Canuk Greg from Ottawa, Canada

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Take care and stay smiling, and have a great day everyone!



May you always have love to share, health to spare, and friends that care.

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   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Just stopped at Anne's, the almond beavertail and the wine were delicious. Oh, no, I didn't wake Anne up - she did say ''help yourself'' didn't she?
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Ooh, just saw your photo - nice scenery!
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Good evening Greg - that photo looks familiar. Where have I seen it before??? OK, ladies, don't get too carried away.
Thanks for the almondbeaver tail, Greg but you now have to replace the broken dishes you left on my draining board. I love the patés, you know my favourites.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Another hunk dont ya know!!! WoW. Would would have guessed! Don't worry about the age...its all in how you feel, and You feel pretty! Things are looking up and thanks for your kind words. After all these years you'd think I'd remember to write my hubby's name now wouldn't you? Its Sullivan, and I call him Sully. The other names will not be mentioned here.Many times its honey do...LOL. I shall return!
Angie  From Wisconsin
Hi CG! Glad to finally put a face with the name. Your pic is wonderful! Checked out your flickr site....only to find this one pic. I'll be watching for more pics including lean green lightning fast snow-machines (all the better to make Judy/San Diego groan) Very nice page you have here...I enjoyed visiting!
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Nice page, Greg. Well done. I must admit I've never had beavertail before.
Margaret  From Upstate NY
Hi neighbor. Nice flag. Nice photo of you. But where is the gorgeous scenery behind you? Thousand Islands are less than 3 hours from here; my son's favorite summer vacations were fishing in Ontario. I had a great winter visit to Ottowa and then on to Quebec. Stepped out of my snowshoes once and discovered the 'bushes' were tree tops: I sunk down to my hips! Both my grandma's were from Canada, so I feel a bit Canuck myself.
Margaret  From Upstate NY
I'll visit soon and bring some NY treats to your 'den,' but you already have a keg, so I won't bring either Ithaca Pale Ale or Saranac Ale. Could you use some Finger Lakes wines? Or Ithaca Art Bars (superb chocolates)? I assume you already have maple syrup, which is one of my usual gifts for hosts.
Anne  From work
Hello there Greg
Thanks for posting a jigsaw puzzle to me, I'll keep an eye out for the postie to arrive bearing gifts.
Hey, I call in to visit and you've already gone to bed. Was bowling too much for you tonight?
ap  From india
ah ha! look as lively as you sound..mmm
good pic and its sad i am not there for the party tonite..anyway its not gonna make a big difference other than i gonna miss you guys for neither i drink nor i dance!!have a nice time and enjoy all>>(i have left some real butter Naan and some Gobi ka manchurians as starters to go with any soup)
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Greg - thanks for stopping by my place & bringing the Ottawa beavertail! Now how did you know I love ANYTHING chocolate? There are LOTS of your fellow Canadians down here in FL, but most of them aren't nearly as cute as you! Guess I'll need to bundle up for the trip north to your party tomorrow night. Brrrr - I might need something warm to drink. An Irish coffee maybe?
tricia  From nemo, tx
Hey Greg, you are a cutey! Love your place. Thanks for the refreshments.
Nina  From Fl
Nice site CG. Its good to have a face to go with the comments. Somehow I imagined you to look like the smiley in the wheel chair. Oh our limited imaginations.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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No party tonight, too dangerous on the roads all!
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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CG, AH Shucks, I got here ahead of the storm lookin for a party! I took a page out of your book and fixed a dish often served in the party city of New Orleans. A jumbo pot of Louisiana jambalya and rice for the occassion. Since I have my own wings and there's no party here, I'll quickly fly around the globe sharing my bounty and having a party at my place. We vitual travelers can withstand any bad weather... if we want to! Perhaps we Americans have more party blood or think? LOL
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Good morning/evening Greg - how has your day been. Just called in for a cuppa and a chat, hope you don't mind.
fi  From NT
G'day Greg,

So Canada is a mighty big State of America?

Is it further North than New York?

Is it as big as Texas?

Did you vote for George Bush??

just joshing!!

Here's a bottle of Glenmorangie 30 Years Old Malaga Cask Finish. to make up for my blunder.
It should be long and rich to the end.

Check it out if you like... The distillery is near Tain - just north of Inverness. e.php
fi  From NT
Great beavertails. Thanks... How do the little fellas swim without their tails?
Aleia  From Texas
howdy, just thought i'd let you know i stopped by,,
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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CG - can you please send another beavertail and some wine to Anne, I kinda polished them off the other night while she was sleeping. ta
fi  From NT
No Worries re the Glen Morangie, ENJOY!! and apologies for the bad taste quips re Canada's relationship to USA. It was in response to your rather large Canadian flag. Cheers.
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg. Just found your brand new page - or so I thought....then I realized you have two pages of comments You are a very popular fellow!
Now....about that party....
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Hello Greg, thank you for your visit and the beavertail pastry!! I will keep the maple syrup to use on CP's porridge!!
Your page looks wonderful!! I have to wait for my young people to help me out with my decorating, not being very tech minded.
Have brought you some flowers and Aussie bubbley.
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Greg, thanks for feeding my cat while I was away overnight, but ATLANTIC SALMON, how could you give that to a cat when I'm still waiting for some for myself.
Thanks also for the extra beavertail & bottle of wine that CP drank while I was asleep.
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Thanks for good wishes fo my flight home, I look forward to catching up with all the latest news when I return to France. My sister in London has yet to enter the 21st century so she must have the only house in London without an internet connection. We are staying with her till the end of the week as it is her birthday saturday 9th and my brothers on the 7th ( he also lives in London)
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Good evening Greg - thanks for inviting me around to watch the hockey match with you on T.V., I didn't realise how exciting it could be.
Mmm, this chocolate is delicious, we'd better hide it from the others or they will all want some when they call around.
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Oh, forgot to say, it was nice to see the Ottawa Senators win another match.
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Sorry to keep interrupting with questions about the game Greg, while you're trying to watch it, but how do you expect me to learn it if I don't ask.
Yes, the popcorn was delicious, thanks. It's alright, I'll get up and make the hot chocolate for us.
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Thanks Greg. I'll be over as soon as can be arranged. Oh, Atlantic salmon, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. Can you make a good old fashioned apple crumble for pudding, please. I'll make the custard to go with it if you like.
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Greg, hey. 'sorry the party got scrapped Friday night. We had a blast with Mamacita though. It's been a crazy busy weekend. I want to leave you a plane ticket and boarding pass for your first class ride to San Francisco! This week, we're leaving BWI and heading west to tour Napa and Sonoma, Big Sur and south to California's central coast for more fun. See you onboard. Cheers!
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Thank you for the warm wishes Greg. Major causes for celebrations today what with all those birthdays as well!!! and you're throwing the party I'll bring some wonderful Lake Illawarra prawns, which, conveniently, are beginning to run ready for Xmas!
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Hello, Greg! Thanks for the beavertail. Chocolate AND pastry! MMMMMM. I'll bring my snowshoes the next time I come and we can go for a hike.
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Hi Greg
lurvely photos and nice to put a face to the name.
the decorating is very special and one day we would love to visit canada.
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Good evening Greg, I hope you had a good day at work and didn't get caught in a snowstorm.
A nice dram of whiskey when you get home should warm you up nicely.
Aileen  From California
Hi, Greg!
Nice to have the picture to go with the name.

Went to my first hockey game last month (Anaheim Ducks v Minnesota Wild). Lots of fun, but hard to keep track of the puck!

   LK  From MN    Supporting Member
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Hi there Greg, oh you have no idea what I have up my sleeve for photos! My home is about 3 miles to the left of the photo.
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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we will have to plan our attack ... oops mean party in Gaths room quietly. will gather the troops for the onslaught .... and set down a time to hit his room hard. will return with more info when I can organise.
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Hey Greg, just a quick flying visit. Busy time of the year here for me.
I don't use Flikr for my pics, hence why there is no flikr link on my page. I use, Photobucket.
Thanks for Maple syrup, will go real well with the pancakes the kids have just made for all the guests at my Resort.
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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I love the photo of Kelly, Greg.
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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Greg, your daughter is beautiful. How old is she?
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