Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Where is MizT.? I hope she is having a great time celebrating her birthday!
19/Jun/13 9:21 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Heidi - I'm glad you make that stipulation with your puppies and that Spike is back safely with you.
No further news on my ex FIL yet this morning. Karin and her cousin were going to the hospital this morning.
And, yes they did have EPOA's etc, and were assessed the last time he got sick. She was allowed back home while he was there, well and still able to cope. She'll be put in respite today while we see what happens to him but it would be a miracle for him to get out of this one unscathed. I see a care facility for them, but as long as they're together, they'll be fine. I suspect that when one goes, the other will follow shortly afterwards.
I know they have to go, as my own parents did, but it breaks my heart once again.
19/Jun/13 11:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I had 2 more people call today, possibly interested in Spike. They'll be put through the 3rd degree if they show up to see him. I'm not putting him through a less they extraordinary new home. It'll have to be one that I'd like to live in.
19/Jun/13 11:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The rain is supposed to end tonight, so I should be able to mow the lawns over the next few days. I just need the wet spots to dry a little.
19/Jun/13 12:48 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Good luck with finding a home for Spike but I suspect he would be happiest with you - I know I would be if I were in his place. CynB - so sorry to read about your ex's. It is heart-breaking when tough decisions have to be made - thank goodness they have EPO's. I learnt my lesson when I was so ill - I was brought out of a coma to sign one (not quite legal but our solicitor is a friend and she had our best interests at heart). It was only later on I realised what a mess I was leaving my family in with our business as I was always the only signatory. Have been away again for 4 days - to Lorne along the Great Ocean Road - absolutely beautiful scenery. A relaxing few days - need more of them. We did a couple of walks around the waterfalls (I should say I did the easy ones and waited in the car for hubby to return). D has uni exams on this week so has returned home to study. Love having her home with us. No. 2 son is house-sitting for another few weeks so I suppose the house will be quiet after this week for a while. The sun is out today - a bit chilly (15 deg) but no wind - a perfect winter's day. Best wishes to all.
19/Jun/13 2:43 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings and Salutations! Just letting you all know that I'm thinking of you, but no time to read tonight. Hopefully tomorrow!
19/Jun/13 3:45 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Hi all. Yes, June, I was just busy today and had not made it here to post. Yesterday was kind of busy too, not sure I made it here then, even.

Yesterday I went to Lakeshore via our apartment's bus, in my power chair. SO much easier. doc had suggested I keep a pain journal, and over the last 6 weeks, I found that my worst pain day each week was the day after Lakeshore and the pool. OK, is it the exercises, or the getting there and home again? Lots of walking to get to car from apartment, fold and lift the walker and stow away, and at Lakeshore, even with handicap sticker, parking might be very far from door, cause they have over 50 handicap spaces. Lakeshore is intended for people with disabilities. then long walk to and from pool, and again at home back to apartment. With my chair, I drive right to pool edge and leave chair. If it gets in the way of others accessing the pool, staff there will move it and retrieve it when I get out. NO big pain day today, yeah!

something in the afternoon, forget what, for yesterday and of course water flowers, and stop to talk to friends. Today I wanted to take bus to Wal Mart, I was out of coffee and half and half. ?Big emergency, cannot be without my coffee. I could not find the list to sign Monday afternoon, so just got dressed and went down this morning to see if I could hitch a ride. They had one person already signed for wheelchair, and on Wal-mart or grocery day, can only take one wheelchair. The space where another could be strapped down is needed to stow the purchases of 12 people on way back. the lady in chair does not drive, depends on the bus for her groceries and all shopping, so I do not mind. I can manage without the bus.

So I had to drive myself. I went to the closer Wal-mart Neighborhood Market, they always have electric scooters available. Being just grocery, it is faster in and out, do not have to park so far away.

This afternoon was book club, and this evening, like yesterday evening, visited with Claudelle after taking her blood pressure. Plus today I had phone calls from sisters, nieces, daughters, Roger, and friends here, plus about 35 greetings on my FB timeline, greetings here. I was remembered by many today. OH, I almost forgot the cards that were slid under my door by friends in the building, too.

Oldest daughter heard me mention about a bathing suit I was ordering, since she was behind time on getting a gift, said she would just pay for the suit. Daughter #2 said something is having to be done to my gift, she got it to whomever is going to do whatever, and it will be shipped by weekend. Joy was to come over tonight, but put it off, first asked about tomorrow, but that is the play at theater tomorrow night. So she will come over for my birthday on Thursday or Friday. so, yes, I have been busy.

Tomorrow is scrabble again in afternoon and then the play. Looking forward to Thursday when all I have to do is stuff! We have inspection on Friday for my floor, so a bit of
19/Jun/13 4:27 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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And the remainder . . . . .

Tomorrow is scrabble again in afternoon and then the play. Looking forward to Thursday when all I have to do is stuff! We have inspection on Friday for my floor, so a bit of straightening, mop the kitchen again, get dishes all washed and out of sight, clean my desk and chair side table. floors are clean, furniture has been dusted, Mary the house cleaner was here only a week ago.

I did read, and Cyn, thoughts and prayers to your extended family. I hope your ex FIL is being kept comfortable, and they find a place for the 2 of them together.

Heidi, I am sad Spike did not work out in his new home, but oh so glad they realized it was not working and brought him back fore he had a chance to really bond with them.

OK, I was only up for intermission, and I am getting very sleepy again. Leaving hugs for each of you, with extras. Till tomorrow.
19/Jun/13 4:28 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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My goodness MizT - you certainly are busy. You sound very happy - best wishes for your birthday.
19/Jun/13 4:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn hugs!!!

Midge your trip sounds wonderful. Should be more of them!!

MizT you have been busy and it sounds like your pain diary really paid off. I'm glad you had a great birthday
19/Jun/13 8:50 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Update on my ex FIL / Alternate titles: The sorry state of Qld's public hospital system and/or Old Fogeys!.
Karin and her cousin and Nanna went up to see FIL this morning to find him awake. Yesterday doc said it was most definitely a stroke and he only had 50% chance of surviving the night, today different doc says he doubts that it was even a stroke and is treating him with Epilepsy medication because he thinks it's seizures caused by scar tissue after a brain tumour 17 years ago. (Shades of my hubby's 'heart attack' a few weeks ago! Do doctor's know their stuff or just take wild guesses??)
Anyway, they were doing an MRI later today which hopefully will give them more answers. Meanwhile he's raring to go and has to be restrained. Nanna, with dementia, told the girls to go home she was OK now and would find her own way to see him tomorrow. Which hospital, Nanna? That one we just went to, she says. (There are 3 in the general vicinity.)
Independent old people - sigh!!
He's in a public hospital, despite being a vet with a gold card because our private hospitals are choked up with patients after the biggest private hospital, the Wesley, was closed due to an outbreak of Legionaires causing one death.
It gets better and better! My cousin's hubby was in ICU at Wesley when it was closed and is one of the few patients left there. He was recovering from a huge heart operation, complicated by the fact that his only, transplanted kidney had lost function after the op. Good news is that it came good and he is recovering nicely and no sign of Legionaires, and expected to be allowed home next week. Phew!
I'll keep you posted on Harold, the old geezer FIL!!
19/Jun/13 9:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That's quite the soap opera, CynB. Why can't doctors verify instead of guessing? There are so many incompetents out there. Did you know it's much harder for someone to get into Vet School than into Medical School? The people who aren't good enough to be Vets then go to Medical school and become human Doctors. True!
19/Jun/13 10:23 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Probably true Heidi, and then the ones who do well at medicine, do their obligatory time at hospitals and then off to specialise - that's where the big money is.
20/Jun/13 9:10 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all.
Must make this short so I dont lose it.
Thinking of you Cyn....Paul has just been thru the same diagnosis changes from 1 Dr to the next. Quite frustrating when you cannot get answers.
Renaes op seemed successful. She has a colostomy bag while her bowel heals from the re-section.She may not be out as early as expected due to vomiting so they need to give more IV fluids.
Josh & girls go down to Brisbane tonight.Less pain today, and up and walking again.
Much going on here lately but no time to go into it.
Take care everyone.
20/Jun/13 12:31 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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So far, so good, Nola. Renae made it through the surgery. That's good. The rest takes time.
20/Jun/13 12:47 PM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Nola. my cousin just had bowel Op.. she does not need a colostomy bag, she also had lots of vomiting and ended up in ICU for a day.
She starts Chemo next week. fortnightly for 6 months.
20/Jun/13 1:29 PM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Nola, Cyn ♥
20/Jun/13 1:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It's true it's harder Heidi, but I suspect the majority of the people studying medicine never considered vet science, they wanted to go where the money was...

Cyn, it never rains but it pours. Big hugs!! From my limited experience with cooling towers and legionella, I'm pretty sure your cousin's hubby would have been fine. I was dealing with a much smaller system and just detected legionella not a case of legionnaires, but they didn't even close the office for a day.... Perhaps it's easier to clean out a cooling tower than a water heating system. By the way, the news story I read said the problem was the system is set to a max of 50C to avoid scalding patients, which doesn't kill legionella. When we got our solar system installed we were told that the government requires the same temperature limiter on home systems. With a nod and a wink we don't have it, but....lots of people do. Are they at risk?
20/Jun/13 1:32 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy, I seem to have heard something similar. Surely there must be a way of storing the water at the high safe temp and mixing it down to a max of 50deg before it gets to the patient. There's something for an inventor to work on and make his fortune. Anyway Ken (cousin's hubby) was fine. He was only given bottled water and bathing was facilitated somehow. They did clear the hospital of most patients and turned back new ones. My cousin said that after a few days it was great for parking! Haha! Normally it's a horror story to park there.
20/Jun/13 1:44 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Nola - thinking of Renae and hoping she feels better soon and recovers quickly. Has Paul got a definite diagnosis yet? And how is he?
Nola, I wish you well, you have had too much to bear lately. Stay strong and come to Brissie soon, we'll have to have a Sudoku gathering.
With that in mind, keep late October in mind, we are having a visit from Rolanda and hubby.
20/Jun/13 1:48 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Speaking of Brisbane Sudoku people - where is Vicki/Victoria? Haven't seen her post for a while.
YooHoo, come out, come out, wherever you are, Vicki!!
20/Jun/13 1:50 PM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Naughty Suzy is in the 'naughty corner'
20/Jun/13 2:10 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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CynB - love hearing how the 'older' folk still keep their spirit and independence - hope your exFIL comes good and can go home. Nola - best wishes to Renae. Heidi - how did you go with Bear and Spike?
20/Jun/13 2:25 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! I have finally finished reading page 645, but don't remember much, so I will call it a night.

I think of all of you often! Take care and enjoy the positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} I'm sending for everyone!
20/Jun/13 4:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Am I back?
20/Jun/13 6:40 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Okay, I have been warned but I am now forgiven!

I was trying to tell you that I was telling Alie that June had told me I should buy something out of my inheritance that was just to remind me of mum. Alie said I should get a tattoo with a word mum used a lot - that I'm not going to tell you because the hall monitor doesn't like it. Mum used this word casually in conversation with everyone other than school kids (except mine, mine heard it a lot), that means everyone from the Mayor to the person who cleaned the floors. It would be a reminder of the way she treated people - as equals, to each other and to her. BUT, no way am I ever getting a tattoo, even as a mum reminder.
20/Jun/13 6:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just checked, trying to remember what I lost when I lost my post. I lost hugs for Nola. Hugs for your kids too, but for you as it's hard to have sick kids and be powerless to do anything about it, even if they're all grown up.

20/Jun/13 6:52 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Well was checking in and feeling sorry for myself but after reading the last 3 days of your lives I realised just because so many people want a piece of me this week and was stuck in two major traffic jams it really ain't that bad. My step daughter still considers me a friend and needed me this week, my brother is going thru the dramas of selling his business at the death knock and needed me, my girl friend...always needs me, my other friend just needs help. Could go on but you get the drift. So I consider myself a very fortunate person that so many people need me.
So much more I wanted to say to you all but know that I care about you.
Luv and Hugs.
20/Jun/13 7:35 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni, I've said it to other people before and now I'll say it to you. Just because other people are also having a tough time doesn't mean your tough time is less valid. Big hugs! It's tough to be torn in all different directions.. tiring physically and emotionally. Big hugs!
20/Jun/13 9:19 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Nola, lots of hugs to you. This year has not been very kind to you. So pleased you were able to get away earlier for your trip to Tassie.
Midge, you also need lots of hugs along with quite a few others.
You were all there for me when I needed them so I am pleased to be able to return the concern for you all.
21/Jun/13 3:57 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy IF you were considering a tattoo it could be one of an EMU.
I have a giggle to myself thinking of 40 years time when you would be in a nursing home with dementia and the world has gone back to being prudes and some teenage nurse saying 'why ever would she have that word tattooed on her bxm?'
21/Jun/13 4:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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(((( HUGS ))))) to everybody who needs or just wants them. I think that includes everybody here.

I'm having a very busy day and getting nothing done. One of THOSE days. Once I rehydrate, I'm gonna mow the lawn. It's HOT out there.
21/Jun/13 4:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The lawn around the house is mowed. That takes an entire tank of gas. Tomorrow I need to mow around the office. That takes another tank of gas. I also need to mow around the barns. That's a third tank. I wish gas prices would go down.
21/Jun/13 8:18 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, checking in. A very busy day yesterday that left me in need of a do nothing day today. And that is just what I had. A long nap, a good book. I did have a bit of stuff to do today, but did a little at a time,and a comfy chair in between. Tomorrow apartments on our floor are inspected by staff, for housekeeping and for any maintenance that is needed. As i said earlier, Mary was just here, housekeeper, so only pick up clutter, hang up clothes, wash up dishes. I will have to clean that 3 foot by 9 foot kitchen floor (1x3 meter). It is white tile, and is dirty again within 2-3 days of being cleaned. The only other thing I did all day was go down and water my flowers.

Yesterday I made a mistake with my meds. It was almost time for pain meds again when I went to play scrabble. I took one with me, in pocket, but forgot to take it. Was wondering why I was aching all over time I got home, DUH! No time for a real rest fore getting ready to go to the play last night. I took meds with me and this time remembered when I was to take them, so not so bed, more tired than aching all over. Jan, our activities director, did a wonderful job, she is a fine actress. I know that she does not really care for the leading man as a person, said he is just full of himself, demanding, obnoxious in general. In the play, he was her love interest, required her looking at him star struck more than once and a couple of passionate kisses, too, and if you had not heard her comments about him back in January, you would have never known hehehe, Really fine acting job.

There was one problem with my power chair, well with the handicap ramp from curb to driveway, at the theater, It is built too steep, I noticed my foot rest scraped going down. After the play, chair would NOT go up that ramp. I even tried folding up the foot rest, but no, the bracket that held footrest was catching, and chair came to a dead stop, while the motor was reving trying to push chair along. OH DEAR. Only thing to do was turn around, go down the drive past theater and then down the alley back to EP. Very good thing there was an alternate route, the street is much to busy for me to be comfortable driving on the street to get home. I phoned Jeff, the tech/salesperson for my chair, asking if he could raise the foot rest a bit. His answer was no. I think he is wrong, it can be raised a little, and a little might be enough to clear. I should not worry about it but, I do scrape using one of the ramps here at EP. there is an alternate I can use, and even through it scrapes, it will continue to move. I might get my friend Eddie to bring his wrenches, loosen 4 bolts and move it up one notch for me.

I have read, but not retained. Fingers say time to stop, I will return later if Joy does not come tonight. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

21/Jun/13 9:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tomorrow I will be taking plenty of pictures of Pandora. Her legs are finally straight! I'll get them developed as soon as possible, and post them.

You'd think that wheelchair ramps would be wheelchair accessible, wouldn't you? I had problems with some ramps when I was in my wheelchair. They were too steep for me to manually get up. I had to sit there and wait for a kind person to come by and help me. Verry humiliating.

Now off to bed.
21/Jun/13 2:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Friends!

Finally read page 646. Great TOPP, June!

Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear that you have now lost Lucy's sister Molly. But, as you say, it wasn't completely unexpected. Good for the puppies keeping their breakfast down on the vet trip. I know the puppies who have been claimed will do well in their new homes. I'll keep reading to find out if all of them are in their new homes. Congratulations on the arrival of Serenade's filly!

Cyn, I hope your friend and her son can put some distance between them and her mother.

MizT, hopefully you have finally been able to talk to the doctor. I hope you enjoyed the June birthdays party. Happy Birthday . I'm not sure if I posted a birthday greeting on TOS. I hope you had an outstanding day - and maybe even some cake at the residents' party!

Theresa, I'm so glad to hear that your health is improving. Good for you! I hope your hubby improves soon. I really enjoyed your 'signs' post!

I'm sorry, but that's all I remember. Thinking of all of you and sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, , positive thoughts and healing vibes for all to share and enjoy!
21/Jun/13 3:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all, another day another dollar, or few dollars...

MizT, if you manage to raise the footrest thingy will you call the tech and tell him that you must tell his bosses how helpful he has been? I hope it works. The long way down an alley might be fine sometimes but it sounded a bit hazardous to me...

Jan sounds like an amazing actress! I'm glad you were able to go even though you were achey. Hope you are feeling better when you get up today.

You didn't come back so Joy must have made it over - yay!

Julie, I wish I could send you some sleep...

June, I told Alie that all the people in the old people's home would think I was white trash, she said, that's why it would be funny!

Vicki, come out come out wherever you are...

Midge, big hugs to you! You always sound so cheerful even though your life must be tough at times.

21/Jun/13 6:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Alie's computer has not been working for 2 months while we searched for the receipt as it was still under warranty. I eventually suggested that we go to Dick Smith and ask for a replacement receipt. We then called and arranged for it to be picked up. Not once have we been asked for the receipt. I hope they understand we expect it to be fixed under warranty.

21/Jun/13 7:14 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I worked in support again today.. I used the phrase, I have not been disrespectful to you, why are you disrespecting me? Not sure about the grammar, but...

Then I had a student harrassing another student. Stupid, petty stuff that if I told you what he said you'd go 'so?'. In context though, he was trying to wind the other kid up. It was a credit to the other kid that, although he obviously wasn't impressed, he kept his cool.
21/Jun/13 7:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I have been remembering this for 3 weeks to use it a topp so I'll write a pointless post to push me over and hope nobody sneaks in..
21/Jun/13 7:18 PM
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