Eve from So. Oregon

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 Watch out for the Snakes in the Trees!




U-tube: Jacksonville Oregon Song 

for Jacksonville's Sesquicentennial

by Jewel - performed in June at Britt 





Click "Flicker" below, for tour click "Jacksonville Set",  then click slide show icon. For Full Screen viewing click icon bottom right.

18 of these photos appear in Jewel's video.


Jacksonville is in Southern Oregon, nestled in the foothills of the Siskiyou Mountains. Gold was discovered in 1851. It is the "largest intact historic inland trading center west of the Rockies".

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Sheila  From Malabar Florida
Change the subject, my granny came from Dumfries and I have an Auntie that still lives there.
11/Aug/07 10:28 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Haven't gone back and counted, promise. I think 280.
11/Aug/07 10:30 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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I'll go with a nice round 250. Very rarely do I take the time to listen to You-tubes, but your Scottish music was lovely. I wish I had heard the ones earlier in the week. I hope to visit Scotland someday - it's very high on my wish list. Your photos are great. Africa is on my list, too. Also, Oregon!!! We probably won't see 50F around here until November. Dave told me where to find a map of the area where you & he live. It sounds heavenly, especially today when we were sweltering in FL (& much of the rest of the U.S., too). Have a good weekend. Enjoy the wedding, the weather, & the wildlife!
11/Aug/07 12:01 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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The Guesses submitted
175Ian - Boston
200Karen - TX
200Stella - NY
225Kathy - Md
250Kathy - FL
275CP - Canberra
300Julie - IL
325Mamacita - PA
325Cathy - Ontario
350Lynne - Kanahooka
350Val - England
375Rob - UT
400Jane - GA
400Rosemary - Wangaratta

List of TV Shows over 24 hours from first post!
(Country of first person to post the program)

177 Sunset StripAus
2A Country PracticeAus
3Adams FamilyAus
4Alfred Hitchcock PresentsCan
5Alias Smith and JonesAus
6All in the FamilyUS
7Andy Griffith ShowCan
8Aqua BoyAus
9Aunty JackAus
11Baby SnooksUS
13Beanie & Cecil US
14Ben Casey. MDUS
15Bennie HillCan
19Big ValleyAus
20Bionic WomanEng
21Blake SevenEng
22Bob Newhart ShowUS
24Brady BunchUS
25Bronco LaneUS
26Captain KangarooUS
27Carol Burnette ShowUS
29Charlie's AngelsUS
32Cinnamon BearUS
33Cisco KidUS
35Courtship of Eddie's FatherUS
37Danger ManCan
38Daniel BooneAus
39Dark ShadowsUS
40Davy CrockettCan
41Deadly Ernest ShowAus
42Dean Martin roastsUS
43Dean Martin ShowUS
44Dick Van Dyke ShowUS
45Dr. KildareUS
46Dr. Max & FloppyUS
47Dr. WhoAus
49Ed SullivanUS
50Elvira - Late night Horror MoviesUS
51Family AffairUS
52Father Knows BestUS
53Fireball XL5US
56Flying NunUS
57Friday Night Fright NightCan
58Friendly GiantCan
61General HospitalCAN
62George Gobel ShowUS
63Get SmartAus
65Gilligen's IslandUS
66Gomer PileAus
67Grand Central StationUS
68Green HornetUS
69Green LanternUS
71Happy DaysAus
72Hart to HartEng
73Hawaii Five-OUS
74Hawaiian EyeUS
75Here Come the BridesUS
76Hey, Hey,It's SaturdayAus
78Hit ParadeUS
79Hockey NightCan
80Hogan's HeroesUS
82I Love LucyUS
83I SpyUS
84It's a knock out Aus
85Jack BennyUS
86Jackie Gleason HourUS
87Joe NinetyEng
88Johnie CarsonUS
89Johnny QuestAus
90Johnny YumaUS
91Jonathan Winters ShowUS
92Kimba the White LionAus
93Knots LandingEng
95Kung FuUS
96LA LawUS
99Lawrence WelkUS
100Leave it to BeaverUS
101Leonardo LionAus
102Life of RileyUS
103Little House on the PrairieUS
104Little Rascals/Our GangUS
105Lone RangerCan
106Lost in SpaceAus
107Love JoyEng
108Magnum PIUS
109Man from U.N.C.L.E.US
110Marcus Welby MDUS
111Mary HartmanUS
114Mavis Bramston ShowAus
116McHale's NavyUS
117Mickey Mouse ClubUS
118Million Dollar ManUS
119Milton Berl (Uncle Miltie)US
120Mission ImpossibleUS
11/Aug/07 7:41 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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121Mod SquadUS
123Monty Python's Flying CircusCan
124Mork and MindyAus
126Mr and Mrs. NorthUS
127Mr Ed..the talking horse Aus
128Muppet showAus
129My 3 SonsUS
130My Favourite MartianAus
131My Friend FlikaUS
132My Mother the CarUS
133Naked Vicar ShowAus
134Nat King Cole ShowUS
135No. 96Aus
136NYPD BlueEng
137One Foot In The GraveEng
138Our Gal SundayUS
139Our Miss BrooksUS
140Outer LimitsCan
141Ozzie & HarietteUS
143Partridge FamilyUS
144Perry ComoUS
145Perry MasonUS
146Petticoat JunctionAus
147Phil Silvers Show (Sgt. Bilko)US
148Pinky LeeUS
149Please Don't Eat the DaisiesAus
150Priiiiinnnnnccce PlanetAus
151Prisoner Cell Block HEng
153Q.T. HushCan
154Randall and Hopkirk (deceased)Aus
155Rat PatrolCan
156Red SkeltonUS
159Rin Tin TinUS
160Rockford FilesEng
161Rocky and BullwinkleAus
162Room 222US
163Roy RogersUS
164Royal Canadian Air FarceCan
166Second Mrs. BurtonUS
168Sid Caesar and Imogene CocoaUS
169Sing Along with MitchUS
171Sky KingUS
172Smothers BrothersUS
174Space 1999Eng
175Space PatrolUS
177Spitting ImagesEng
178Star Trek -Deep Space NineEng
179Star Trek OriginalUS
180Star Trek Voyager Eng
181Starsky & HutchAus
182Steve AllanUS
185Surfside 6Aus
186Surprise, Surprise, SurpriseUS
189Takeshi's castleEng
190Three StoogesUS
191Tonight Show - Jack ParrUS
193Twilight ZoneAus
194Video VillageUS
195Wagon TrainCan
197Wanted: Dead or AliveUS
198Welcome Back KotterUS
199Westward HoCan
201Wild Wild WestUS
202Winky DinkUS
204Wonder WomanEng
205X FilesCan

The Winners are:
First to post at over 200: Karen - Tx
Second post at over 200: Stella - NY
Honorable Mention: .
with a guess of 199 : Ian - Boston

Your prize is - putting up with my insanity!

Now :each of you go over the list & see how
many you remember. It may be easier to just

cross offs and subtract from 205..
Once that is determine divide by your age.

Note - the younger you are, the less you are
likely to know - or your lying about your age.

11/Aug/07 7:43 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi Eve! Thanks for the list! I posted my list on the SA3 page. You should see all of the scraps of paper around my computer. Every time I remembered one, I would jot it down. There were 190 on my list but I did forget a couple. Check it out if you get a chance. Take care!
11/Aug/07 9:38 PM
   Emels  From Perth
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Thanks Eve for the birthday wishes - had a great day pretending to be a big kid! Just a bit harder to pick up all the wrapping paper.

Have a great day. x
11/Aug/07 10:56 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hi Eve, Enjoyed all the fun you created yesterday but I was a bit too busy cooking to participate.
When did you go to Africa? I recognise a lot of your phoyos as we were at the Safari Park Hotel, Amboseli, Maasai Mara, Lake Nukuru, Victoria Falls and South Africa this time last year. I am slowly trying to get some photos up but still sorting through this years trip.
(Sorry I slipped in a comment this morning as I was headed off to bed!! )
And some flowers for all the fun yeterday
12/Aug/07 7:08 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Thanks Eve for the fun contest. I left my speech on Easy. On your list I scored a 3.0, but on my list it would be much higher. And that's not including my favorite shows that were after 1976! Have a great evening!
12/Aug/07 9:31 AM
jeb  From ks
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Did you put up Killiecrankie and then Bonnie Dundee by the Corries as well? If you did, sorry I missed them.
13/Aug/07 2:54 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Hi Eve,
Wonderful photos of Sweetheart Abbey, took me back a lot of years to a holiday I had in hat area. And The Corries, I remember going to see them live at the City Hall in Newcastle on Tyne in the 70's when I was 18 years old. Had a wonderful time. Thanks for jogging my memory
13/Aug/07 4:18 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Eve - must've caught you on Youtube changeover. I started off listening to the Corries - and went back through all the clips and then found myself with Laugh-In to finish up. It was good anyway. Have a good trip, I hope your back is feeling a little better.
13/Aug/07 8:02 PM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Just a couple of coincidences - a book I'm currently reading talks about Sweetheart Abbey, and after Brenda mentioning Newcastle-on-Tyne above - that is where my husband was born and where he is going for a visit in a few weeks time!
13/Aug/07 8:04 PM
   Angie  From Wisconsin
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Hi Eve! Thank you so much for the birthday greetings! I used to post a lot more but I was 'puter-less for a couple months. Now that I'm back up and running, it's tough to jump back into the conversations. Anyways, (lifting my glass of water) Here's to two awesome people who share - a day of new beginnings, a day to thank those who make our lives more fun, and a day to play some Sudoku!
13/Aug/07 11:20 PM
Big White Undies  From Tampa, Florida
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Hi Eve- love this page and the many wonderful people/friendships it brings. Nice to find a place to stretch the mind and bring smiles to the lips. Have a wonderful day - Jayne
14/Aug/07 12:51 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Eve - Thank you for the Birthday wishes. I really appreciate it. I had a great day! I went to my first Rodeo. It was fun.

Your strawberry cream pie looks scrumptious! I love strawberries! I will have to try it when we get back home.
14/Aug/07 12:52 AM
Big White Undies  From Tampa, Florida
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Dear Eve:
First thing I see on your page is my pie - yum. I appreciate the warm welcome wishes and the chance to interact globally. Have a lovely day -Jayne
14/Aug/07 1:07 AM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Eve, off on holiday? Have a marvelous, pain-free time! (We leave on Friday for ours--won't a rest from it all be nice?)
14/Aug/07 4:13 AM
   Kate  From TX
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I'm returning to answer your response to me on the 9th! sorry it took so long to get back to you. You asked if we had an RV; no, we don't and usually we fly from Tx to Ca then to Or and back to Tx but once we drove a rent car and stayed in Ashland at a wonderful small hotel. Someday, when time allows we will do that again and explore more of Oregon. The drive was wonderful but could have been more wonderful if we could have stayed longer.
14/Aug/07 11:45 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Eve, wishing you a smooth and pain-free journey! Have a great time on your visit! Take care!
14/Aug/07 12:47 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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It don't get much sillier than that Eve. I haven't seen Laugh In for about a hundred years! Thanks for the chuckles.
Will be thinking of you while you are away. There is no worse time to get a bad back. I think just about everyone knows backache so if sympathy could cure, you'd be doing cartwheels right now!
14/Aug/07 9:09 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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and Eve, Enjoy your special day - Mary
and mmmmm boy, that pie sure looks good
16/Aug/07 12:14 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Eve! Just popped in to wish you a happy birthday. Hope the day is special for you! Cheers!
16/Aug/07 3:11 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Eve
just came to wish you a very happy birthday and your pictures are amazing .
16/Aug/07 3:46 AM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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wishing you a very happy birthday
16/Aug/07 9:03 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Eve, Hope you had a special day.
Here's a little cake for later.
16/Aug/07 9:28 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Eve! Hope you have a great day!
16/Aug/07 10:35 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Eve and a very to you. Hope you're having a good time and that your back is ok. Brought you a and some .
Unfortunately I missed the party at Ian's but I belive they were heading this way so I'm just putting out some chippies and dippies for when they get here. The bubbly is on ice and the strawberries are ready for the sousing thereof!
16/Aug/07 4:14 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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here is some for you
16/Aug/07 4:34 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Eve, hope your day has been filled with much love and fun.
16/Aug/07 6:20 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Have a wonderful birthday, Eve
16/Aug/07 7:42 PM
   Karen  From Riesel, Texas
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Goodness gracious Eve--I need a nap after your message. Seemed you had every momnet filled while you were away. Which was way too long--the place was so quiet. I personally missed you.

Car trips are not the best thing for a back and then going on one when your back was hurting was very brave. I am glad it is feeling better, maybe since you are home it will take care of the rest of the kinks.

Reading the rest of your not, I felt like I was reading a page out of my own life.

My Grandmother is 80 and still goes to work each day even though she is retired and drives herself.

Mom and I have much history of butting heads. Mike, my husband, says too that we are so much alike. I disagree 100%, my mom is stubborn. Me--I just like things to go my way. See two total opposites. But we do love each other and try to tolerate each other. Thank goodness for our husbands, sister, and brothers who know when things get heated to put us in our seperate corners.

Since you have been gone school has started and the girl has built up more speed and more curiousity. Which has put me in shock that I have been allowed to type this message of welcome back to you. But of course I have spoke too soon. Please know I am happy you are safely back and forgive me for not proofreading. But I have to run quickly.
24/Aug/07 11:28 PM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hi, Eve! Welcome back! Sounds like you had quite an adventure. You are lucky you still have your mother - with or without her little "quirks"! My mom started to have some mini strokes in her early 80s and lost her independence. She lived with my husband and me for a couple of years, but I eventually had to place her in a nursing home after she fell down the basement stairs, breaking her collar bone. She passed away a few years ago at the age of 90. I miss her very much and would give anything to have her back - feistiness and all!!!
25/Aug/07 12:51 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Welcome back, Eve! Thanks for stopping by with the report on your travels. It seems we all can identify with you and your mom. I, for one, was very happy when my mom's eye doc told her she shouldn't drive anymore. She wanted him to sign the form for her license renewal and he wouldn't do it (she was 86 at the time) She hated losing that independence, but, believe me, it was safer for her, to say nothing of the others on the road! I kept noticing dings, scrapes, and dents on her car and, of course, she "had no idea" how they got there! The time spent chauffering her around was worth it to me, and we had so much more time to argue!
25/Aug/07 1:25 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Home Eve.....I had to smile as I read about your harrowing drive from 'ell...so to speak. I can relate to both your discomfort, and your Mom's wish to exert her 'independence', by not napping, and driving fast through LA...but I also know scary it is when this happens. I teach the AARP Safe Driving Course to seniors, and suggest that if she hasn't taken the course, she do so. It reminds the older folks that there comes a time when we need to choose to stop driving before its too late, and/or when we are forced to stop. In the meantime, we need to practice safe driving habits to protect ourselves and others. It also comes with an insurance discount in most states! Hope if she does take the course, she gets a good teacher! Let me know how things go when you start speaking again...lol Do visit again sometime soon. Peace.
25/Aug/07 7:43 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Eve, take a long hot fragrant bath and soak that poor back of yours. What I'd give to have an intelligent arguement with my mother (she has Alzheimers), you're lucky to have your mom whole. Even though she can be a pain, cherish her. I'm glad that you gave your dog a little holiday too. You are very wise!
25/Aug/07 3:39 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Oh, btw, I hope you don't mind, I took a slice of the pie! Yummy! Here's some to go with it.
25/Aug/07 3:40 PM
Noemi B  From Israel    Supporting Member
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Thank you for your kind words . Chen was indeed a beautiful dog. She loved to play and loved kids.We will always remember her!
26/Aug/07 3:17 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Eve! Glad you are safely home after your harrowing experiences with your mom driving. I meant to mention on my last visit that your dog Tipper looks very much like two dogs I had that were named Tippy. The first was a childhood pet & then later on after I was married we got another dog that looked almost the same as Tippy, so we named her Tippy II. They both had more white on them than your Tipper, but both were very sweet dogs, mutts but with a lot of border collie in them, I think.
26/Aug/07 12:16 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Eve, glad you made it home safe, if not sound! That will return shortly! It's great though that your mom is still so active and has no impairments to her activities! Hope you have a great day!
28/Aug/07 12:38 AM
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