GannieMo1 from South West France

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The Dordogne River


No fishing today


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   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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A very Merry Christmas to my friends Mo & Steve
and a Happy & Healthy New Year to you both.
Enjoy the food, wine and hope you get lots of presents. Have a great day. Cheers
Love from Anne xx
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Mo, I've just been in and seen the rest of your photos. You have some beauties of the Esperance area and the Stirlings & Porongurups. When did you say you were moving here!!!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Ho Mo! You have some great pictures on your site. Left a comment on a few of them, but they are all wonderful. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Mo, Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings from Pacific Northwest, USA. This is the first time I'v visited. Tried 2 times before, but lost electricity and everything during storms just as I was going to post.

Anyway, I love your picture of everyone at the party. Now I have images of some here on sudoku. We seem to have such an nice group of here, always pleasant. Also, visited your site on flickr. You take such beautiful pictures. I will have to ask my daughter to help me set up a page, too. Hope you and your family have very happy holidays.
I want to say what cute grandchildren you have, and so lucky to have visited Singapor with their grandparents. Also your 'Breaking Waves' picture is fantastic. How lucky for mother nature to have been so cooperative for you. And also, what patience you must have to have captured it just perfectly.
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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LD thank you.
By the way it was me visiting my grand children they live in Singapore and I only get to visit about every 18 months or so.
Therefore I make it a long trip with lots of time for the family but spread over several weeks as I don't want to intrude too much in my son's home.
I had a very intrusive mother in law and would hate to become the same
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi GannieMo! Here is wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and may your New Year hold lots of blessings for you!
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Oh yes, this is a great picture!
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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GannieMo, we need to get together at some point in the coming year, where we can compare and contrast what we think we know. However, I'm here to make sure that at some point during this season to be jolly, you pick up your gift from under my tree. Don't know what you will choose, but hope its something you can use and enjoy! Blessings of the season!
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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GannieMo - Wonderful shot of Rudolph!
I have sampled a bit of your libations - off to visit some others!
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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GrannieMo - love rudolph.
The magic of Christmas never ends
and its greatest of gifts is family and friends
Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous Christmas
and a Holiday Season filled with peace, love & laughter

   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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thank goodness you posted next door today - I had forgotten where I was! No joke!
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Awesome candid shot of Rudolph. I'm glad he gets a little time to rest up. Happy holidays.
Aileen  From California
Hi, GannieMo!

Lovely photos on your Flickr site--thanks for sharing.

Brought you some Scottish Shortbread cookies (frosted and topped with pecan half)one of the Christmas treats I like to bake--great with coffee or tea.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Wonderful picture you captured Mo. I've tried to catch his red nose before but always failed.

Well, I'm glad he's resting after the test drive Santa gave him. He'll have a busy night. The children are already dreaming about Christmas morning on my site!
   Liz  From South France    Supporting Member
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GannieMo: I am flying in and out - just SO much to do.. I loved the picture of Rudolph!! Here are a pair if red fluffy slippers, but you won't recognise them, as they are so well wrapped up! Hope you are a size 38 - if not, you'll have to give them back to me so that I can christen them with wine, instead of you!! Have a wonderful and a very If you are anywhere near Lyon, give us a call! Hope to have your email address, soon.
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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GannieMo are you around??? Want to make sure you and Steve have not opted for an early party in your Christmas nighty...naughty, naughty makes life fun! Be at peace and have one too....Merry merry, har de do har ...Whoooooeeee! You got it! lol For now your singing has subsided, humming is all that can be heard, and I know why!
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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for my christmas message there is a link on my page or go to M153826353Y&product_id
see you at the party friday
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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Ganniemo: I thought I'd drop in for a taste of a northern Christmas. Will it be a white one? I've never had that experience. Anyway, here's a taste of my daughter's tiramisu - a family favourite. have a and a
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hey Mo and Steve. I have posted my Christmas greeting to everyone on my page, as I couldn't post the picture in the general comments section. Best wishes to you and yours!
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Mo & Steve
You are more than welcome to come and house sit for me anytime, whether I'm here or not. My home is your home.

Have an absolutely wonderful Christmas with lots of food, drink and good fun.
Love from Anne xx
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Merry Christmas GannieMo and Steve.
Mel  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Sending you a great big hello from the other side of the world - and a merry Xmas and happy new year.
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Bonjour Gannie Mo! We are repairing the first class cabin of our plane that 'somebody' trashed on the trip to Napa. This time, we'll be cruising around the world for a New Year's bash at 35,000 feet. There will be extra security on board to tame even the wildest party animals. Put on something VERY sparkly; tell us the airport closest to you, and we'll fly in to scoop you up!
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Beautiful pic GannieMo.
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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bert, there is an airport just 10 minutes from here that the papperazzi haven't yet found so I should be able to sneak there without detection. One's privacy is so precious these days. I've been lucky this week, going out wearing a skiing hat,huge scarf, thick water and windproof coat, thick pants and boots over my red silk and sequined mini skirt has fooled them so far. Unlike billy I do not wear my tiara till evening time.
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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GannieMo, LOL!! (very loud, in fact!) Girl, you are a piece of WORK workin' that mini skirt! All of France must be in awe... stunned, and totally mesmorized by one so colorful. The paparazzi is drawn to you like bees to honey. I love it. We will pick you up on New Year's Eve at 8:00 p.m. Please dawn the tiara because it will be dark by then. I love Billy's style though.

Quite seriously, I visit France every year because I have a cousin in Paris. Ihave met boyfriends and other cousins there and we have traveled north to Belgium and The Netherlands, but I have not yet really 'toured France.' I will return in the Spring. I would like to visit the castles of France, Bordeaux, and the south of France. My cousin and I have even talked about sailing or hopping on a flight to Corsica. I MUST meet you. And, honey, it's ok to wear a tiara all day! Let's try it when we make our first REAL toast!!
Billy  From Perth in my tiara
Ah ha !!!- thought you'd sneak that comment in without me seeing it, didn't you Mo ?????!!!!! I have eyes everywhere....bert - I love your reckoning is if queen Liz can do it, so can the plebs of the world...lifts the tone of a place somewhat.
   Dave  From Oregon/Arizona    Supporting Member
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GannieMo...thanx for stopping in. I wasn't sure if you saw my note about the Maid of the Mist. Our motorhome would not make it in Europe. 42 Feet and 81/2 wide. We live in it about 6-7 months of the year. 4 months (Nov-Feb) we head south to Arizona. Probably very much like going to Spain. Then we go out several shorter trips. Here is wishing you and yours a verry Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Billy  From Perth
Mo - so sorry to hear the loss of your friends, there is never a 'good' time, but you're right - to have it happen over Christmas will always bring sadness at that time of year - if you can somehow celebrate the lives they have lived it can ease the pain of it.x
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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December 26, 2006

Mo and Steve: My thoughts are with you. Nothing I can say will ease the loss you and your friends have experienced, but people around you also feel your loss and sadness and are thinking of you. Take care and find peace.
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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December 27th 2006
Gannie Mo and Steve, thinking of you at this very sad time, love to you both. Take care xx
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Ganniemo, just came from the flickr site and enjoyed the shared beauty of the frosted trees. May the New year bring better times for you and yours, and keep singing your hearts out. May you always find a reason to make a joyful noise unto the LORD!! Peace be with you.
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Mo
First I would like to offer my condolences to you, your family and friends. My thoughts are with you

On a brighter note, I think it is fantastic that you are joining Rosemary, Col and Sarah Beth (was there a guy there too?) You have my wholehearted support, I have put a couple of hints on Rosemary's page about portions and water, I think the secret is to Eat most of what you like, just less of it, less often. Eat less calories than you expend each day (But I am sure you already know that) xx
Loza  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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hey ganniemo those frosted trees are awesome! they truly take me back to the years we lived in france. we used to drive down to the dordogne early every october to play in the autumn leaves and i remember your corner with great fondness. very sorry to hear about your recent losses. i have been melancholy about such little things recently; your situation has put much of my lot in perspective. stay strong and enjoy your nouvelle annee. truly meilleurs voeux.
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Thanks for stopping by, and for reading the FOOD PLAN~ It is very easy for me to follow. Though there is alot of text to read up on, the actual plan itself, is quite easy enough.
GOOD LUCK, and I've e-mailed the full version to Ed again, with a message to forward to you
Also added just a recommendation to the top of that e-mail. Hope everything you try with it, or otherwise works out to your satisfaction. I truly believe it will!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Mo, what has happened to your page? Where are all the comments? Best send a message to Gath.

As I'm sure you and Steve are aware, 2007 is around the corner. A whole new year coming up, and so much will happen during this coming year. I do hope that you and yours enjoy peace, happiness, good times, (chocolate for those of you who indulge), and should there be some sorrow that befalls you, I do hope you weather it well and stay strong and positive. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Interesting Mo. When I went to your page it showed 'Be the first to post a comment'. I thought your page had been wiped out. Glad it wasn't!
Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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GrannieMo, On the eve of New years eve, I come to tell you that it has been a real pleasure getting to know you through your pictures and your comments. It would indeed be a wonderful thing should the opportunity come when we could have a deeper meeting of mind and spirit. As the year passes on, may you and Steve continue to thrive and as we know the difficult parts of life intrude only to let us remember that its up to us to change the direction that we wish to travel. With good health, good fortune and perseverance, we will find that we can indeed be content. Happy New Year to you and yours.
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Gannie Mo~ Hello, I e-mailed Rosemary, so hopefully you'll have the full copy soon!

Take care, and
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