bert from bwi

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                     Easter 2008 by mg_moore.

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   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful New Year xx
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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May the Peace of the Season be with you today and always.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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I come bearing gifts..not of peace or well being, althought they are certainly a part...I bring spirits of well being!...Eggnog like you've never had...not too sweet, yet packing a powerful punch...go with the flow'll lead you on...walk a mile in the field of nevermind...enjoy the kick then come back and start all over to the world...lets start from now , Peace, love and joy throughout the world ...what a wonderful world it would be! Have a Merry and a Happy....
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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I keep having a little 'squish' of my present, can't wait!! Do the initials begin with JD??
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Bert. Dropping in for a quick visit. Are you The California Gandma? Great pictures on your Flickr link. Thanks for sharing!
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Is 5 pm too early for a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. I think not. Outside is cold, getting dark.
Please come along and visit my place Fiona has all the chippendales to herself - except for one or two dixie chicks who are just waiting for Greg and co to arrive. The mulled wine is ready as are the mince pies
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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bert - our paths crossed- I enjoyed very much the spread here. What a wonderful chef you are.
What do you think was the silliest Christmas song ever? I suppose they started with I saw mommy kissing santa claus inderneath the misseltoe last night
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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On my way Bert! I want to try that 'killer' horseradish. As to the bar offerings,

'Have a holly, jolly Christmas' ...hic!
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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The holidays are fast aproaching and party time is here. You must be out shopping, but I'm happy to make myself at home. Love the new look, and wish I was as quick...I can't seem to get mine up to matter tho, I'll go with the flow and enjoy what is before me. What a delight, I'm quite content, I shall return when ever I can..its always so welcoming here.Happy holidays.
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Hi there Bert,Wishing you a and a
fi  From NT
Merry Christmas Bert.

I've been bottling in my kitchen today so have just cooked up a few cyber bottles as well.

Just thought I’d drop you in a bottle of home made LEMON CORDIAL. It’s fantastic with water and with soda water. Cheers.
Juice of 7 large lemons
Grated rind of 5 large lemons
1 kg sugar
1.5 litres of water
25g citric acid
1.In a large pan, boil up sugar, water, grated peel and citric acid.
2.Take off the heat and add juice, If preferred, this may be strained.
3.Bottle whilst still hot into clean, sterilised (in oven ) bottles
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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A Merry Christmas Bert and Family
and a Happy & Healthy New Year.

Thanks for the lovely glass of wine. Cheers
Rola  From Perth
18 Dec 06
Hi Bert, thank you for the invite. I've been sneaking in sampling for a few weeks now, and didn't leave a calling card, sorry!!! :-(
Last time I left a calling card, the big bang happened!!! :-0
Hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. xx
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Bert, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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The magic of Christmas never ends
and its greatest of gifts is family and friends
Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous Christmas
and a Holiday Season filled with peace, love & laughter
   LK  From MN    Supporting Member
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Hey there bert! Been a while, hope you are doing well, the wine looks very tasty! I hope to talk with you before Christmas, but if not, have a blessed Christmas and
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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for my christmas message go to M153826353Y&product_id
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Bert, Blessings of the season. Hope the holidays bring all of the fun and happiness you might want. Please join others by picking up your gift from under the tree on my page. Hope its something that brings joy.
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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Thanks, bert, for the Christmas visit and the bubbly. I thought you might like a taste of my daughter's home-made tiramisu. Enjoy!!
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia    Supporting Member
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Wishing you and your family peace, love, and joy this Christmas and throughout '2007'

Oooops! You should have known I Loooovvveee, red wine, my fav drink. I will bring some magnificent red from Oz on my next visit. Happy Holidays xx
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hey Bert! Hoping to seeyou at the party that Rosemary is hosting on Friday. Still looking forward to my next trip through BWI. All the best to you and yours my friend! And just in case you're not there Friday, Merry Christmas!
Margaret  From Upstate NY and Melbourne VIC
Hi Bert, I did pass through your place earlier and saw the foto of you and your friends. But I also enjoy your current 'holiday cheers' foto.
Thanks for your kind words Dec 15--just catching up on a few archives because I have been too busy to be a regular. I rent apartments to students at a massage school, and this is the 'changing of the guard' season.
To answer your question about Finger Lakes wines: I am a terrible person to ask. I have a very undeveloped palate. A new tenant shared a VERY nice Italian wine with me a few days ago (to celebrate her moving in), and I began to understand why people appreciate truly good wine. My budget keeps me in the 'drinkable' category (which is one reason I appreciate wines from South Australia), but this was one of those wines that makes you want to know all those fancy terms: I came up with fruity AND chocolatey--a great combination. We had it with raspberries and chevre on apricots--exquisite. The wine was Leslie's--my lovely new tentant (RULE # 1: whenever possible, rent to people who import wine as a family business), and the hors d'oeuvres were the creation of the friend who moved her in.
With that over long caveat, I will share my personal recommends: in general, I find FInger Lakes wines very pricey for the quantity. The first--and perhaps still the best, but out of my price range--are the wines of Konstantin Frank. My personal favorites are from King Ferry Winery (Treleaven wines). I buy their wines because I used to teach one of the owners' daughters. I like their Mystere and Melange as table wines, but they also have a very nice rose (whose name I forget). They win prizes for their whites, which I don't usually buy, but I've had enough to know they deserve the awards. I but them when I can, and enjoy them when a white filles the bill. I generally prefer dry wines, but will drink their semi-sweets because they are not cloying.
The aforementioned cranberry wine is a specialty--not the world's best wine, but one of the best way to consume cranberries, and very nice with a turkey or chicken dinner (complements the gravy well). I also like some of the local meads, especially blueberry, as a dessert wine. I like to promote local foods and drinks, but I treat both SE Oz and Finger Lakes as my local wines . . .
I must confess I thought BWI stood for British West Indies (my dad used to travel to various islands, and my best friend is from the netherlands Antilles, so I just ASSUMED . . .). I even had a bit of Cuban style rum for my nightcap as I began this LONG reply on your lovely page. The advanatge of you and your vineyard being in the Greater Baltimore area are that I mat actually head that way some day.
Please let me know if you return to Ithaca. I would be happy to bring you to visit the Saltonstalls at King Ferry Winery. I am a Cornell alum (which is how I got here). Who are your cousins? I may know them--or at least OF them.
You seem to appreciate the best parts of this area
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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I have posted my Christmas greeting to everyone on my page, as I couldn't post the picture in the general comments section. Best wishes to you and yours!
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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Well you see Bert - I sort of lost track of time and forgot where I was - lucky you and gannieMo reminded me, or i'd never have made it back here in time for xmas! Have a good one yourself and get that plane cleaned out for the new year party!!
Mel  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Sending you a very loud MERRY XMAS from the other side of the world - hope that you have a great one with lots of laughter
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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bert, there is an airport just 10 minutes from here that the papperazzi haven't yet found so I should be able to sneak there without detection. One's privacy is so precious these days. I've been lucky this week, going out wearing a skiing hat,huge scarf, thick water and windproof coat, thick pants and boots over my red silk and sequined mini skirt has fooled them so far. Unlike billy I do not wear my tiara till evening time.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Bert. Unlike GannieMo. I free to go to either Ottawa International or the Rockcliffe Air Club strip. Beeter still, give me an ETA and I'll go up in a hot air balloon and you can just pick me up on the way bu without having to stop!
Cheers, and best wishes!
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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bert, in my day, when you looked up party animal in the dictionary, you would see my picture.
I would LOVE to fly round the world. I enjoy wine, but could I bring my friend ''Jack''?
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Oh, I forgot! DIA should be dug out by New Years!
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Bert! Thanks for the invite! I will be waiting at the Fort Myers Aiport with my sparkly best. I could really use a party right now.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Well Bert, just to let you know that come the new year I will be dressed to the nines, not sure if Sully will be with me or not, but I will be ready to party hardy....I'll be at Philly International, unless Allentown is better for your plane, you know some airports are more welcoming than others....keep my place ready...this lady is ready to 'fly me to the mooooon...'. Happy holidays to one and all. Other than myself, let me know if I can bring something along, I know you have it covered, but just in case....,I'll be there! What's on the big screen? Dreamgirls maybe? or wouldn't mind watching Will homeboy in Pursuit of Happyness...big choice, Will or Jamie Fox, do it....:Party over here! Whoooooe!!!!!!! Yeahhhhh.
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Hey it posted!Bert OK... I went to the dress shop and got a slinky little black backless number with a silk scarf that hangs down the back,black spagetti strap high heals with matching clutch.
The only sparkly thing I'll have on is my diamond ankle bracelet and glass of champane!Cheers!
Cleveland or Pittsburgh airports ,whichever is in your flight path...gota go start packing!....OH and thanks for the invite Bert!
fraz  From melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi Bert I like the look of that wine!

Here's wishing you a very happy christmas season
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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I wonder if the local airport at Bendigo is big enough for the sudoku plane to use??? If I stand on the top of the fire lookout at One Tree Hill with a glow stick and wave hard maybe you'll see me. I'll check out the post-Christmas sales for something dazzling to wear.
Aileen  From California
Hi, Bert!
I will follow Nancy's lead with the little black dress number as I make my way to John Wayne Airport here in the OC.

Lemme pack up some Christmas homemade goodies to share with you--peanut brittle, peppermint bark and cracker candy (kinda like chocolate toffee)
   Mon  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi Bert. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and a 2007 that is exciting and fun. All my very best wishes to you and your family.
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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Bert - I've just got the sparklies out - the jewels, not the wine, and the little black dress is ready and the high heels and the fancy tights!! I want to be in first class please for the next party!! None of the riff raff beside me please! We are travelling in class!! Just one question - where is everyone else???????
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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oh all right then, if you can't beat them....sell your diamonds!
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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I'm ready Bert sipping some mulled wine and ready to party........
p.s. still squeezing my pressi, can't wait till tomorrow xx
Have a wonderful Christmas xx
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