genevieve from darrack

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Days are long, time is short but the evenings are a delight.

Take time to enjoy all that you have been given.




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   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Genevieve, welcome to the Sudoku site. I hope you spend many happy hours puzzling and make lots of friends.
Can you please tell me - where's Darrack?
14/Jul/09 11:01 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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to this great site and enjoy every visit.
15/Jul/09 3:55 AM
   Grass-hopper  From Qld
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I hope you enjoy this site. I googled Darak & came up with Darrack Markets in Auckland NZ. One of the things I really like about this site is meeting people from so many different & interesting places. Decorate your page & let us get to know you. Visit our pages by clicking on the blue 'check out my page'.
15/Jul/09 8:13 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Have you found your page yet Genevieve?

, to .

I hope you enjoy your time here, there is plenty to do. Have you visited the Forum page? There is a link to it at the top of every page, and there you will find a list of the many different games, chats, videos etc we all enjoy.
17/Jul/09 10:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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to Genevieve. It was great seeing you post on Easy. Feel free to jump in any time.
17/Jul/09 11:40 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Genevieve - Click on "check out my page" next to your name on the easy page. It will take you to your page. When you go to the top of any page on the right hand side, you will see "inbox." Those are your personal messages. Lots of Luck!
17/Jul/09 9:00 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Oh! BTW - to Sudokuland! I am sure you will have many hours of enjoyment here. There is always something to do or someone to talke to. Be sure to check out the "Forum!"
17/Jul/09 9:01 PM
genevieve  From darrack
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Thank you I'm not sure what to do next but I will explore soon.
18/Jul/09 9:36 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Genevieve, I am not the most computer literate person on the globe, but I will help you as much as I can.
To 'brighten' up your page, go to the link at the top right of any page that says 'Update Details,. There you will find a box marked 'HomePage Text' with lots of different icons that allow you to put a text or permanent picture up. You will also find a link to putting up a youtube or a photo gallery. It is all very self-explanatory, and fairly easy to use, it must be, I managed it!
On the Forum page I mentioned in an earlier post, you will find a section called MEMBERS SPECIAL FEATURES – HELP AND INFORMATION, you will find this in the Questions about this site section. I will give you the link directly to the page, hope you can find some answers to help you there.
18/Jul/09 10:40 AM
genevieve  From darrack
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Again, thank you, there is much to discover when time permits.
20/Jul/09 8:28 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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A belated , Genevieve! Glad you posted so I could welcome you!
Looks like you entered Sudokuland the day after I completed my 1.5 month volunteer job that I take on each year (office manager for a city festival). I usually crash for awhile afterwards! So....
to the wide wonderful world of Sudokuland!
11/Aug/09 12:16 PM
Ian  From Bostοn
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Genevieve: I really don't have much to offer besides what can be found by googling a phrase like "Canada medical private illegal." That's what led to those articles from the Journal of the Canadaian Medical Association and the National Institutes of Health. As you know, we are in the throes of creating some health system here, and I wanted to see what others' experiences had been. It was enlightening.

I had hoped for someone on the site who had practical experience with Canada's medical system to elaborate on those articles, point out where the information may have been biased, incomplete or inaccurate, or narrate their own experiences. Too bad no one was willing to do that.
24/Aug/09 2:22 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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Gen: The "health care" system in the US right now is one of extremes. If you are affluent, you can buy any health care you want (unlike some places where private care is virtually non-existent or even illegal).

Some 60% of working people are covered (to varying degrees) through their employers.

US law says that no one can be turned away from an Emergency Room, so that is the 'primary physician' or 'family doctor' for many people on the low end of the economic scale. That, of course, presents problems of its own and skews things badly.

Some other people without insurance simply regard medical care as something like an appliance; they get sick, they call a few doctors, and make an appointment and pay cash.

Our system is, in fact, terrible for too many people. My fear is that the alternative will prove to be worse.


25/Aug/09 11:27 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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Give me a day or two to respond thoughtfully. It is a very convoluted business (and I use that word literally) in the US.

More later.

26/Aug/09 10:24 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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Genevieve: I use the State Department and CIA books all the time, especially the "Area" books. I will check out the WHO site, although statistics (I assume it's mostly statistics) need narrative. Unless you are told that there's a war going on, you might, for example, make wrong assumptions about infant mortality's causes.
28/Aug/09 6:22 AM
genevieve  From darrack
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I seem to be having difficulty with the page insert. It disappears, no reason why. Not important right now I guess.
29/Aug/09 10:44 AM
genevieve  From darrack
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Perhaps I should leave comments on here instead until I get the hang of this.
01/Sep/09 9:11 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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Genevieve: I routinely delete all the comments which are made on my page. There should be a "delete" button in the bottom right corner of every comment here.

I don't know about the top of the page, though, or why yours changes.
02/Sep/09 12:02 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Genevieve, I noticed a comment of yours that you have an interest in photography. If you are looking for ways to submit photos there is a lot of helpful advice under the heading 'Forum' at the top of the page.
Go to the section "Questions About This Site'
At the bottom of the page & select 'View All Questions About This Site Threads'
About 11 items down the list is "MEMBERS SPECIAL FEATURES' by Angie. There you will find some helpful advice.
02/Sep/09 10:18 PM
genevieve  From darrack
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Thank you Ian, that is very kind of you.
03/Sep/09 8:42 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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I heard it many times in the 60s and 70s, done by the Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem.

12/Sep/09 1:00 AM
genevieve  From darrack
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I don't understand the terminology of the tough page puzzle. Is this something that comes with practise?
15/Sep/09 8:15 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hello Genevieve, and a very belated welcome to your page on the site, I'd like to leave you my traditional page warming gift, a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Canada. As to terminology being used on tough puzzles, check out the Forum section (link in the header of the page) and you can find some answers there. Cheers!
28/Sep/09 10:35 AM
genevieve  From darrack
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Hello Greg and thank you. What is a beavertail pastry?
29/Sep/09 8:21 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Gen! My goodness, I seem to have missed your move in. So, a very belated to you!
I saw your posts on the 'easy' page today and thought I would stop by for a visit. To answer someone on their page, just click on the blue "Check out my page" next to their avatar. To leave a private message, go to the top of their page and on the right is their 'inbox'. Click on that and post your message. It can be confusing at first, but you'll get it with practice!
Great to see you posting!
06/Oct/09 10:09 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi again Genevieve. A beavertail pastry is a fried dough pastry created originally in Canada that comes in a variety of flavors, the most common being brown sugar and cinnamon. This is a photo of the one I sent to you. As to birthdays, on your own page you should have the capability of adding your birthday information (I think it is available to all members) and when your birthday comes up your name appears in the daily list. Cheers!
06/Oct/09 10:13 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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Genevieve: Are you aware of this?

"Genevieve is a 1908 Darrack(car)"

For more info, google that exact phrase, and do not correct the lack of a space between "Darrack" and "(car)".

18/Oct/09 9:55 AM
genevieve  From darrack
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I am at a loss. I have perused the site for a simple explanation of how to do the tough puzzle. I don't understand any of the techniques at all. Can I not do a simple working out?

27/Oct/09 9:55 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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gen: Look at the boxes under "Indicate which comments..." If you only want to see recipes, uncheck everything else. If you don't want to see jokes, uncheck just that one. Of course, that is postulated on the premise that people will put their comments in the right category when they post...

27/Oct/09 10:25 AM
genevieve  From darrack
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Ian, thank you for your help.
28/Oct/09 10:14 AM
Neil  From UK-Hertfordshire
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Hi Genevieve,
The 27th one was a boring slog.
A good introduction to techniques is on It doen't cover all the techniques for the very tough ones, but does quite a lot. You may also look on the blog page for the pages re Forbidding Chains (aka, Alternet Interference Chains) dated early 2007.
Best regards, Neil
29/Oct/09 8:56 PM
genevieve  From darrack
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Neil, I shall endeavour to read it at a later date. It still seems beyond my mortal brain, but thank you.
30/Oct/09 12:02 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas


22/Dec/09 10:45 PM
Sparks  From the Radio Room
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Yes, same fellow.
28/Feb/10 10:21 AM
Sparks  From the Radio Room
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It may be that you do not have cookies enabled, so the site does not know that it's you. Try enabling cookies; instructions should be easy and easy to find. That may solve you problem of having to log in when you change pages.
01/Mar/10 3:03 PM
Sparks  From the Radio Room
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Got your message. Did it work?
02/Mar/10 9:20 AM
Alfred  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Genevieve.In response to today's post,and some of your previous ones above,here is a quick run-down on the terminology;
Similar to a chess board,the cells are numbered a,b,c...horizontally left to right,and 1,2,3...vertically,bottom to top. So the central cell is called "e5" for instance.
If all possibilities for a particular cell,except for one,lead to an immediate contradiction,than that one is called a "unique possibility". Look at today's Tough for instance. In column g,if g4=7,there would be no place for 7 in the central box (because of 7 at b6),so the only other spot in column g for 7 is g5.So g5=7 is a unique possibility.This method is usually enough to solve the easy,medium and hard puzzles.They would be described as "Unique possibilities to 81".
In the tough puzzles it's different.Today, for instance,unique possibilities go only as far as 37 cells filled.After that,you need to do a greater degree of deduction: g3 can be 2 or 8.In my step 2, I show that g3=2 leads to a contradiction; so g3=8 and then the rest are unique possibilities.
Others,like ttt,use Eureka notation,which I can follow,but can,t use myself.
If you look up the page of Dave from Minnesota,there is a reference there to one of his posts, which explains Eureka notation pretty well.
Regards, Alfred.
08/Mar/10 4:50 PM
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