Solving by guessing


Is it possible to solve all soduku without guessing?

I don't think so but am open to be shown wrong.

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Neil  From UK-Hertfordshire    Supporting Member
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Hi Graysmith,

IMO, it is possible to solve ALL sudokus without guessing - if you know, understand and can use ALL of the solving techniques currently known (I don't).

Obviously, the sudoku compilers/creators try their hardest to require new solving techniques.

30/Dec/10 9:15 PM
sbblume  From Oaxaca, OAX Mexico
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I almost never resort to guessing. If I can't solve one without guessing, I start over and usually can get it.
31/Dec/10 4:04 AM
   Jimmy  From Scotland
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IMO it depends on your definition of "guessing" and "solving". This may seem pedantic but has been the cause of many arguments previously.

Solving tends to be two categories:-
1 - Find a solution
2 - Prove that yours is the only solution

Defining guessing is trickier. If you enter numbers randomly you are unlikely to arrive at a solution and it certainly would not fulfil definition 2 of solving.

Quite often people see some solving techniques as guessing i.e. Forcing chains. I view them as elimination, just more complex than the normal. Even when solving simple Sudokus you are essentially "guessing" whereby you go through the numbers 1-9 for a square and conclude that only one of them can fit.

Other solving techniques rely on the assumption that the puzzle only has one solution, which again would not fulfil definition 2 of solving.

Longwinded answer to what appears a simple question :-)

Short answer - Yes, all Soduko should be able to be solved without guessing, it may just take you a long time for some.
09/Jan/11 11:39 PM
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Yes I was wrong that you have to guess. I have found Andrew Stewart's site SUDOKUWIKI.ORG.
I am amazed at the number of techniques available and will probably never master them all but so far I have used X WING and UNIQUE RECTANGLES to good effect.
In relation to Jimmy's comment I have a friend who is satisfied to find the solution by guessing but I find that not worth doing.
There is only one solution to a legitimate SUDOKU and that is why UNIQUE RECTANGLES is usefull.
17/Jan/11 10:27 AM
Neil  From UK-Hertfordshire    Supporting Member
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Hi Graysmith,

Yes, Unique Rectangles are useful; if you like those, you certainly will find Steve's recent blog on uniqueness tecniques very useful.
27/Feb/11 10:51 PM
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