Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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“Listen, someone's screaming in agony - fortunately I speak it fluently”

- Spike Milligan
06/May/13 1:54 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have to be up EARLY to round up the cows. It was raining so hard today that we decided to leave it for morning when we had more help. So we're gonna start rounding them up, moving them and penning them at 8 am. The Vet will be here at 10-ish. Vaccinate everybody, castrate bull calves, preg check the 8 cows that haven't calved yet and retag the large number of cows that have lost their ear tags. I have no idea why so many lost 'em this winter. Usually 2 or 3 loose theirs each winter, but this year at least 15 did. I picked up 25 more tags today.
06/May/13 2:00 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks for making me smile Rola.
Don't often have non-smiley days..lack of sleep has had that effect on me today on top of all else that is happening...

The workman have finished out the front.. haven't been out yet to check if I have a verge garden anymore...

Car will be ready to pick up in 45 mins and I'm hoping for change out of $1000. The Holden specific hose was $145..gulp! Even with them NOT adding a mark up on trade prices the parts have really blown the $550 out of the water...
06/May/13 3:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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, Friends!

Broni, we're glad to hear you're OK!

Nola, we're always happy for a visit, but understand how your time has been filled! How frustrating to run out of the wool and find no more of the correct dye lot!

Suzy, do you think the reason you didn't sleep well was because Tahli was there? Or had you taken her back to her Mum before bed time? Sometimes just a busy day with your head going full tilt can impact your sleep cycle. At any rate, I hope a good night's sleep will soon visit you!

Heidi, I hope the puppies will continue to do well with 3 meals a day from you! Hopefully, 'Mother' (Sandy) knows best. Sure do hope you get a nice day without rain so the puppies can play outside!

Theresa, Happy Birthday to your older grandie! Wow! Double digits! I hope she has a great day!

Bean, I'm so sorry to hear about Margaret's passing.You mentioned wanting to tell her about all you learned at the workshop. My thought is that you SHOULD tell her, whether in your mind, or actually aloud. It might do a lot of good and help to solidify any of the information that was new to you.

Cyn, good luck with the Crime Stoppers efforts in your neighborhood. It's far better to get it started BEFORE any problems develop.

Bean, I'm glad the car problem was found and diagnosed BEFORE it had the opportunity to develop into something worse! Also good news that the gas leak will only marginally (I hope) impact your garden!

Here's what my cello teacher said about the DVD: 'It was pretty good!!!' 'Pretty good' doesn't sound very encouraging. The three exclamation points make me think it might be OK. Now, I guess it's just wait and see what other teachers have to say about it.

Suzy, I hope you've had a good night's sleep by now!

Speaking of sleep, it's time for me to attempt some myself. Feel free to use and/or share with anyone who could benefit from them. Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
06/May/13 4:07 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Great TOPPS, Heidi! Good luck with working the cows in the morning! I hope they will al be cooperative!

Hi, Rolanda!

Bean, I hope the vegetable garden survived! I also help the bill for the car repairs is no worse (perhaps even better) than expected!
06/May/13 4:16 PM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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I deleted my previous comment, as I had mentioned a 'real' name. Thanks Hall Monitor :)

Bean ((( Hugs ))) and ♥ .. RIP Margaret
06/May/13 4:52 PM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Sorry I have not been around much.
Been busy, with comings and goings.
Busy with unpacking more stuff.. and delcuttering.
Making our House into a Home. Garden out the front.
All boxes now unpacked except for the photos.. will do that sometime in the future. Meanwhile they are neatly stored.
06/May/13 4:55 PM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Family Friend from Scotland arriving next week, staying with MIL. So will be quite busy with her.
I may have guests coming to stay at Cottage Rolanda in June ~ the next generation Boy Cousins ( the same sort of age as my boys) are planning to come for a week.
Autumn starting to makes it presence felt in Perth, sort of.. still a tad warm here for this time of the year.
06/May/13 4:58 PM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Hi Julie
06/May/13 5:10 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Rolanda!
Autumn has been making itself felt here too in the last week or so. Daytime temps are perfect 23-25C, beautiful fine days - but nights are getting nippy at 13-14C. Temps expected to drop further next week. It's always winter temps by Hayley's birthday, which is 21st May.
06/May/13 5:55 PM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Cyn.. looking at the Weather Report last night.. Brisbane and Perth was going to be the same today.

Overnight 12 - 15C for the rest of the week
Daytime 25 today and tomorrow. then down to 19/20 for the rest of the week.
'rain' 'storm' for several days.. best I not blink incase I miss it!!! But then and again, sometimes Mr Weatherman does get it right!
My new garden would love the rain!!!!!

speaking of night time temps.. Sunday (Mothers Day Sunday) predicted overnight temp 7C..
the colder weather is coming.. as it should, Winter is almost upon us!!
06/May/13 6:08 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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A quick scan back tells me I missed a birthday, happy 10th to your grandie!!
06/May/13 6:33 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Bean {{{HUGS}}}

Broni, sometimes family can be disappointing. We expect our family to always be there for us and be kind of like-minded, so when things don't happen as expected, we feel really let down.
06/May/13 11:03 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Tami, you had a worrisome time with your dad. I'm glad he is home again. If you ever need to talk, you know where to find me.

Suzy ... take care of you too, please.
06/May/13 11:04 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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I'm back.... and bringing lots of ((()))) to all...seems like they may be needed and if there aren't enough here, I have plenty more just waiting to be used.
This was an enjoyable weekend. The memorial for my niece was simply spectacular! She was a Broadway fanatic..always going to see just about every show no matter where she went, including our European jaunt, so my great niece did her program like a playbill...stunning. Like her father before her, she had requested a portrait of using her ashes, her artist friend did a smashing job again...most impressive, and the music was simply out of this world. The repast was well done and then family and close friends gathered at my great niece's home where we celebrated Cinco de Mayo and what would have been Carita's 60th birthday...We indeed 'Walked her upstairs' with much love.

07/May/13 1:03 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Tomorrow, My sister, great niece and myself will be going to New York to see 'Book of Mormons', and have another catch up with several cousins at dinner to celebrate the actual birth date of my niece, Carita. I'm dealing with all of this fairly well health-wise, even if the world feels a lot emptier now, but am so glad to be able to do so..God is good.
While I glory in my happiness, I am so saddened by all of the difficult life issues that have affected many of am sending special hugs to all who are in states of unwanted challenges. My wish for you is that God's Peace will soon enter your spaces and wipe the dark away and allow the sun to shine brightly once again..won't name you so that I don't inadvertently miss anyone...but know that this is a very wide umbrella, so will shelter as many as need it. I must be off for now, several things to be done to keep the home fires burning safely while I'm being so Remember that for every closed door, a window somewhere is open, so please look for the sunshine and let it in. Peace,Joy and Love! ♥
07/May/13 1:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It sounds like it was a wonderful tribute to your niece, Mamacita. I think it's what she would have wanted if she had planned it.
07/May/13 6:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What a day. The cows were on their worst behavior this morning. For the first time ever, when I called them, they ran in the opposite direction. It took 4 of us 2 hours to catch them. I thought we were gonna have to call the Vet clinic and cancel. Also today, the router acted up and I lost internet connection for 3 hours, the garage door broke, the faucet for the kitchen sink shot up in the air when the water was turned on... spraying water everywhere, I found a tick embedded on me and I have an elderly collie that's gone down and can't get up. And I have a bad headache. I hope nothing else happens.

I did try some Prairie Oysters, though. The Vet showed me how to prepare them. They have to be skinned and sliced thin, then fried. Or breaded and fried. They were actually quite tasty. I'd eat them again, happily.
07/May/13 6:53 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Quick stop in.

Heidi, I had Dylan read the last paragraph of the above post. He went 'yuk.' Ever since we went to Colorado, he has thought they were gross and we can gross him out by discussing any kind of meat ball. Even the ones made of ground beef.

Bean, sorry to hear about Margaret's passing. It is hard to lose a friend but I hope you can take comfort in knowing that she is no longer in pain.

07/May/13 10:42 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Big day planned Heidi. Hope it goes/went well. I see it didn't. Bummer.

Julie, I think the 3 exclamation points suggest that your teacher was very happy with your recordings!!!

Rolanda, your pics on TOS showed how much work you have been doing. Looking good too.

Cyn, take 4 or 5 degrees off your temps and that is what we are getting.. Nice.

Mamacita, your nieces farewell sounds fantastic! What a wonderful way to celebrate a life.

Tami, I'm with Dylan.

I did catch up on my sleep. Now I need to catch up on ffuts...
07/May/13 11:06 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, after an unusual night of many wakings but sound sleeping between, I woke feeling better than I have in ages. Two good days in a row? How long has that been?? I actually found myself smiling many times today!

Tried my best to get away for class at the pool today, was not going to happen, but I was not going to let that keep me from a bit of relaxation in the pool. I went in after class was over, being lunch time the pool was about empty, so a nice relaxing float in the deep warm water. Time spent in front of the water jets for my legs, hips and back. Picked up a taco chicken club from a food truck, it is a 'remote' by one of the resturants at Pepper Place. Food truck is new to the Lakeshore location. Then home for a good lunch and a nap. Now, I need to go back. After the nap I am as stiff as a board, but still happy for such a great day today.

Interesting discussion with the young lady at the truck. I chose the club because it was only selection that did not have cilantro. I asked her to be sure there was none in it, assured there was not, but just about the time it was ready, she said OH, there was some in the marinade for the chicken. Please taste it, if you do not like it, we will make you something else, with steak, I know that has none. We do not want you having something you do not like. Well, it was fine, but I thought she went over and above what was necessary, really appreciated it. Got to talking about how some people just do not taste cilantro the same as others. she said, many complain it tastes like soap. YEP, that is how it is with me. I read about a study done, there are two kinds of taste buds, one tastes cilantro as soap, it is not just our imagination, it is real. Really wish I knew what it tastes like to others.

While sitting on the bench with the water jets, I chatted with a interesting guy. He has obviously had a stroke, and has trouble speaking, but not a dern thing wrong with his mind. Sometimes I had difficulty understanding a word. I was not sure just what to do, continue telling him I did not understand, or pretend I did and change the subject or what. I
being me, I kept telling him I could not understand, repeating words I did, and he would find other ways to get around the word. We were talking about favorite TV programs, and he kept saying ----- wars. Not a clue. So he came up with, you know where people put things, storage, and being in context, I got it that time! Really interesting to see how he compensated for his lack of verbalization.

Weather was winter cold today, when I went out it was still in the 40's, damp, bit of rain about and windy as March! Everyone was talking about this winter weather, and how unusual. NOPE, not unusual, I was reminded it is blackberry winter. Being in the city, I had not seen that blackberries were in bloom! This cool spell happens every year, it just may be a few degrees cooler and a few days later this year, but nothing out of the ordinary. I am
07/May/13 11:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I am sure it has been this cool in May before.

Pretty sure this is too long already, but let me post fore it is even longer. Hugs to each of yoi, with extras, just in case I do not get back tonight.

almost made it without running over.

Ahhh, muscle relaxers have worked wonders on the stiffness, yeah. Let me go wash today's dishes while feeling like it. Just a handful with take away for lunch and only fruit and crackers with cheese for dinner.
07/May/13 11:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH took pity on me, and offered to stop and pick up a pizza if I called in the order. When he got there to pick it up, they had accidentally given it to someone else a few minutes earlier. To make it up to him, for the price of the pizza I ordered ($15), they gave him TWO pizzas, an order of cinnamon bread sticks and a free drink. It's a strange day.
07/May/13 11:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What a nice day you had, MizT.
07/May/13 11:46 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings & Salutations!

Hi, Rolanda! I think we understand how busy you are with so much to do transforming a house into a home! A new abode also tends to attract a fair share of guest also.

Mama, thanks for sharing your niece's memorial service with us! It seems so perfect, based on what you have told us about her. I hope you enjoy the play tomorrow!

Oh, Heidi, what a day! I'm certainly glad you had some help! Did IH have any of the prairie oysters?

Suzy, I'm glad you're catching up on your sleep!

MizT, I'm glad you were feeling better today. You also got a lot done! Hooray for getting to the pool and enjoying the warm water, even if you weren't able to join the class. I'm also so glad the muscle relaxers worked!

Heidi, I'm so glad your pizza order was 'improved upon.'

It has been a long day, so I must take myself to bed. But first, here is the daily dose of positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, healing vibes and - plenty for all!
07/May/13 4:15 PM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Oh I think Mr Weatherman may be right.. Severe Weather Warning.. Storm on it's way!!

I've done not vewy much today... apart from a load of washing (towels)
Some Crocheting (Baby Blanket for Lass across the road expecting 1st baby, due any time soon)
I did however Skype with not only the sick Melbournian Child, Also with my friend in NSW both conversations were over a hour each :)

Waving and saying Hi to Heidi, Bean, Julie, Mama, Cyn, Suzy, Tricia, Tami, Theresa.... ♥
07/May/13 7:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's stopped raining here. I think the puppies will be going outside in a little bit.
08/May/13 1:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just got back from the Vet's with Mandy, the collie who went down. It was her spine, she was in a LOT of pain (I understand THAT) and being old with arthritis, there was nothing that could be done. We had to put her to sleep. I'm not happy.
Now I have to go check on a calf that we treated for pneumonia yesterday. I REALLY hope he's improved.
08/May/13 4:57 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I am around, but just a bit busy. Thinking of you all. Just thought I should 'check in'.
08/May/13 6:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The calf is a little better. The weather has been so schizophrenic lately, that I'm surprised that we only had one sick calf.
08/May/13 7:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Did I chase everybody off with my sad news about Mandy?
08/May/13 12:46 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGG!!! Just lost a long post about my day today, Day three of a good spell, shhhh, do not tell. I worked in garden, took the garden police Miss Nancy to buy a trellis for the rose, found out there is a garden fund, she has not spent 1/2 of it, but I was left to pay for my own plant for the container on the front driveway, while Nancy will be reimbursed for the trellis and watering can she bought. such a piece of work she is!!! She did approve of my plans for today. Met her when I was just off the elevator, and got the third degree about what I was going to do with the flowers I had on my walker. Come to find out, after the interrogation, that she wanted more flowers for the front garden, the memorial garden in the shade under the 'bridge' to second building.

I re-potted a fern that grows in my window, planted some coleus in an empty pot under the trees, they should do nicely in the shade, trimmed the grape vine that shares my container on the drive, Nancy actually loaned me her clippers, and brought back to apartment the roses she cut back to get rest onto trellis. I now have a nice vase of red florabunda roses on my table. You know, the small roses with 4 to 6 buds on a short stem. they will not last long, but are very pretty.

We tried to plant the geranium in the garden, ground was just too hard for my little claw to dig, we will have to wait for a shovel and pick. The plant had blown over in the wind, and a branch broken off. I brought it home to see if I could root it. I also broke a branch of one of the coleus, brought it up also, pretty sure it will root. Gave some rooted coleus to another resident. Earning my name of the plant lady hehehe.

After all that, I went to sleep for a LONG nap this afternoon, woke feeling much better. Now of course it5 is 10:30 pm and I am not sleepy hehehe.

08/May/13 1:40 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Rolanda, you have been very busy, so good to see you with a nice long post on this page. Welcome back, have missed you a lot. Enjoy the family visiting soon. It is good you had a nice long chat with son, but sorry to hear he is not well.

Mama, glad you are back after the weekend memorial for your niece. Sounds like you did a wonderful job of 'walking her upstairs'. It is good you have a few other things for this week, could be a big letdown going from so much, so many, to being just yourself again.

Heidi, what a terrible day you had. Your cows always behave so nicely. today was just not their day. good of Gil to bring in pizza, and so much because of the error. Will you be eating pizza for 2 or 3 meals? I am so sorry to hear about Mandy, but you did the right thing by her. Once an animal goes down, and no hope of her recovering, it is in her best interest to let her go. I know it is hard, all the same, so here is a hug for you.

SUZY, good you caught up on sleep, but we never catch up on ffuts. Hope you did get some of it out of the way though.

Heidi, did the pups get outside? What did they think of the outdoors?

JUNE, good to hear from you, and yes, when busy, we do appreciate you checking in. We do not have to wonder if all is well when you are missing, you saved a lot of worry

Well, think I will go read a while and see if that will put me to sleep. If not there is always TV, book, or computer. What difference really if I slept 4 hours this afternoon or waited to do it tonight. One thing about living alone, noone to object to the light or noise middle of the night. One iof the few, but one.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till tomorrow.

08/May/13 1:54 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have to call my doctor in the morning. It looks like the tick that bit me was carrying Lyme Disease. The bite area is showing a red ring already. Yesterday sure was awful!
08/May/13 2:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Feeling down and need a feel-good moment to cheer you up: Here you go...

Unfortunately it is on facebook so if you're not on there.

Hang on, searched, it is on youtube too.
08/May/13 3:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone! Another day has slipped by.

Rolanda, for someone who hasn't done much today, it seems like you accomplished quite a lot! I hope your son will soon be feeling better!

Heidi, I hope the puppies got outside and enjoyed it. So sorry to hear about Mandy, but you made the right decision for her. I hope the calf continues to improve! I'm sorry to hear about the red ring around the tick bite area. I hope quick medical intervention helps! {{{HUGS}}}

June, we appreciate hearing from you, especially when you're busy! A quick hello reassures us!

MizT, you also had a busy day and got a lot accomplished. Too bad Nancy isn't likely to be much/any help. My guess is that she will 'help' take credit for positive changes made.

It's time to call it a night. Good Night, Moon. Good Night, Stars. Sending a full complement of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes, and
08/May/13 3:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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And another one
08/May/13 3:40 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Why did I have 3 cups of coffee yesterday and now I cannot get to sleep. (and two of those cups were very week). Yesterday I went to lunch with some friends. We went to the college where the apprentices from the top Sydney restaurants go to train. Fabulous two course meal for $10
09/May/13 1:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thanks for sharing those videos, Suzy. The first one is truly uplifting. The world needs more people like him. The second one is wonderful, but frightening. I can't begin to imagine the horror that those 3 young women went through.
09/May/13 1:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Time to feed puppies and call my GP.
09/May/13 1:30 AM
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