Sudokuaholics Anonymous

A place to post once the " last to post" competition is over. Please restrain yourselves till then.
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   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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This will be the site of the SA meetings. Meetings will begin as the close of the LAST TO POST contest. Drop in whenever the withdrawal from the contest symptoms strike.
10/May/07 9:49 PM
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Hello, my name is GannieMo and I am a sudokuaholic
11/May/07 2:21 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Hello, my name is Kathy and I'm a sudokuholic. May I get you a chair?
11/May/07 2:51 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Hello, my name is Rena and I am a Sudokuaholic. Can I get an extra chair for my laptop?
11/May/07 3:52 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi, my name is Stella and I'm a Sudokuaholic.
11/May/07 4:04 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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You know you’re a sudokuaholic when …
10. You set a timer when you step away from your computer
9. You wake up in the night and little smilies are dancing in your head
8. You wake up at night to go pee, and first you stop to check the competition page
7. You come to the computer first before your morning coffee.
6. You make up an excuse to leave work to go home and grab something and while your there you sign on to the competition and post.
5. You call in to work and say you are sick, just to stay home and play sudoku.
4. You fold clothes at the bed right next to the computer, so you can swing your chair around to the computer to check on the page progress.
3. When the timer goes off and hubby goes to take the dinner out of the oven and nothing is there.
2. Someone gives you their phone number and you think 'there's a 7 missing...'
And the number 1 reason you know you're a Sudokuaholic is...

1. You have two computers set up side by side to be able to post on one and play the games on the other!!!

You change the clock on your computer to match the time on the page!!!!
You put your digital timer in your POCKET.
11/May/07 4:06 AM
post  From wherever
11/May/07 9:37 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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11 May 2007, 8.10am
Hi my name is Rola, and yes I am a Sudokuaholic, and I've bought my own chair.
Feeling guilty, not here all morning, not much this afternoon, out this evening. Unable to contribute much to the 10 minutes posts today....
11/May/07 10:04 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Hi y'all, my name is Cyndi and I'm a Sudokuaholic
I have 2 computers in our home office (hubby can connect to certain things at work) and 2 laptops in the living room. Mine is almost always on. When I'm not doing the puzzles on the site, I'm putting puzzles in to do; and I have several books that I take with me to drs' appts, riding
in the car, etc. I also do some crossword puzzles once in a while.
Oh, and my drink is Scotch.
11/May/07 10:06 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, I'm Julie, an admitted Sudokuholic! Hey, isn't it great that Stella won! You go, Girl!
12/May/07 1:35 PM
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Hello, my name's Col and I'm a sudokuholic. I have just asked my other half if I can have a laptop. My desktop broke down for 6 weeks in March and I NEVER want to go through that again!
12/May/07 1:42 PM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Congratuations to STELLA winning the competition
Three Cheers for Stella
Hip Hip Hooray. Hip Hip Hooray. Hip Hip Hooray.
12/May/07 2:10 PM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Congrats to Stella.
A quote from the movie 'Hook'
'That was a great game!'
12/May/07 2:37 PM
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Hi I shall return on Monday, if by then I have caught up in my house!!!!!
Have a lovely weekend everyone and more congrats Stella (left more on your page)
12/May/07 3:26 PM
   Jenni  From Canberra
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Hello, my name is Jenni & I'm a sudokuholic & a SudokuPosterHolic, a terrible combination cos you can't do both at once & you have to choose! It has been 2 hours since my last post & I am not coping - need immediate help.
12/May/07 4:04 PM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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My name is Mistress Rose
I am a sudokuaholic and proud of it!
just had to do that one more time!
12/May/07 7:00 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Hi, my name is vdV and I'm a Sudokuaholic.
You know your a Sudokuaholic when you post first, then read the chatter only to find out the competition is over. (never said I was smart)
12/May/07 7:06 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings to everyone. Nice to see so many have visited the SA page already. I hope you all continue to drop in when you need a 'fix'

STELA, you still floating? Decided what to get at Amazon? I am sure all of us could make suggestions if you need help :>)

GRANNIE MO, get that house clean and hurry back, we will miss you!

CYNDI, you can keep the Scotch all to yourself, cannot get that past my lips, that and Burbon, Nope, No Way.
12/May/07 11:38 PM
   Leigh  From NL Canada
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Hello, my name is Leigh and I'm a Sudokuaholic. My last game was 15 minutes ago. But more than that, I think I became a Sudokupostaholic.
When I woke to find the Last to Post contest was over, I was sad. It really was great reading the comments, stories, poem, and fun from people everywhere.
Congrats to Stella, who worked so hard & was posting whenever I logged on - but obivously for longer!!
I guess I'll pull up a chair & wait with my laptop for others to drop by...
13/May/07 12:12 AM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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HI LEIGH, thanks for stopping by. Hope others will be making thier way here today too. Like you, I miss the chatting on 'last to post' .

OK, who can help me? I found a photo for my AVATAR, and cannot remember the free site for making avatars. someone want to clue me in?
13/May/07 12:26 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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MizTricia and anyone else who needs it, here is the website for avatars:
Chan ge size to 50.
Have fun. I also put it on your page, MizTricia.

Back to the meeting.
I miss you guys. I don't know what to do with myself. I know it's only been a day but it sure was a lot of fun. Guess I'll just have to do some housework.
13/May/07 2:25 AM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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RENA, many thanks for the info. I have my avatar submitted. anyone want to guess what it will be??

TO ALL, the fastest way to reach me (like I am so important you need me in a hurry hehehe) is on my page. I have e-mail allerts go to my in box from there, and I do check e-mail often. I am on the computer a lot for my 'work from home' job. AND a lot for fun and corrospondence with my cyber friends, too :>)
13/May/07 2:57 AM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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You know you are a sudokuPOSTaholic when:

You set your page to 'alert me' status.
13/May/07 2:59 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi everyone! Wow, it's been some night/day. My guests arrived at the end and then I was up and out this morning at 8am to see my niece row down at the lake. Just got home (1pm) and haven't even taken off my jacket or put the groceries away yet. (I must be a sudoku-post-aholic!) Definitely missing all of the posts. It was fun to come on any time day or night and have people there chatting. It's certainly amazing that we had continuous posting for almost 2 weeks!!! Hope to talk to you soon. Maybe we should have meeting times?
13/May/07 3:07 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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We are here and ready to embrace and help anyone with withdrawl symptoms ! Come in, pull up a, no, not the one with the fluffy pillow, that's Stella's !
We are all friends here, so feel free to unburden yourselves. There is nothing too heinous for us to understand. We will share your pain!! We will comiserate!! We will advise!!
We stand ready!! We will unite for the good of all!! Put down your lap top and walk free!!
(or at least until the next competition)
13/May/07 3:13 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Stella I think meeting times would be a great idea.
13/May/07 3:18 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Meeting times (or days) are a good idea, Stella (isn't it wonderful with her new found wealth and fame, she is still willing to mingle with us common folk!) What a woman!!

Anybody have ideas as to times,days, etc? Or any other idea?
13/May/07 3:26 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hello fellow Sudokuaholics. The sun has been shinning and I have found my way to my kitchen for both breakfast and lunch...perhaps there is some hope for me after all!I felt badly that I missed the winning moment, but have had the opportunity to read and cheer Stella on. We had many who were very worthy opponents and I consider us winners if for no other reason, we have found like minded folks (some may call us idiots, but we smell as sweet anyway). Congratulations Stella as last poster (this time) and congratulations friends and fellow competitors....I raise my glass to one and all!
13/May/07 3:29 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Since we are an international group with different days, and time zones it may be difficult to set a time, but perhaps those who still work for a living away from home might give us an idea of their best days and/or time periods. We know that Stella and Julie had a fairly good fix to time zones as did Miz Tricia I think.
13/May/07 3:37 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Looks as if I am alone here and about to become the first to CP on this page...another addiction that affects many on here.
13/May/07 3:39 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Since some may not know what I'm going on about with the use of CP...its when one is posting in consecitive order without interruption at least five comments.
13/May/07 3:41 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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This is the one that really counts...did I make it?
13/May/07 3:42 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Oh yes now with that done, I'll take myself away from the computer...or at least this page for awhile. Now I will have time after next week to start making the rounds of your pages and becoming better acquainted. I look forward to this and invite you all to please drop in and check my page and youtubes out. Peace!
13/May/07 3:46 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Hello, my name is Mamacita 2 and I am a postaholic I find myself posting just to get a CP title. I need help

Hope everyone who is interested adds comments to this page (doesn't have to be cosecutive, though
13/May/07 3:51 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
Check out my page

consecutive is what I meant!
13/May/07 3:52 AM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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MAMACITA please accept my appologies for all the times I have slaughtered your name in print, I just cannot get a handle on that one. I keep getting ALL the vowels wrong heheheh. So, you are the first CP on SA, congrats, and I will treat you to a cup of coffee first time you are down this way.

Do any of you postaholics have either AIM or MSN mesenger? I know someo f you older members have managed to share e-mail addresses or phone numbers or such, how does one go about that without exposing yourself to the entire world?

I noticed a LOT of posting going on around the change over time, do the aussies all stay up till midnight GATH time? That is 10 am eastern USA, 9 Central, 8 Mountain and 7 Pacific.

OH check out my page, I have a PHOTO now! Decorated my page with some lovely wild azeleas in my back yard. Way back . . . I have a section of untamed woods across the back and i found them out there one year. have not been back at the correct time again.
13/May/07 4:27 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Happy Mothers Day
I have picked some Chrysanthemums from my garden for all the Sudoku Mothers. Please help your self.
13/May/07 11:39 AM
   k  From brissie    Supporting Member
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This gold star is awarded to all the SA members for their marathon efforts in the last to post contest.
Congratulations Stella & supporting cast.
13/May/07 11:59 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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I was thinking of a good time to set and I thought that at least 2 times would be good. One could be from 11pm to 1am site time(Eastern Australia)(give or take 8 minutes); 9pm - 11pm Western Australia; which would be about 3pm - 5pm Euro time; 9am - 11am Eastern US/Canada; 8am - 10am central US/Canada; and 7am - 9am Pacific US/Canada. Alot of people tend to visit the site during the changeover and this way one would be able to do the puzzles and chat some at the same time!

The other time might be from 8am - 10am site time; 6am - 8am Western Australia; 12am - 2am Euro time; 6pm - 8pm Eastern US/Canada; 5pm - 7pm Central US/Canada; 4pm - 6pm Pacific US/Canada.

I'm not sure I have the times all right, but you get the idea. It's hard factoring all of the time zones.

What do you think? A third or fourth time could easily be added.
13/May/07 1:27 PM
   Mickey  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi, my name is Michelle and I'm a Sudokuaholic, but I'm also a craftaholic so I'll just sit quietly in the corner and do my craft and puzzles cause I'm also very shy.
13/May/07 5:32 PM
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