Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Thank you Suzy for putting up photo so that Heidi could see. Just could not wrap my head around how to move from TOS to here.

LOVELY cool weather this morning, it was 47F or 8.3C when I woke this morning. House got hot with my cooking chicken for chicken salad and sun in windows, so I have windows open. It is up to 12C 54 F already, gonna be a great fall day.

I am going up to my sister's later today, baby shower for my niece is next door, so I shall go and spend the night. Would be late coming in tonight, and difficult to find parking space. If I come home in the morning, anytime before noon, there should be spaces. Residents spending Sunday morning at church or visiting family at that time. So if you do not see me till Sunday night, you know where I am.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
03/Nov/13 1:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tricia... I think you look better in that outfit than I do.

Off to move the 12'' augur out in front of the house where it's easy access for a friend to borrow it. The area it's in now is the area where we're gonna be sorting out the cow/calf pair and the 3 biggest calves to take to the sale barn tomorrow.

(For those who might be interested, the friend who's borrowing the augur is a war hero. He was one of the commanders in the Battle of Mogadushu [accurately portrayed in the movie ''Black Hawk Down''.] He was the only commander that had no fatalities in his command.)
03/Nov/13 2:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK.... we got the critters sorted out, into the holding pen inside the horse barn, and plenty of hay and water in front of them. Now I need to hop into the shower.
03/Nov/13 6:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm showered and dressed. IH is gonna throw a fit over my footwear, I bet. I'm wearing FiveFingers shoes. Those are super comfy shoes with all 5 toes separated. Yesterday someone noticed me wearing a pair and freaked. They thought I was walking on prosthetic feet. They had never heard of this kind of shoe.
03/Nov/13 7:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I was wrong. Instead, he pointed out my shoes to everyone he knew. He finds them highly amusing.
There was a huge crowd at the benefit. It's an all-day event, and we only went for a few hours of it. The person the benefit was for was there, and got waves of applause and lots of cheers. He's not hiding, he's not feeling sorry for himself (at least not publicly) and he's already giving talks to groups on farm safety. He looks a bit disconcerting.... he lost both legs to the upper thighs in a silage chopper.... so kids really are listening to him.
03/Nov/13 10:20 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I hope there was a fantastic turnout for your friend!

Cyn, I hope you get to read the essay one day. It sounds amazing...
03/Nov/13 11:39 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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There was! Yay!
03/Nov/13 11:41 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Heidi - I'm happy there was a good turn-out for your friend and that he is trying his hardest to deal with what has happened and educate others so that they take proper care. People like that are an inspiration!
03/Nov/13 2:30 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hoo Boy.... I woke up this morning with my back screaming at me. It's hurting so much that I feel like using the wheel chair. Unfortunately, that isn't an option today. I have to put the bucket on the tractor and use it to load the creep feeder with grain for the calves (it's a job that takes skill with the front end loader, so IH can't be trusted with it). Once that is done, I need to load the 5 head of cattle into the trailer and take them to the stockyard for Monday's sale. I prefer taking them the day before for 2 reasons: 1) the day of the sale usually has long lines of trailers waiting to unload, and I could sit in line for hours waiting my turn, and 2) they feed the cattle hay and water if they're there overnight, and they regain the weight they lost while being transported. The cattle are sold by the pound, and they can lose 5-10% of their weight being transported an hour from home. So I make more money paying for their feed there. Once I get back from the stockyard, I'm going back to bed, except to make supper.
Tomorrow, the only thing I'm doing of any importance, is to take my friend Debbie (the one who takes care of my critters when I'm traveling) to an eye doctor appointment. She needs to have eye surgery, and this is the final appointment before the surgery. They'll have to dilate her eyes so she can't drive herself home. I offered to drive her since her husband (his name is Bob, but she spells it Boob) is a worse driver than IH, and she won't ride with him when he drives.
04/Nov/13 2:18 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Happy Sunday All...well for some it may be Monday...never have learned to check the time differences unless I really need them...whatever the day however...may it be a good one for you the reader of this mess.
Heidi...I find it amazing how you keep moving through the pain to do some pretty heavy lifting. I have a pretty high pain threshold, or at least I used to have, but can't even begin to think of doing some of the things you mention on a good day at a younger age.... Hang in there and do try to get some relief soon. When are you do for your next needle? Soon I hope. Glad to know your friend had a great turnout for the fundraiser...such an unfortunate accident. I'm sure he's appreciative of the help and support. was thinking of your friend Maxine,( I think), and wondered if you have heard from her since her Mom has passed? Is she still with the boyfriend...don't know why, but she is on my mind and I hope all is well.
MzT...loving these new pictures of you lately. That move has done wonders for you....You really look great, and cover up all of those health issues that affect so well. You do sparkle.
I am scheduled for surgery on the 21 of November. I should just be in the hospital overnight if all goes well and as expected. I will be so happy to be rid of at least this gallbladder thing that's such an annoyance, something I will be very thankful this Thanksgiving...almost a year to it's start and I'll be finished with it. God is good and I feel He will see me through w/o a problem. Peace.
04/Nov/13 3:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just heard that the benefit yesterday raised $50,000.00!!!! That will make a serious dent in Gary's medical bills!
04/Nov/13 4:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK... chores done for the day, except for feeding and watering birds, and feeding humans. The cull cow was a horrible passenger and kept jumping up and down in the front of the trailer, bottoming it out on the road. The first time it happened, I thought my truck had broken down. By the 4th or 5th crash, scrape and squeal, I realized what was happening and drove a lot slower the rest of the way. That added about a half hour to the trip down there. Now that I'm home, I'm gonna take a 2 hour rest before starting supper. I promised IH roast beef au jus, spinach souffle' and croissants.
04/Nov/13 8:49 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all.
Heidi, glad there was a good turnout and that a good amount of money was raised.

Don't remember much else of what I read. I was at work early today.

Not much else going on here. Talk to you soon.
04/Nov/13 9:24 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I did have a good inspiration the other day. I was shopping on Friday and I saw popcorn containers that are the size of a small popcorn at the movies on clearance for fifty cents. They are green and look like a football field or black/white stripes that say 'go team.' I was going to buy a couple for the house but ended up buying 24, 12 of each. I am going to use them for centerpieces for Dylan's Bar Mitzvah. I already bought candy to stuff them with. I will buy balloons to tie on and that will be it. His theme is 'Dylan's Ultimate Tailgate Party.' I think that will work.
04/Nov/13 9:27 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good find Tami, the centerpieces sound like a lot of fun. when will Dylan's have his Bar Mitzvah?

Heidi, so glad the fund raiser turned out so well. Sounds like you had a miserable trip taking the cows to the sale barn. I know you are glad that is over. Your dinner sounds yummy, I had roast beef Thursday, on the menu for bought lunch here, and it was so good. I have not made a roast in forever.

The baby shower ws a lot of fun. I won one proze, but lost it fore I got home, it is either at JoAnn's (my very pregnant niece) house or at my sister's house. It should turn up sooner or later.

The men, husbands and sons of the ladies attending the baby shower gave thier 4 wheel drive trucks a 'mud shower'. they took the trucks off roading, it had rained recently, big boys playing in the mud hehehe. When niece said to my nephew 'be careful hon' he said, I will be, and I will repair anything I break!

Mamacita, some of the 'sparkle' is chemically induced I do believe. Pain meds do wonders for ability to smile. No smiles when pain is great, they just do not work. I came home to a long afternoon nap today. I guess I needed it.

Good luck to Mama on her surgery. may it go exactly as planned, with not a whisper of a problem.

I cannot imagine Heidi's five finger shoes, but glad they are comfy.

OK, time for bedtime meds. My body is sooo confused, does not know what time it is or should be. It will take a couple of weeks for me to adjust. Eight more weeks of days getting shorter and shorter, AAGGGGGH!!! I needs me sunshine, should get on my pirate ship and sail to warmer, longer days.

I am off to Lakeshore to swim tomorrow, and MUST remember early tomorrow to arrange transport to my new doc's office for first appointment on Tuesday. I hope we are a good fit, and he understands fibro!!

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
04/Nov/13 3:49 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I asked Mr Google about Heidi's shoes, here is what I found!
04/Nov/13 3:56 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, great work on the money raised for your neighbour. Take care of your back!
Mamacita, our prayers will be with you on 21 November. I do hope it will make a big improvement to your well being.
lovely to see you found time to post Tami. Best wished for Dylan's Bar Mitzvah.
Loved you in the pirate outfit Tricia.
04/Nov/13 9:03 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We have had our monthly BBQ at the club (I cooked 7.5 Kilo of potatoes) and then Saturday night there was a quiz night to raise money for a school in Cambodia. Our group came last. Lost out on the modern music questions. Never heard of the singers or bands!
I have also been gardening etc. Today we went to see the Sculptures by the Sea. It was VERY WINDY! A lovely day otherwise as only about 20*c.
Tomorrow will be my first game of bowls for three months. It is Melbourne Cup day so we have invited the men to bowl with us. We will also be providing a lovely salad lunch and then the sale of sweeps and watching the race on TV. This is the biggest horse race in Australia, held in Melbourne. The people who live in Melbourne get a day off work!
04/Nov/13 9:11 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the link, MizT. That's one of about 18 styles of the FiveFingers shoes. Most are in an assortment of bright colors. The ones I wore to the benefit were purple and grey, in the style pictured in the link. I also have a different style in red, white and blue.
05/Nov/13 12:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June... that's a lousy category to get; modern music. I bet Suzy is the only one here who could handle it...mainly because of Alie. I bet I couldn't name a single band from the past 2 decades.
05/Nov/13 3:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'll be picking up Debbie in just under an hour to take her to her eye doctor. We'll find out then when her surgery is. I'll be her driver for that, too.
05/Nov/13 3:32 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Heidi, a half a leg! In one day! That is amazing! Perhaps he could look into crowd funding for the rest. People have successfully done it for less important things.

Tami, I think the popcorn cups is a brilliant idea for the Bar Mitzvah. Did Dylan pick the theme? It should be a fun night!

Mamacita, 21 November is going on my calendar for vibe and thought sending. If I put it on the 21st I'll actually get a reminder a day ahead of time so I can start sending them early.

June, did you have to peel the 7.5kg of potatoes? Achys!!

Speaking of modern music I was listening to the radio yesterday while driving Alie to school and I heard a Bruno Mars song I'd heard several times before. I thought the lyrics said 'making love like a river' and I'd thought oooh long, strong, dependable, how romantic. Then yesterday I heard 'I got a fistful of your hair. But you don't look like you're scared.' What? Have I been singing along to a r@pe song??? Turns out they are 'making love like gorillas' and I'd got all the words wrong. Sometimes it doesn't pay to listen closely. Guess I won't be singing along to that song anymore.. a bit too far out for me...
05/Nov/13 8:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Debbie got great news. They decided to cancel the surgery. They'd been telling her for a while that her cataracts had gotten really bad and she NEEDED surgery very soon. Well, the exam today showed that she doesn't need it now. Maybe in the future but not now. She's thrilled. The thought of having eye surgery was really scaring her.
05/Nov/13 9:02 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I shared a couple of short movies on TOS.. I chose those out of the one I took because in one Tahli says ee aw while near the thoroughbred and in the other she says duck duck while near the chooks. She was close!
05/Nov/13 9:30 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Great news!
05/Nov/13 9:32 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Well I have my annual bets on a horse race on. Now I just have to wait for the race.
05/Nov/13 2:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My Melbourne Cup guesses? I think Dunaden has the best chance, and I like Masked Marvel for the long shot.
05/Nov/13 2:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Great race! Fiorente, the favorite, won in a battle.
05/Nov/13 3:06 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Busy day here, enjoyed my swim this morning, it really relaxed my back. Watered all the pots of flowers. I tried taking photos one afternoon, but so much sun on my camera I could not see what I was shooting. I need an overcast day to get best photos I think. Perhaps as tomorrow is forecast as partly cloudy. Then we had a meeting downstairs with Jan and Shannon. Not the most pleasant, but cannot go into details. then I went to visit Myra, took her some chicken salad I made other day, for her dinner. she is now using my walker with wheels, someone was supposed to be ordering her one, but it has not arrived. Mine stays in my car, better for her to use it for now.

I am off to doc appointment, with a new doc tomorrow. I had to change him to my primary care doc BEFORE I have even met him, for insurance to cover visit. What if we do not see eye to eye, and I want someone else? this could be interesting, I am a bit apprehensive about this. He is supposed to know about treating a person with fibromyalgia, I certainly hope so. I will be going in my chair via a transport co that insurance will pay. 10 round trips a year, and I have used none this year so far.

Bedtime, morning will come soon enough. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

05/Nov/13 3:35 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Good luck with your doc MizT! I can't wait to see photos.. especially now that I've heard the flowers are far more bloomy than you told us.

Heidi, my long shot preferences were Dear Demi and number 13, because it was 13. I can't even remember what the horse was called now. I did have a small bet on Fiorente because I like her jockey. Covered my bets, but not hubby's. Better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick though.

I don't understand the system. I had a $2 each way bet, the horse paid $7 and I got $19.20... I'm guessing it paid $2.60 for a place but I didn't see that anywhere!
05/Nov/13 4:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Forgot Heidi, I did have a small bet on Dunaden, because I liked the name.
05/Nov/13 4:36 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Anecdote: Alie just told me a story about math class today. Her friend said Is this real life, Alie sang Is this just fantasy.. then the rest of the class joined in. Including the teacher who walked into the room at Open your eyes and sang it for them. They kind of took turns with one girl jumping up with Mama I just killed a man...the whole class sang the big bits. It would have been hilarious.

I think it's particularly cool that a bunch of 17 year olds knew all the words to Bohemian Rhapsody.
05/Nov/13 5:11 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I was ready to go down and put $5 each way on Fiorente but got held up with other stuff and didn't bother, wasn't too worried because being the favourite the odds weren't fabulous anyway.
Last year and this year are the first years since 1961 that I haven't had a bet on the race. I should clarify, yes I was only 13 in 1961 but my mother was manager at a TAB and always allowed us to bet a small amount, usually about $1 (equivalent, we were still in old currency then).
Very pleased for Gai Waterhouse, first female to train a winner!!
05/Nov/13 7:03 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Great story about Bohemian Rhapsody, Suzy. If a group tried to do that as a flash mob, I reckon the crowd would join in. Don't we all when we hear it??
05/Nov/13 7:05 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Won on the last horse in a lottery so got my money back, down $20 on Tres Blue but had a lovely lunch the boss shouted us.
Not a good day for me, think the shock is wearing off then had to write the funeral notice in 20 mins because Maz's daughter had not done it(she wanted to!)
Have whiskey in hand and about to spend time with my beautiful Bella the Basset.
Life is far better than the alternative.
Love and Hugs my friends and do not think I have thanked you all for all the support and caring comments.
Not sure if I will be back before the funeral on Friday, still want to do the photo presentation for the reflection time and better make sure I have backup songs for the service.
Sorry I have not commented on any of your posts, so hope you are all well and happy.
I am OK just very sad that my cousin/sister has passed away.
05/Nov/13 7:27 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from picking up the check for the cow and 4 calves. Both IH and I are thrilled. We got nearly $1000 more than we'd hoped for! It does pay to have good quality cattle.

VERY cool Bohemian Rhapsody story, Suzy.
Scaramouche, Scaramouche! Can you do the fandango? Thunderbolts of lightning! Very, very frightening!
06/Nov/13 2:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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with the new doctor appointment today, MizT. I would be a bit apprehensive of a doctor who insisted that you commit to being his patient before you've even met him. If he was really good, or in high demand, he wouldn't need to almost blackmail patients into committing to him in writing. I hope my suspicions are wrong.
06/Nov/13 2:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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BTW... my second choice for the name for my foal, after Pandora, was Fandango.
06/Nov/13 2:31 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Heidi, I think MizT was saying Insurance was making her commit to him before they would pay for the visit, the Doctor and MizT had no choice.
06/Nov/13 7:35 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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I am being kind to myself today and taking the day off work, you can only stretch one person so far.
Luv and Hugs.
06/Nov/13 7:41 AM
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