Pamela from South Fremantle

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   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Pamela - to your own page. Nice to see another fellow West Aussie joining up. There's quite a few of us now although I must admit, I don't think I've seen you posting comments on the site. Here's some to help you with your interior decorating and a bottle of Wignall's Late Harvest for you to enjoy. Looking forward to seeing some photos on your page.
27/Jun/07 6:50 PM
Pamela  From South Fremantle
Check out my page
Many thanks for the welcome. I joined up so I could record my Tetris scores but haven't found out yet where they are kept. Do you know where they are secreted on the site?
27/Jun/07 7:23 PM
   Amelia  From Robinvale Aust    Supporting Member
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Pamela to your own page. In answer to your question I'm not sure but its got to be in one of the sites at the top. I've brought you a happy and a bottle of wine to share.
27/Jun/07 9:52 PM
   Amelia  From Robinvale Aust    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Pamela go to clips then scroll down to flash games it's in there.
27/Jun/07 10:11 PM
Colin  From The Outback
Check out my page
Hey Pam

Gedday and welcome. Tetris? what the bloody hell is that? dont ya do the sudoku ? Thought thats why everyone was here.

Ah well doesnt matter much I spose. Good on ya mate and get those bloody tetris things happening for ya.
27/Jun/07 10:58 PM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Pamela - Here is a big warm Sudoku to you. I am glad you are here. We have a lot of fun. I have brought you a warm Rhubarb pie as a gift warming. I played Tetris a long time ago. It was on my first computer. (8088) Pre-Pentium days. It was fun! Please come and visit me some time. Cheers
27/Jun/07 11:50 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
Check out my page
Pamela, Hi! Hope you enjoy your new page and the site! Have a good day! Here are some flowers to brighten it! Take care! If you ever want to chat, stop by the SA2 page(under clips). Cheers!
28/Jun/07 12:30 AM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hey Pamela - in case you missed today's posting on 'easy'...

Prior notice for the arrival of our most esteemed Jazzy wazzy from way over there, is coming over here…
So brekky it shall be at the CBH (Cottesloe Beach Hotel- obviously at Cott Beach, obviously a(n) hotel (but an old one)).
On Saturday, August 18th at 9.30am (to allow for a sleep-in).
Dresscode is dead cash (hard sounding ‘sh’) but tiara’s are compulsory...unless you’re a bloke – you’re exempt if you have a note from your mum/wife (or some lollies for me).
If you would like to join us please let me know on my page as I shall need numbers to confirm the booking.
Forewarning: this message will be posted several times over the next few weeks, if it gets really annoying – never mind.
Hope to see you there…x
02/Aug/07 8:14 PM
   Emels  From Perth
Check out my page

To all Perth Sudokites,
Hi diddly ho ho ho,
A xmas brekky is coming
Would you like to go?
Saturday 8th December
Is the date
Rsvp on my page
Go on take the bait!
More details to follow…….
22/Nov/07 10:37 PM
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