Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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One of Mike's cows had a big black heifer calf born late this morning, in below freezing temperatures. One of my cows should give birth in about a week. She had twin bull calves last year.
20/Mar/23 7:46 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered.
But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalogue: -
'No good in a bed, but fine against a wall.'
- Eleanor Roosevelt
21/Mar/23 2:21 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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And one more.........

Treat everyone with politeness,
even those who are rude to you,
not because they are nice
but because you are.
~ author unknown ~
21/Mar/23 2:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Great posts, DOrA!!!

Got a big burn pile demolished today. It's been a long time since we didn't have a safe windless day to burn.
21/Mar/23 4:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Since I didn't post a TOPP:

''Don't complain about getting old; not everybody has that privilege.''

Paulo Coelho
21/Mar/23 4:55 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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21/Mar/23 5:26 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Good belated TOPP Heidi! And I like your quotes DorA.
I've just had the excitement of having my carpets cleaned. Last week it was the oven.
Tomorrow we get a new couch delivered.
Fun fun fun in our house
Yesterday I went with Col to see his GP about his condition, long term expectations etc. Apparently the test he had a few weeks ago showed that he had only 52% lung function. The medications prescribed weren't doing anything much so the GP put him on double dose. He gave him a 'wait and see' opinion on whether he should try for early retirement. He's not due for another few years.
I'm talking to him about retirement living accomodation, which he's not keen on at all. I am. I had lunch with a dear friend of nearly 60 years yesterday. She and her husband moved into one last year. It sounds idyllic to me. He wants to die here, he said.
21/Mar/23 1:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm glad you and Col are having serious talks like this, CynB. It's important to know what you both want and need. And speaking honestly is a sign of a truly good relationship.
22/Mar/23 1:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Got eggs delivered to the food pantry, and the 3 cows A.I.'d to a purebred Red Gelbveih bull. Mike changed his mind about using the semen from the Balancer bull. All of the calves (IF the A.I.s take) will be balancers, since all cows done today are pure Red Angus.
22/Mar/23 3:50 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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National ''Rosie The Riveter'' Day in the U.S.

Today marks the first-ever official National Rosie the Riveter Day, celebrating the many women who entered the workforce during World War II.

These ladies stepped up when the need was great and were a major contributor to production...
22/Mar/23 8:03 AM
Midge  From Ferntree Gully
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Was most surprised DorA to hear you have a Rosie the Riveter day. I knitted a king-size blanket of Rosie one side and 'You can do it' on the other. Took me 9 months but very proud I finally got to finish it - many nights of tangled mess behind knitting from up to 20 balls in the row. Daughter wants me to enter it in the Melbourne Show but I won't as they don't guarantee to take care of your articles. Might enter some gloves I knitted for my mum in 2 ply fair isle.
Is Col having physio or just meds? Sorry to hear his function down - hope the meds can control it. You sound like us in the reverse, hubby wants to move in close to Melbourne and I want to stay here where I have cows and hay bales in my view. The only thing is I can't bend to do the garden properly and our property is quite steep.
I wish I had Heidi's energy.
Sister turns 81 today so having the afternoon off to go and visit her.
24/Mar/23 1:32 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Midge, can you post a picture of the blanket. I'd surely like to see it...

When ever I think about moving to town, I realize how bored I would be.
With my hearing loss, conversation is a challenge and the lack of 'things to do' would drive me nuts. I think I'll just stay where I am. A caravan trip may be in the offing, though...
24/Mar/23 4:46 PM
Midge  From Ferntree Gully
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Hi DorA - will try to. My phone is android so will see if my daughter can help. She loves the blanket. I knitted it for her. Will let you know whenit is up.
25/Mar/23 12:10 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another calf born to one of Mike's cows.... a solid black heifer. He now has twice as many heifer calves than he had all last year. He's thrilled. My closest cow looks about 2 weeks away.
Yesterday we had pouring rain and thunderstorms. Today we have high winds again.... 25 MPH gusting to 50 MPH. At least it's warm .... 63˚F / 17.2˚C. Perfect Spring temps. I've noticed the Redbuds are opening.
26/Mar/23 8:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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AND the frogs are active in my fish pond again! Definitely SPRING!
26/Mar/23 9:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My favorite Red Angus cow just had a lovely red heifer calf!
30/Mar/23 8:57 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Congratulations ''Mom''...
31/Mar/23 7:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another day of bad weather. Thunderstorms and a wind advisory: .Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts of 40 to 50 mph expected. I really hope I have no more downed trees.
01/Apr/23 6:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The tornado risk is about 2 hours to the west and north of us.
01/Apr/23 8:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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And now we're under tornado watch for the next 4 hours.
01/Apr/23 2:47 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Heidi, I keep checking back to see if you are OK, post storm...
02/Apr/23 8:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm OK. Just got very high winds and all night thunderstorms.
02/Apr/23 10:08 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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THX for the ''sitrep''. (situation report.)
02/Apr/23 10:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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All 5 calves... so far... are doing well. Only one is mine, the Red Angus heifer, (picture on my page) 3 are Mikes (1 white faced black bull calf and 2 solid black heifers) and 1 is Lloyd's (a white faced black heifer). Lloyd is Mike's best friend, and he bought a bred heifer 6 months ago.... his first.
03/Apr/23 12:50 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Sorry I've been absent, just been busy.
But I have been quickly checking in to meake sure the tornadoes haven't come so close.
I love hearing about the new calves. New life, whatever it is, is special.
Caio for now, off to lunch with my Art class friends.
03/Apr/23 11:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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''By awakening the Native American teachings, you come to the realization that the earth is not something simply that you build upon and walk upon and drive upon and take for granted. It is a living entity. It has consciousness.''

~ Edgar Cayce
04/Apr/23 3:45 AM
Midge  From Ferntree Gully
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Son hasn't been in contact again and received a location from google of Kazakhstan - a village with a populaton of 3 and 1 street. who knows where he is - was supposed to be in Thailand still so wait and see now until the 15/16th April. Son no. 2 coming home tomorrow from Thailand and no. 3 for a visit from Darwin later this month. Busy household again - it is so quiet here.
Been watching the tornado reports - so horrible.
Missed out on adopting an 8yr old Border Collie - said we are a bit old and too many stairs - isn't 8 a senior too?? Will try again.
04/Apr/23 10:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hope you read the riot act to your son about keeping in touch!

Sorry about missing out on adopting the Border Collie.
8 is middle aged, not really senior.
05/Apr/23 12:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just had my one year follow-up after my cataract surgery. The Doc said everything looks great, everything is stable, and is showing slight but steady improvement still. They're very pleased, as am I.
08/Apr/23 5:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're doing a cow sort in about 2 hours. We're leaving the still pregnant cows in the calving pasture (no hiding places, so easy to quickly spot anybody going into labor or any new calves) and the rest go into a lush 20 acre pasture behind it, with lots of fresh grass.
09/Apr/23 1:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The cow sort went amazingly smoothly... except for one bit of excitement. We had a calf born during it! Mike has another white faced black heifer calf now.
09/Apr/23 7:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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╔══════ ೋღღೋ ══════╗
ೋ ೋ Happy Easter! ೋ ೋ
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10/Apr/23 1:24 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Happy Easter to all!
It is already Monday here.
We had a big family working bee on Saturday to clear out our garden which had become terribly overgrown in the years since Col's troubles started. It looks amazing now and we found our orchids safe, hiding among the overgrowth. One was even in flower! It amazing what can be done with 3 big strappping lads (grandson, and partners of 2 granddaughters). The women picked up all the debris and cleaned out some of the smaller garden areas. Exhausting but fruitful day. We are so thankful for these people. Then yesterday, they all came back for a relaxing Easter celebration . My daughter's partner has had his mother staying with them for six months, she rolled her sleeves up and never stopped on Saturday. Yesterday, she said that she impressed that we all sat talking as a group and were inclusive of everyone. That's a nice compliment to give us. She could have added 'but you are all so loud doing it!!
10/Apr/23 8:36 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Time for an avatar change. Summer has finally gone and autumn temps are lovely - cool at night 12c last night and 25-28c daily temps. Just right for our visitors next week. Rolanda and her husband Peter are coming to stay with us next week for 5 days on their way to North Qld. It will be nice to see them both after 8 years or so. Col and Peter have become great friends. Not having a Sudoku gathering, I'm past all of that these days. But we'll get photos, taking them to a koala sanctuary called Lone Pine which we'll get to by cruising up the river in a boat. We'll find other things to do as well as chatting over coffee or bubbly.
11/Apr/23 8:30 AM
Midge  From Ferntree Gully
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What a great Easter for you CynB. Garden done, relaxing day and great company. Back in 1975 I was offered a fabulous job at Lone Pine and really wanted to take it but I knew we would be moving back to Victoria later that year and it wasn't fair so I did temp work. Loved that place. Would love to know what it is like nowadays.
Good news about your cataract result Heidi and sounds like you had a very busy time.
No 2 son arrived home last Wednesday and surprised us with a visitor from Thailand on Sunday. His girlfriend of 7 years - was so happy to meet her - she is lovely.
No 1 son finally rang and will be back on 16th April (hopefully) for a couple of months and no. 3 on 18th for a week. So all in all, a good time for achilles tendons to react to antibiotics and face to swell so I feel like Jabba the Hutt. But should be fun times for a while.
11/Apr/23 2:09 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm SO glad #1 son rang! Did you read him the riot act about staying in touch and not scaring you so much, Midge?

That must have been a wonderful Easter, CynB!
Please give Rolanda and Peter a hug from me.
How is Col doing now?
12/Apr/23 12:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're having perfect weather this week. Mid '70's all week! And sunny, supposedly. The trees are leafing out fast and the world is turning green.
I need to spend a lot of time outside today to watch 3 cows. These are the 3 we A.I.'d 3 weeks ago. If the A.I.s didn't take, they should come in heat today. So I need to watch them carefully. Mike would, but today is surgery day at the Vet Clinic.
12/Apr/23 12:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I was out checking cows and stumbled across a really nice pocket knife laying in some tall grass. I'd never seen it before. So I texted Mike and asked if it was his. He was SO happy to get it back. He lost it a week ago and had been going crazy trying to find it.
12/Apr/23 9:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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This morning I caught a HUGE female Opossum in the horse barn, and disposed of her. This was the biggest female I've ever seen.
13/Apr/23 4:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Two calves born this morning.... Mike's last. He should be here in 45 minutes, then we'll tag them and find out genders. One is solid black and one is a white faced black. I still have 2 left to calve.
15/Apr/23 2:14 AM
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