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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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A newish member, it is also nice to receive a return visit from the newly welcomed member and a lot of feedback happens if the newbie posts on easy.
I certainly don't think of us as a closed club, a lot of my most recent new 'friends' have been recent members. A lot depends on the input of the newcomer.
26/Jan/08 4:36 PM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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to A newish member - If you post incognito on here it makes it hard to make you feel more welcome. Lots of people find it hard to post on easy as it can become a bit daunting at times but once you have done it a few times everyone gets to know you and then involves you. As for being a closed club well the bar is always open should you choose to drink... come on join in and soon you will feel involved. Mine's a large glass of your finest dry white wine what's yours?
27/Jan/08 5:47 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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FOR NEWISH MEMBER: I 'kind of' agree with what you say, but I also agree with Gail's comments. People can only interact if there is two-way dialogue. People welcome new members, but if they don't respond or post regularly, they tend to be forgotten. The 'old boys and girls' club are people that have been interacting on the site for quite awhile. There are also a lot of 'new boys and girls' interacting with others on the site. With so many members now, it is difficult for anyone to try to keep up with everyone other then on special occasions or if a regular dialogue has been established. Many people don't comment, others comment on special pages only, and still others prefer to comment using the private email process that is available on the site. If you feel left out, join in, and I'm sure you feel more welcome as people will generally respond.
27/Jan/08 5:47 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Of course one should be aware that once involved a sense humour is essential that and a good uplift bra and panties...
27/Jan/08 6:00 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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But I don't need an uplift bra André!!! However, I will not try to speak for you or others!
27/Jan/08 6:11 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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I could be banned if I responded Greg...
27/Jan/08 6:15 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I would like to know if Sweta from India is still around. She coined our Maen expression. I have checked the members list and there is a 'sweetie', but it's a relatively new page... It's amazing to note that it is over 2 years since she came up with that expression, I've been here way too long!
27/Jan/08 7:03 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Although they can't give a response unless they have signed up I just wanted to say thanks to Anne/Vermont - wit and dry humour, boundless energy, Glinda/Maine - a toast to you and your beloved Todd (I can't tell you the desolation Fred feels at this point), Ian/Boston - best supporting role for lasagne baking contest and scotch drinker of the higest order for an Albanian dwarf, Val/Bolton - always there at the end of the day, Claire/High Wycombe - silent but just there weren't you? and all the others who are too many to mention and have now disappeared into cyberspace, miss you all xxx
08/Mar/08 3:57 AM
   Danstell  From Australia
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Hi all
Been on this site since at least 2004 when it was sudoku.com.... when I was in Montréal,Canada.... whem I was a member but my english was not good enough to follow all the conversation.... when I got frustrated too often.... Always did the Sudoku and sometimes lurked around. Did moved to Australia almost 3 years ago and proud of being able to follow most conversation!
05/Jun/08 9:16 PM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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I've been coming to this site since early 2005. It took a long time for me to get up the nerve to post as LP from Pioneer. Nowadays I'll do the puzzle, but just don't read the posts as much as I used to. There are SO MANY!! What a popular site this has become! I love this site and enjoy the friends I've made here.
20/Jun/08 11:55 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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I am wondering if anyone has heard from Angela/Dallas? I have not seen her post in a very long time. The last I heard, she was debating on moving back to the Chicago area to help her family.
14/Oct/08 11:10 PM
   Angie  From Wisconsin    Supporting Member
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Debby, she was not a member (regular or supporting) and living in a hotel in TX last I heard from her. I have not heard from her since Gath made signing in a requirement. Hope that helps!
15/Oct/08 1:58 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Angela did get a page on 14/May/08 as a free member. It was around that time that I was asking the same question on site and there she was! Unfortunately, as Angie says, we haven't heard from her for a while, back when she was talking about moving. I have often wondered how she is doing.
15/Oct/08 9:16 AM
   fii  From NT
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OK a whinge from me! Even on this page I can't be fi I have to be fii, and yet we had from and ...from... , For 3 years I was fi (except when masquerading) and some silly little rule that says one MUST give at least 3 letters in one's name means that I have had to change my identity. Who ever heard of a fii indeed. Some people who are newer to the sight even call me fii when they comment... a bit like cats really. Quite apart from my whinging... Great idea andré - a box of chocolat for you
20/Oct/08 2:19 AM
   elsie  From strath    Supporting Member
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Been a regular visitor to this site since oct '05, semi-regular poster though. Just don't have the time to spend on the site. Usually print out the med and hard puzzles and do them during the day. Enjoy the banter, sometimes feel compelled to add my bit but usually just greet everyone and get on with the puzzles. I remember most of the people you have mentioned but the time factor doesn't allow for cruises and weddings.
09/Nov/08 11:57 PM
Glen  From Colorado
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Been around a while.
19/May/09 10:41 PM
Glinda  From West of Maine
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Yodel boing... do you ever scan these pages? Wondering how you are.
20/May/09 1:10 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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I'm wondering if Tricia from Nemo, Texas is still visiting the site, as I haven't seen her 'friend' light on for a few months now. Has anyone heard from her? I'm hoping all is well. I'm also missing you Nurn, and I've sent you an email. We need your Irish participation.
06/Dec/09 11:47 AM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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hey hey hey I am still here from time to time ...
07/Dec/09 10:35 PM
   Danstell  From Terrafirma
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Hi all
I am still around but now (since June09) in Montréal Canada. I do come and go... as I have been traveling between Oz and Canada. I made sudoku my home page. My english has much improved but I not not feel as fluent in English as I am in French... so sometimes.. I am too slow for a respond. I do have fun and missed it when my life keep me away too long.
18/Dec/09 9:59 AM
bee‎hive  From ge‎ro
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Well obviously I'm back. Missing Appy tho. And Ian.
28/Feb/13 12:00 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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You'll find Appy on Facebook.
Ian - no idea.
28/Feb/13 10:53 AM
   Madby3  From Qld
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I only come here occasionally to see whats happening. You can find me on FB daily under my name Sharlene Thus-Merkur.
Although I am now from Adelaide (my original hometown) And they have colour TV here now.... tupperware is still huge, but sadly hobbytex is gone.
22/Sep/13 7:06 PM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Sharlene, regarding Adelaide.
I must admit this is the first time I have seen this page.
Has anyone heard from André lately ?
06/Dec/13 6:33 AM
   Grass-hopper  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Ian from Sydney is still here and Ian from Huahin is on FB. Many are now on FB.
06/Dec/13 9:55 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi there. Yes, I am still here - hanging around like a bad smell.
I have probably dropped back into the 'Lurker' category, but I still like to keep in touch with what is going on. I have been part of Sudoku since Jun 2006. My first personal contact was with Col from Vic - in the Anglesea Pub. Since then I have had many happy times in the company of our members. I wonder where Col is these days?
06/Dec/13 1:55 PM
   Tree Sheila  From Deniliquin NSW
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Hello. Does anyone remember me? I was an avid member back in the day but slackened off over the years till I eventually stopped. I have been and still am very unwell so that has a lot to do with it. I'll try to get back to contributing. Best wishes to all, Kate.
09/Apr/14 7:53 PM
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