Plum from SW Michigan, USA

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Take away a thought, a laugh or a bite to eat.

(I recommend the plum pierogi or the goats milk cheese).



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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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I can't resist this opportunity.... to a new page young lady. Yes, young lady, as 49 is a far shot off me at my age. Cheers!
02/May/10 9:22 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Plum, I am posting here as I did not want to interrupt your cp on easy, but just had to come over and pass on my congratulations to Starr, for graduating with honours.
Well done and best wishes.
12/May/10 10:48 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Plum, I will happily concede that 'age before beauty' is not a snide comment but a statement of the truth.
I felt I just had to step in and support cp and her nurses, they are wonderful people. However, I have had no experience with midwives - except perhaps in my single days, and unfortunately I have forgotten.

You are indeed a gracious conceder. Thanks.
13/May/10 8:15 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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A graduation open house means...
ongratulations to Starr on her graduation!
18/May/10 11:21 PM
   Jerry  From Washougal, WA / USA    Supporting Member
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Plum, you better have someone hide what remains of that package. I volunteer...
21/May/10 3:12 PM
   fii  From NT
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Thanks Plum, for noticing my rare visit to Sudokuland. Am living in Arnhem Land these days and am teaching in an island school. Hugely busy and challenging and so I rarely get on to Sudoku land. No internet at home and at school there are always a thousand things to do. Have been playing microsoft chess (offline) at home for relaxation instead of the sudoku. Hope you are well. blessings Fi
13/Jun/10 1:54 PM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hi, Plum! Haven't seen you around much. I know you've been super busy, and so have I! I wonder if you could give me some advice. One of my nieces lives on a farm in Oklahoma, and they just bought some goats. I found the following instructions online for making goats' milk brie which I plan to send on to her, but before I do, thought I'd check with the cheese expert! Does this recipe sound authentic? Do you have any tips? Sure would appreciate your input! ♥Jane

PS: Coincidentally, my niece also homeschools!
07/Jul/10 12:20 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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For the wonderfully warm birthday greeting. It is so fabulous to have sudoku-family from all over the world share in my birthday.
17/Jul/10 11:51 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Plum for the birthday greetings. My Sudoku family from all over the world is the best.
22/Jul/10 3:07 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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...or you could just hang out at WalMart all day and people watch!!! lol
24/Jul/10 12:59 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Sound like you have some pretty good options, though. I vote for Grandma's house!
24/Jul/10 1:01 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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"Sounds" not sound. Tsk, tsk.
24/Jul/10 1:01 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Thanks for the info re goat's milk cheese. I won't be needing this, however, since I have since discovered that my niece does not have dairy goats. At least not yet. They got a bunch of African pygmy goats for the sole purpose of lawn maintenance, but if all works out, they may want to add some dairy goats. Hope you're having a nice day - away from the heat!!!
25/Jul/10 3:15 AM
   Rayray  From an Egg    Supporting Member
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Hi PLum,
There is quite a lot in what you say in your uplifting message on my page. However, I think my main problem right now is not so much being shy, but rather I cannot find the energy to do anything. There is a threshold required to lift a finger and that is rarely reached so the keyboard is deprived of being tapped (in the literal sense of the word).
04/Aug/10 5:57 PM
   Danstell  From Terrafirma
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Hello Plum
Thanks for your message in my box.... you are absolutely right about plaids. Cushions are done and delivered....they look very very good ...considering it is a first for me, yuo could have seen the smile you were referring to on my face....
13/Aug/10 7:14 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Thanks for your Birthday wishes. Mom flew up here for the weekend and we celebrated with a huge 10½" Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie. I have to admit it was one of my best and hope you enjoy a piece with me for breakfast/lunch.

It was 100° both days over the weekend - was suppose to go up to 106° today but is now slated for 95° today. Going to a BBQ tonight & sharing ice cold cherries.

PS check the Sudoku Cookbook for the recipe.
17/Aug/10 2:49 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Plum - that youtube (Clark's commercial) was a hoot! Thanks for putting it up on Easy.
18/Aug/10 4:27 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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That Caribbean music is delightful...can't imagine anyone not being spirited up to move their body! I had a friend who had a 40th b'day party (YEARS ago! hehehe) and they hired a steel drumb/Caribbean music band that was awesome! Fun party for sure.
29/Aug/10 12:54 AM
   Fiona  From France
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Hi Plum, are you very busy at the moment? - haven't seen you around for a while. Hope all's well.
28/Sep/10 3:15 AM
   Jill  From Richfield, Ohio
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Hi Plum! I see you popped in the other day. I couldn't comment, because I couldn't log in. You would be proud. The first of 4 Halloween Costumes is already done. Peter Pan. I loved 4-H in my youth. Glad you and little Plum can share the adventure.
01/Oct/10 2:24 AM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Well, Plum, I guess "what ever turns you on" would apply to wanting to be the page turner. The only comment number that I would like to get is probably impossible... 666!
01/Oct/10 6:09 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Plum - I thought I'd better reply to your query on your page as I overlooked it today.

No, my son has always wanted to do something like this, so took a break from work to go it alone. If a mate had been available, he would have preferred company but he knows people in most cities in Australia from the work he does, so meets up with them.
He did send me a couple of photos of the Kimberley region of W.A.
08/Nov/10 11:00 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Saw your comment on the 'tough' page.
Got caught in a riptide once at a beach near Titusville. Not a pleasant experience, to say the least. Didn't know the 'swim sideways' rule. No lifeguard at that beach. Relatives on shore thought we were having fun in the waves!
17/Nov/10 1:16 AM
saylz  From Tassie
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Thanks Plum
I've still got a long way to go. When I get to below 100kg I will post a photo.
17/Nov/10 2:37 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Don't worry, you keep us honest, Plum!
For some reason, I've always spelled scary (scairy) wrong!
Also, I spelled forty 'fourty' for so long that I was afraid the bank wouldn't accept my checks with the correct spelling! When I moved I finally changed it to the correct spelling!
20/Nov/10 11:15 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Plum and Mr. P.!
21/Nov/10 2:38 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Happy Anniversary, Plum! It just gets better and better ... really!
21/Nov/10 5:10 AM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco    Supporting Member
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Plum I got married in July both times. One was the third and one the second. Ed was so nice about my not remembering which was which. The best thing was my son from the first marriage. He will be 64 this december on the 10th or 12th. I never can remember which. My brother was born on the 10th or maybe the 12th. I hate dates, and being dyslexics, I never get them right.
23/Nov/10 1:29 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Dear Plum.


Wishing You A Merry Christmas And A Very Happy New Year 2011.

16/Dec/10 3:07 PM
   Bjay  From Brisbane, Oz
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G'day Plum. Thanks for the birthday message. We had a very laid back day, just a meal at the local club with my two girls, my daughter and our boarder, who is also like a daughter to me. After a day of solid rain yesterday, we had a lovely sunny, hot, typical summer day today.

I'd like to wish you and your all the very best for Christmas and the New Year.
20/Dec/10 10:44 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Plum,
I just wanted to send season's greetings to you and all your loved ones. I know you celebrate Christmas, so I hope you enjoy the season and have a wonderful time, and my best wishes for a happy new year as well. Take care, enjoy, have fun and know you have friends out there thinking of you. Cheers!
21/Dec/10 9:07 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Plum - Merry Christmas to you and your family.

May the New Year be filled with many Blessings!
22/Dec/10 11:49 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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to you and your family, Plum!
23/Dec/10 8:09 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Plum, wishing you & your family
23/Dec/10 3:05 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Plum and Little Plum - A most Happy Holiday to you and yours. Sending love and holiday hugs.
24/Dec/10 1:55 AM
   Grass-hopper  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Wishing you a Merry Christmas & all the best for the New Year.
24/Dec/10 8:28 PM
JennieT  From Oh/USA
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Hi Plum and Merry Christmas!
You left me a message a loooong time ago & asked what part of Ohio I call home. Sorry for not answering for so long. :-) I live in the Dayton area now. Maybe I should sign in more often?
25/Dec/10 4:52 PM
   Rayray  From an Egg    Supporting Member
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Hi Plum,
Yesterday (Boxing Day), we ate the glazed gammon joint. It was excellent - the best such joint I have ever had. Your recipe was a complete success. Especially, the long steeping of the pre-boiled joint in fruit juices paid dividends. Thanks for the guidance.
27/Dec/10 8:32 PM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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Plum, thank you for the birthday greeting. It is heartwarming to receive messages from all over the world!

I hope you and your family have a happy, healthy new year!
30/Dec/10 2:40 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Thank you, Plum! I've been taking it easy ,trying to heal before I have to work again. Hydrating with some yerba mate a very dear friend had me started on (I wonder who!)
06/Jan/11 2:19 AM
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