Callide - Artificious

Submitted By: andré from england

Playing the game:-

Using one letter (maybe two as in Th, Sh, etc), to be chosen each week or maybe sooner, form a sentence using the said letter to start each word of the sentence.


André assumed an apostrophe always accompanied altrustic algorithms and acted, albeit, antidisestablishmentarianismistically, abandoning all abominable abrasiveness. Alternating any abortive arguments absorbing, absolutely, any abuttals always.

(Erroneou letters/words can be used to add flavour to a sentence if necessary).

I hope you will enjoy and contribute enthusiastically. Thank you x

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   andré  From england
Check out my page
Oh Mary I am in admiration, chocolate is called for. One bar or two x
And on the theme of Chocolate...two sets 'ola' and 'late', alternate, space with either the word 'this' or the word 'that', minimum of five words.
30/Oct/09 9:02 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA
Check out my page
Two of course....though three would be better....
30/Oct/09 6:31 PM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA
Check out my page
That chocolate, this scholar, that idolatry.
30/Oct/09 8:57 PM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA
Check out my page
This scholar, that chocolate, that idolatry.
30/Oct/09 8:59 PM
   andré  From england
Check out my page

one word using the letters 'ove', must be over six letters. Use the word in a five word sentence.
04/Feb/10 6:12 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA
Check out my page
Controversial undercover groovers improved government.
13/Feb/10 7:03 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA
Check out my page
or maybe not!
03/Mar/10 12:00 PM
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