazed at how much had fallen there.

Tami...enjoy your break from school.Any plans?

June...I start back at work on the 5th Apr.Like you,I have done some weeding but it has hardly made a dent in it.The weather here is still quite warm making it unpleasant in the sun.

MizT...Love your newsy posts.

Broni...I hope you have a better week at work coming up.

Sonny OK after his op.The dressing lasted a day and he has the occasional lick at the stitch.It looks fine though.
Greg & I are going to the rental today to do some more.The pool which was almost drained before we went away is full again from the recent rain.Greg mowed over there yesterday.I can imagine what the weeds are like there too.
Catch up again soon.

25/Mar/13 5:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Still unpleasant outside. I'm ready for Spring.
25/Mar/13 9:05 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. I have big plans for spring break. Swearing around the house and making sure the boys do some swearing of their own. I know I did not keep my room clean but my boys, there is more clothes on the floor than in the closet(especially Mitchell). I refuse to pick it up for them. They are old enough to take care of their own things.
25/Mar/13 10:11 AM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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♥♥♥ and ((( Hugs ))) for today Suzy
25/Mar/13 10:11 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I am officially the shortest two-legged person in my house. Dylan is now just slightly taller than me. I am not short for a woman 5'7'. Mitchell passed me at about 14, Dylan is only 12. He will be the 'big' brother. I also got Dylan's Bar Mitzvah date. It will be February 15, 2014. It is President's Day weekend so I won't have to go to school on Monday. I will have a day to rest. I am hoping to do his party on Sunday.
25/Mar/13 10:13 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi Rolanda. Long time no see. Glad that we are here at the same time.
25/Mar/13 10:14 AM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Hi Tami.

Sorry, disappeared to check my emails.

Morning Everyone.
Busy weekend had. Sat P & I went to the Caravan and Camping Show.
Yesterday, washing ( sorry swearing), Getting the Caravan ready for our next mini Holiday...
Today, Mondaymorningitis has set in..
25/Mar/13 10:30 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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More hugs for Suzy today!

Tami - I'm smiling about you being the shortest in your house. My grandson passed me last year (I'm 5'6'), Hayley is fast approaching and Maddy won't be far behind. Don't have to worry about Emily - she's going to be short like her 5 foot tall mother, poor thing - she just gets rounder when she has a growth spurt.

25/Mar/13 10:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed. I can't sleep all morning since I have to leave for the dentist's at 10 am. After that, I can start eating solid food.
25/Mar/13 2:34 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Night to everyone! Busy day - donated platelets & red blood cells, went to a concert and later out to dinner with neighbors. Fit in some cello practicing and krow around the house. Hubby did all the driving yesterday for our haircuts & dinner with sister. She does a VERY good job & it gives us an excuse to get together every 10-12 weeks. We don't see my other sister or 3 brothers nearly as often! (Hubby has no siblings, so luckily enjoys mine.)

Too late to read again. Hopefully will do better tomorrow! Positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and for everyone!
25/Mar/13 6:22 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Zusy, you crack me up and made me smile, did you learn how to talk again too??
Nola, better week, head is in a better space. Amazing how having a good chat with good friends gets you life back in perspective.
Did read and remember MizT and her newsy posts. Thought of all of you as I read.
Love and Hugs.
25/Mar/13 7:09 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I am so happy. I finally found the disc to down load the program to do my photos. It is one I have been using since 1998. I was not even sure it would load on my new computer but it did. I have been resizing some photos so I will be able to submit them to the puzzles.
25/Mar/13 11:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I woke up this morning to a world covered in white, with more white stuff falling. It's now officially Spring, but this is the worst snowstorm of the Winter. I have to leave for the dentist's (1 hour drive each way) in just over half an hour. I think the roads will be OK since I heard salt trucks out last night.
26/Mar/13 12:18 AM
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