Mickey from Melbourne

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   Mickey  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Wow, I didn't realise I had a 'My page' as well, this is cool

No one will visit me though
Rola  From Perth
Hi Mickey, How's your newest little bundle of joy going. How old is now.
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Mickey, I have come to visit you. I'd love a coffee please if you're making one. You can write your own page heading if you want.
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Heyello Mickey
we all come to visit each others special place ... now we need a piccy though ... you have to decorate your special room. here is some flowers to start you off.
   Mickey  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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I don't know how to put a photo up I would put one of Kalleb up there
Loza  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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hi mickey just recording that i called by
i don't know how to put a photo up either
but maybe keeping my mug off the airwaves is healthier for everybody!
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Its okay Mickey (passing tissue) and leaving a huge slab of chocolate with Mickeys name on it, because you need it. Enjoy!
   Mickey  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Thank you for the chocolate andre
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Oh, Mickey, I love it. So creative.
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Mickey. How's the billy lids? I haven't got a photo either and I'm not decorated at all yet, so don't worry. Eat more chocolate.
Loza  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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ah mickey it's boooooootiful!
you are a creative genius!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Mickey! Thought I'd drop in for a visit and play a game or two with the kids. Thanks for the invite considering how busy you are. An Ottawa beavertail is hidden in your kitchen so the kids don't find it. Enjoy, and cheers!
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Hi Mickey. You're a creative genius, my dear. Your page is decorated so nicely. I will leave you a bottle of chardonnay to enjoy. When you get a free moments, please sneak over to my place where there is plenty more in the vineyard! Cheers!
anew  From "the greatest snow on earth"
Love the Banner on the heading of your page!
You did a great job~

Thank you for a looksie...
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Hey Mickey, love what you have done to the place. You are very creative.
I just popped in to say G'day and visit the children. My hasn't little Kalleb grown.
BTW can you please let me know how many of you are comming to the Crock? I've made a temp booking but will need to finalise numbers soon.
Aileen  From California
Hi, Mickey!
Cute page you have.

Enjoy this nice houseplant to brighten up your place. Will help myself to some of the goodies the others have brought...
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Mickey - Nice place you have here. I brought you some yummy cinnamon coffee creamy to share with your guests. I hope you enjoy it!
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Allo Micky, Sorry it took me so long to get here, but trying to bring my place up to snuff took longer than I thought. Its so quite here, the kids must be taking a nap....I'm sorry my timing is so lousy. Hope the cup cakes and ice cream will make you feel better. I'll take my leave so you can rest but I must say how nice everything is , bright and cheery, never know how you find the time. Bring the kids over, you all are welcome, and I'll even baby sit in an emergency..if I'm in your neck of the woods. Peace.
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Mickey, hello again. I'm just making the rounds to visit your place and drop off more wine. I see everyone is taking it easy now. That's a nice break for you. I will call later.
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Just brought you a bowl of hot chocolate so you can dip some fruit in, fresh from the chocolate fountain, (boy those chippendales were good today at Cols!!) certainly kept the chocolate fountain hot!!
Aleia  From Texas
just sayin a big howdy from texas
fi  From NT
Hi there Mickey,

I hadn't see a comment from you - UNTiL tonight.

Just thought I'd call in and say hi.
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Hi Mickey! What do you mean 'no one will visit'? Here we are....where is the hocolate?
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Hi Mickey! How are you? Do you have time for a little getaway? Please come tip toe through the vineyard with us? Here are your plane tickets and boarding passes for our first class ride to San Francisco! This week, we depart BWI and head west to tour Napa and Sonoma, then south to Big Sur and the central California coast. 'hope to see you onboard. Cheers!
   Mickey  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hello whoever visits, just wanted to let everyone know that I am taking a leave of absence (is that how you spell it?) will be flat out busy for the next few weeks. I have Graduation committee meetings and High School orientation days to attend, my eldest is in grade 6 this year. School council is finishing off soon, canteen at school to run every Thursday as the lady who normally does it is now working, Parents association stalls to organise need to check stock and price it, I am the treasurer..... ummmm... is there anyhing else.....

oh yes, Basketball parents to bug cause they haven't paid registration for their children.. I'm treasurer for that too, Basketball Xmas party to organise for my partners team.. I'm team manager for them, what else..... Need to get my car fixed... AGAIN... blew the clutch this time.... AGAIN......

In other words, I am not having a very good time at the moment, we all went away last weekend, we discovered the gas regulator on our caravan doesn't work, then the clutch went in the car and we blew a tyre aswell... we had to leave the caravan where we were staying so we could come home... it is now another 4 hour drive just to pick it up...

Also I have had no time to put up my Xmas tree yet which is the saddest thing for me,


Anyway enough of my winging, feel free to help yourself to whatever you can find,I have left tea, coffee, sugar, milk and hot chocolate in the kitchen, if want something stonger, make you way downstairs to the bar it is fully stocked with all the common spirts..and not so common spirits. In the bar cuoboard you should find all the utensils you need to mix whatever c o c k t a i l s you desire.

Enjoy I hope to be back soon
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Goodness me, Mickey, you have got your hands full for the next few weeks. Thank goodness that is all well and truly behind me. I hope you survive it all okay and manage to get your Christmas decorations up.
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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hi Mickey - brought you some xmas baubles for the tree, where's the tree????? Come on girl, the clutch can wait, you need a tree!!!
thipathni  From srilanka
hi mickey, i saw u'r kids nice collection.
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Hi Mickey....Popping in to wish you, Damien and your family a Merry Christmas!!!!!! Here are some goodies for you all. Share them around there is plenty for all.
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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12th Dec...Helllooooooooo Mickey
Hey girl, just popped in to see how things were going, as I knew you were taking a couple of weeks off. Ok seeing as you are still out, will catch up with you on Friday night at the Crock.
to you and the family.
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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popping in to wish you a wonderful holiday, Mickey. Here is a little bubbly. Enjoy!
   Bianca  From Perth, W.Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi MIckey
I have just seen that your lights are on, so i thought i would pop in. hang on, very heavy. i have just brought you a xmas tree. here in the corner. looks absolutely beautiful. lets hope that everyone will bring something to decorate the tree.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Mickey. With the holidays coming, thought I'd drop back in and leave a 1/2 dozen double chocolate fudge Ottawa beavertail pastries for you and your gang. Leaving only one the first time probably made it tough to share. Enjoy!
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Have a wonderful Christmas Michelle and a peaceful New Year x
ap  From india
hello there Mickey..sorry i didnt make it earlier..
was a bit busy myself..well you seem to have too many things to do..best wishes,and how is Kalleb doing?a very merry x-mas to you and your lil ones and the family!
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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A very Merry Christmas Mickey and Family and a Happy & Healthy New Year
Have a great one Mickey
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Tlarna - 6 letters - better ?? lol

Gee - I reckon I didn pretty well with everyone
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Hi Mickey
for my christmas message there is a link on my page or go to
http://www.hallmark.com/ECardWeb/ECV.jsp?a=4537732145951 M153826353Y&product_id
see you at the party friday
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Mickey, Merry Christmas. You might recall our last Sudoku flight to Napa went a bit out of control. The first class cabin is being repaired now, and we'll be ready to cruise around the world for a New Year's bash at 35,000 feet. Extra security will be onboard to tame even the wildest party animals. Put on something VERY sparkly; tell us the airport nearest you, and we'll fly in to scoop you up!
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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Best Wishes Mickey to you and your ever-increasing family!!!have a great new Year!
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