Class of 2007 - for those who first posted in 2007

Submitted By: Tami the Troublemaker from Florida

I saw there was a thread for the class of 2005 and 2006.  I looked back and saw that I started my page in May of 2007.  I am not sure when I started on this site, but I know I had my own page within a few months.  Welcome to all members of the class of '07.
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   eaa  From Tassie
Check out my page
OK I'll put my hand up. I started in June 2007. A shy little thing that hardy said boo.
As you see nothings changed.
Love this Site.
22/Oct/08 5:28 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Ooh, guess what - I just checked and I joined on 23/10/07 so that is one year ago tomorrow. I was lurking for months before but that was when I came out into the open. It has been an enjoyable and exciting year and I've met a lot of you personally and that has been great. Thanks for the fun, I hope to have many more years of it.
22/Oct/08 10:47 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
Check out my page
I joined May 21, 2007, so it's been a year and five months for me! I've made many wonderful friends in Sudokuland - both on site and in person, and I'll be adding to the "in person" list next month in San Francisco. Woo hoo!!! Thanks, Gath, for making this all possible!!!
23/Oct/08 7:52 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
Check out my page
I am so glad that we have found something else in common. We all have a love of Sudoku and made lots of friends in Sudokuland.
23/Oct/08 8:28 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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I joined May 1, 2007. I was in the thick of the "last to post" competition before I knew what hit me! What fun THAT was! It was the fore-runner to the SA pages. I actually feel bereft if I don't get here every day. I feel as though I know everyone personally. I love how funny, caring and supportive this group is We all owe you a great deal, Gath. Thank you.
23/Oct/08 8:40 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi Folks...first a cut and post from easy...

CynB you have prompted me to look up when I joined.
First started the daily worship at the site in January '07. By June I was hooked and the first visitor to my page was our very own Gail....
Extraordinary how you all have become such an enjoyable part of my daily life....the puzzles, jokes, More...

Most of all I enjoy the way so many of you invite us into your lives. Post links to interesting web sites..I love to learn about what other people on the other side of the globe, [and here downunder], are thinking, doing, trials and tribulations...adapting to, natural phenomena....
23/Oct/08 3:40 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi eaa....fancy us both joining in June....such quiet retiring souls as you think anybody knows we are around???
I didn't get into the 'last to post competition'...was studying at uni and tried to keep away as much as possible...tried hard not to scroll down after doing the puzzles until exams were out of the way...there was no stopping me then.
Kathy I feel bereft if I don't get here is amazing tho what gets achieved when the server is down!!! [that is even with regular trips to check the modum...]
I have made some wonderful friends and met some amazing people. Thank you Gath.
23/Oct/08 3:48 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
Check out my page
Bean and Kathy, I agree with both of you. I feel like I am missing out on something if I don't stop in a read all the posts. It is amazing how people all over the world can share in the joy and sorrow of our everyday lives.
24/Oct/08 8:54 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Well I scraped in on the 15th November, and Beanie Baby was the first to welcome me. Never expected I would meet and make lifetime friends in less that a year.
25/Oct/08 7:50 AM
   vdV  From Melbourne
Check out my page
Just like Kathy, the 'last to post' competition sucked me in.
Now there is no way to get rid of me .
I've met many new friends here, who would have thought!
05/Nov/08 2:37 PM
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