Unique Candidate Technique Explained

Submitted By: Gath from Sudoku.com.au

This is another simple technique - sometimes also called 'Hidden Single'.


If a cell is the only one in a 3x3 block , column or row that can take a particular candidate (number), then it must be that candidate.

This follows on from the general rules that each 3x3 block, column and row must have the numbers 1-9.

Check out this example:

The middle 3x3 block must have a 9, but it can't be in the top 2 rows. That leaves the only other vacant cell - that must be where the 9 goes.



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   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Gath, that was explained so simply. Thank you.
02/Apr/08 10:10 PM
LivelyJason  From Evergreen
Check out my page
Thanks for sharing
01/Nov/08 5:55 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Thanks for the explanation Gath.
06/Nov/08 9:19 AM
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