GannieMo1 from South West France

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The Dordogne River


No fishing today


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fi  From NT
g'day GannieMo, I hope you have had a brilliant holiday. Welcome home to your own little chat room. Here's some moisturiser yo refresh your skin after your long journey.
Aleia  From Texas
just stopped by to say howdy, i saw your question on the other page about getting pictures to show up here, i'm not a member, but there should be a place to choose options, hopefully some one who has their page with pictures working will come by and help you get it going,
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Well I'm all set up for my return to show all my pictures
Aliya my grand daughter is here helping me to do the childrens puzzles and wants to see some smilies, so here goes
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Mo! Just dropped in to wish you a safe trip home. I suppose you and Steve have been Bali dancing, drinking Singapore slings and just partying with the younger generation. I'll drop back in once you're home with some treats from Canada.
Mel  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hi Gannie Mo, hope that the rest of your holiday was great. Some flowers to brighten up your room
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Welcome home GannieMo & Steve - I'm glad you've found your own place and will decorate it on your return.
See you then.
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Hello GannieMo just popped into say hello. Hope you have had a wonderful trip! I bring some flowers and chocolate for you to enjoy x
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi GannieMo - hope you had a good trip home. See you soon, I'm off to bed,
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Hi GannieMo. Here is a case of Sauvignon Blanc for your place. I hope you have enjoyed your holiday. Just in case you want to travel more, I also leave you a plane ticket and boarding pass for your first class ride to San Francisco! We depart BWI and head west to tour Napa and Sonoma, then south to Big Sur and the central California coast. We hope to see you onboard. Cheers!
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Hi GannieMo
hope you have had a wonderful holiday and an experience like no other after your visit to WA.
Liz  From South France
Hello GannieMo. Glad you had such a good holiday. Did you go to London to see your family? (I can't think of any other reason for going there, unless you have never been before!) Look forward to seeing you back in France.
Billy  From Perth
Hey Mo - lovely to 'see' you again. Interested to hear that London hasn't surpassed itself on the weather front...strikes on the trains/public transport/baggage handlers yet?! Enjoy the family gatherings/birthdays and safe trip home. I know we'll be seeing you back in Perth before long...x
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Mo and Steve! I'm glad to see you arrived home safely. I'm sure you had a great trip, but I'm also sure you are glad to be back in your own 'digs'. Welcome home!
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New year x
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Welcome back, Mo and Steve. Glad you have now arrived home safely and are back in nice cold and wet France. It is lovely and warm and sunny here. so if you want to come back here for a holiday, just say the word and the room is ready and waiting for you. I'll e'mail you this weekend as have been busy. Must get ready for work now.
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne, We would love to be back in your beautiful part of the world.
When do you set off north for the festivities? We are away just for 24/25/26th
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Mo: Thanks for popping in to my page. I have a habit of dropping off some page warming gifts, so for you and Steve, a pair of double fudge chocolate beavertail pastries from Ottawa, and to wash them down, a bottle of Pinot Noir from pelle Island, the southern most point in Canada. Enjoy!
Rola  From Perth
Welcome home GannieMo and Steve. Hope you both have a Great Christmas and New Year. It was lovely to meet and chat with you at the Breafast in Fremantle.
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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May the Peace of the Season be with you today and always.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Gannie Mo, Glad you have returned to your base, you have been missed. Just dropping by with some very special eggnog( really not the every day kind), If its to your liking, please enjoy. Not quite your cup of...? Thats okay..return to sender and fair trade will be given...I'll be in heaven, it will not be eleven...join me only if you can. May the season be a reason for thoughts of love, peace and happiness. Merry and Happy...
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Mo! You better keep trying with those snowballs. André got 3000 points! Heck, I haven't even done that yet!
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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I too got my certificate shortly before 2 am. I just had to keep going. Went to bed a tired but happy girl. It is again almost 2 am so I must away shortly. Everything outside is twinkling in the frost. Goodnight
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Happy holidays GanniMo, I come bearing a little eggnog for the season, its not your everyday eggnog..its a special treat, however its not everyone's cuppa...this if you are into it can float your boat..but if its not for you, float someone else's boat. Let me know which boat was floated. I have a question going back awhile...hope to revive those thoughts and ideas...prior to our pages and pictures being shown, you asked when I'd post my picture since you had formed some ideas on your own...While you were traveling, I asked what your thoughts moved too fast to see, now that the pictures are out for all to see, I wonder if I seemed to be what you thought, or if not, what were you expecting? Not the most important thing going on, yet I am still curious, and hope you can answer.
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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I have laid out the goodies and the mince pies are warming in the oven. The mulled wine is almost at a simmer. In the south corner The Chippendales have carefully arranged their tinsel and Holly!!!!! ready for lady visitors and in the north corner a small group comprising of dixiechick lookalikes and Michelle Pfiffer wanabees are waiting to greet any of the male species. I have stocked the shelves and Mamacita has kindly sent some egg nog divine.
Venez Nombreuses - or come along alone there is a welcome here for you. Costume (fancy dress) optional but I think dress is essential as it is colder than........ here
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Good morning Mo, I'm very well, thank you. We have just had another quite warm day with beautiful blue skies. Oh, don't you wish you were here!!
I had mugs made up with photos of my grandchildren on with their name on the back as part of their Christmas present, plus one each for my daughters. I'm sure they will like them. I drive to Perth on Saturday and stay overnight with my friend then fly out at 7:10am, arriving in Karratha at about 9:00am. I'm really looking forward to it except the long drive to Perth. I'll be there until New Year's Day then fly back to Perth, perhaps with my oldest granddaughter with me.
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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That sounds great.(Pity you can't hitch a ride on that sleigh, with the man in red!!) I hope she comes back with you. Much as you love all grandchildren, the first is special. So give her lots of grannie love and hugs. She needs them as much as you need to give them. It will give a really good start to the new year for you both.
In the meantime, as first to arrive, you get the pick of the Chippendales - just be wary of the holly!! One of them will take your coat, another serve you your hot mulled wine, yet another feed you your mince pies, enjoy. Must go, as one of them needs help oiling his shoulders and back with a special christmas fragrance oil.
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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I'm first, I'm first!!!!!! Well there has to be an advantage or two for living just down the road!! So which chip do I pick.....hmm, difficult choice...anyone else coming to give me a hand!!
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Holly Mo!!!! - That is great!!! Thank you so much! -
Just finished reading....
Love ya!!!
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Just be gentle with the one you choose Fiona. Let him soothe away the aches and stresses of pre Christmas. The night is yet young. My hands are oh so soft having smoothed 'several' shoulders with aromatic oils to prepare for your arrival.
I had to draw the line at thighs as I thought the hour a little early but surely the sun has set somewhere in the world so I shall continue with the help of a fortified mulled wine.
Oh dear they all want to be oiled, hate to ask a guest but could you help?
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Hark how the bells, sweet silver bells, all seem to say throw cares away! Ding! DONG! Ding! DONG!

Aaaah! 'tis the season. GannieMo, I've dipped in the oil, and OH my! I've left a fuzzy red stocking stuffed with all your favorite things. To unwind, please visit the vineyard's holiday tasting. We have quite a spread prepared... smoked salmon, bagels, assorted veggies and cheeses, roast beef with 'killer' horseradish, chicken bites, sweet potato cake, tim tams, cookies, hot chocolate, tea, coffee and, of course, many wines to taste. Bring your family and friends. The more the merrier! Cheers!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Gosh. Popped in to say hello but.... whoa, this page will soon be X-rated. Settle down girls!
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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There is a little oil left after the Chips finished, Greg, just ask a dixie chick lookalike or a Michelle Pfiffer wanabee to help I'm sure one (or more) would be willing
Billy  From Perth
What lovely photos Mo!! Albany is beautiful - I would love to visit it again.
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Sun 17 Dec:
Good morning Mo. Oh, what a party, ooooh, WHAT A PARTY!!! Do we have to go home, I'm quite comfortable here. Oh, well, all good things must come to an end, I suppose.

Love your photos, Mo, but some of me? Oh, No. You have done the Albany coastline justice though. Great photos.
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi GannieMo - Just took a break from wrapping Christmas presents to have a look at your travel photos. Enjoyed them very much - great scenery, sunsets, family, friends, blue bird, & dog standing on sheep! Thanks for the mini tour. I'm leaving a bushel of Florida oranges for you to enjoy. They were freshly picked at the grove across the street. Just squeeze & add champagne for a delicious mimosa for Sunday brunch tomorrow! Please come see me at the beach sometime.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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GannieMo, I just took atrip to flickr land and you were so right-no end to the beauty captured on film for us to see. Spectacular shots, what an eye you have. With that being said...I too have an eye for one of those chips...we'll just duck out of sight. My dear hubby is still basking in the glow of your sweet compliment.Now we can party hearty, let the music take me awayyyyy.
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Hi GrannieMo,wishing you a Merry and a
fi  From NT
Merry Christmas Gannie Mo.

I've been bottling in my kitchen today so have just cooked up a few cyber bottles as well.

Just thought I’d drop you in a bottle of home made LEMON CORDIAL. It’s fantastic with water and with soda water. Cheers.
Juice of 7 large lemons
Grated rind of 5 large lemons
1 kg sugar
1.5 litres of water
25g citric acid
1.In a large pan, boil up sugar, water, grated peel and citric acid.
2.Take off the heat and add juice, If preferred, this may be strained.
3.Bottle whilst still hot into clean, sterilised (in oven ) bottles
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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fi, thank you
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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fi if you had a place here I would bring you a dish if my home mede brandy truffles. So I will cybersend them but beware
After 1 you are happy
After 2 you are squiffy,
and after 3..well, you are anybody's
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