Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him, I may think aloud.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
29/Mar/11 11:29 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Heidi, I hope you find out what is wrong with Buddy. Poor animal! They are like babies - you know they hurt but they can't tell you what's wrong.
29/Mar/11 11:54 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Well I've had the swishy thing going all day, I've planted the garlic and rosemary, I've picked up ffuts left lying around, the dishwasher is going... lots more to do, but I think I will do me now!
29/Mar/11 1:59 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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There is a chance Pauline Hanson could win an Upper house seat! Shudder!!!!!
29/Mar/11 2:03 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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I saw that news too. My sister will be less than impressed as Pauline lives somewhere near Newcastle - too close to her.
They were discussing Pauline at her work and someone mentioned that K came from Ipswich. Her reply "Don't speak about me and her in the same breath" Pauline was a councilor in Ipswich when K worked there - apparently Pauline is a Biatch of the highest order and treated the staff like they were rubbish. Nice lady (not)!
All I can say in her favour is that she doesn't live in Qld anymore.
29/Mar/11 2:17 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gil just walked in the door. Our friend Greg passed away today. Malpractice is strongly suspected and an autopsy is being done.
29/Mar/11 2:29 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, so sorry to hear about your friend Greg. thoughts and prayers to the extended family and friends. I do hope the autopsy clearly shows the cause and it is actionable.
29/Mar/11 3:05 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm so sorry Heidi - I hope the autopsy is clear and something will change because of this, then he will not have died in vain..
29/Mar/11 3:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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This is the 4th friend that I've lost at this hospital from malpractice. And I've heard huge numbers of horror stories from other people about it, too. I won't step foot in the place anymore.
29/Mar/11 3:36 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Buddy is putting a little weight on that foot now. The pain meds are helping.

29/Mar/11 4:01 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Heidi, I'm sorry to hear about Greg. If it is the hospital then I hope they sort it out quickly and do something about the place/doctors.
It's hard enough when our loved ones die without it being the fault of anyone else.
29/Mar/11 4:03 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Vicki, she's not only a biatch, she's a bigot/racist/horrible human being..
29/Mar/11 4:30 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Friends and fellow Sudokuaholics!

Reading on page 24, but not sure I'll make it to page 26.

Oooh, Suzy, Alie and PRIDE will sing at the Royal Easter Show - sounds quite impressive and another proud mommy moment!

Theresa, you may not be able to sleep, but you use your time well! I certainly am enjoying the steps for maintaining insanity and the short story!

Brenda, thanks for the link to the Diet Water. I'm amazed it's not on the market in the U.S. - or maybe it is and I can't give us as much credit as I'd like.

Suzy, so sorry the tummy bug had led to a cold. I hope you don't pick up my hacking cough to go along with it! I've decided 3 weeks is long enough. We have our annual physicals this week, and if it's still hanging on, I will ask for something for it!
29/Mar/11 4:52 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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You got it in one, Suzy.
I hope the Hallmonitor doesn't read this page.
29/Mar/11 5:06 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Theresa, great TOPP comparing families and fudge!

June, thanks for sharing the eagle stories! I haven't been to the site in several days, but it must be getting close to time for the eggs to hatch!

Thanks again to all those remembering the twins in your positive thoughts & prayers. They have started "kangaroo care" with the boy - up to an hour of skin-on-skin contact and bonding time away from the incubator. Yesterday he had kangaroo care with his dad, and today with his mom. I'm not sure when they're going to start it with the girl.

Suzanne, so sorry to hear that the allergy season has already started for you! I guess I should be glad that it's stayed in the 20's and 30's here. Below freezing keeps grasses & trees from starting their spring growth and the pollen from being produced.

Theresa, what a relief that you were able to get a nap! That must help a lot! Too bad you and D weren't able to have your scary movie! I'm not a fan, prefer romantic, funny and/or classic, like Suzanne. You and Splotch have made a lot of progress for him to jump up in your lap. Good for you, Theresa! I hope your D's physio appointment was a good one! And I hope that the coming scan will show improvement!

Heidi, I hope the Lion's Club meeting was a good one. So sorry to hear about Buddy! What a relief that you know his call and understand how easily he might have hurt himself. I hope all is well when the vet sees him tomorrow!

Gail, I hope your "catch-up" day today has gone well! Don't you hate how quickly the laundry piles up? Also hope you can catch up on some rest and relaxation!

Tami, what a great present from your student! How nice that you'll share it with your guys! Do you get the right of first refusal so you can pick your favorites first?

MIzT, what a shame that your long post from this morning got lost! What wonderful news for Al and you! I hope his break from chemo and radiation can be permanent. Sending extra heavy duty positive thoughts and prayers so that the scan in 4 weeks confirms what the doctor and Al are feeling - no lumps and/or bumps! May the cancer be gone forever! Great news that Al's voice is coming back, he has gained a little of the weight back and his strength and ability to swallow will return! All positive indications! I'm loving it, MizT!

Heidi, I hope the scarlet chested parakeets will arrive safely and soon!
29/Mar/11 5:30 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Thanks for the great TOPP, Suzy!

So sorry to hear of the politician who may have a big win! Now I understand your TOPP Suzy. So glad that you and Vicki can speak your mind here without worry of repercussion! Apparently the law that requires everyone to vote doesn't ensure that good choices will be made.

Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Greg! RIP Greg! Hopefully the autopsy will clearly show the cause. If malpractice/neglect is at fault, his family really must pursue the legal angles so that his death isn't without cause and will hopefully prevent this happening again!

It's approach 2 a.m. here, and I really must get to bed. Thinking of all of you and sending prayers, , positive thoughts and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all of you! Good Night!
29/Mar/11 5:41 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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MizT, I am not normally a praying person, but for you and Al, I would happily do so. May it all be gone ♥♥♥
29/Mar/11 6:34 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Heidi, I have not yet properly caught up on the news, but I am so terribly sorry to read the news of your friend, Greg's passing. Such a sad loss ♥
29/Mar/11 6:37 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I am not usually this kind of person, but I would feel absolutely no sadness if Pauline Pantsdown fell in a hole and was never found again...
29/Mar/11 6:39 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good evening all
MizT - like Gail, I'm not a praying person either but I hope with all my heart that Al gets a clean bill of health! You've both been through the mill in recent months.
Heidi - so sorry about your friend Greg. Can't something be done about the malpractice at the hospital? We had a case here (in Bundaberg) where a Doctor was botching ops. A nurse turned whistle-blower. The Govt were forced to pursue it, the Doc escaped to the US but was extradited back here and has been found guilty! WooHoo! Throw away the key, I say.
29/Mar/11 7:46 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Amen Cyn
29/Mar/11 8:02 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, keeping you and Gil in my thoughts. I hope the autopsy shows the true cause. It won't bring Greg back, but at least he does not have to die in vain.
Julie, keeping the twins in my thoughts also. They sound like little fighters.
29/Mar/11 9:22 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Heidi sorry to hear about your friend. Hopefully something will be done about the hospital if it can be proved that it was medical malpractice. I know this does not help his family and friends but will help other patients. Hope all is well with Buddy too.

MizT thoughts are winging there way to you and Al, hoping that enough treatment has been given and that you can both get back to a 'normal' life again.

Tami, your pupil made a good choice with the chocolates. Thorntons are a specialist chocolate makers with their own shops. A better choice in my opinion would have been 'Hotel Chocolat' but there aren't as many of those shops around.
Suzy, I see from the other site that you have used all your allowance and will not be around much.
29/Mar/11 9:46 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Julie, from what you are saying the babies are holding their own and improving, hope this trend continues.
My grandson was born that early and now he is a big lad, who is now in his first year at university.
29/Mar/11 9:49 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, sorry to hear about Greg. Whatever they do about the malpractice it does not bring him back. RIP Greg.
Also hope Bonny is soon better and whatever the problem it can be fixed.
MizT, hope it has all worked for Al. I hate seeing people on those drugs and treatments when you see how devastating they are to the body.
29/Mar/11 10:18 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Had a good win at bowls today but we lost last Thursday so are now back in second place with only one game left this coming Thursday.
decided to have roast chicken for dinner but the fan in the oven would not work so had to cook the chicken in the microwave.
Then I went to the pantry for mixed herbs to find it was full of ants. They had found a couple of after dinner mints. My pantry is in need of cleaning out but I did not really want to start today.
Lots of stuff everywhere in the kitchen while I wait for the ants to disappear!
Back playing up a bit today so doing the pantry not at the top of my priorities.
29/Mar/11 10:24 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen Everyone!
Heidi: Hoping Buddy will be ok...TTT is right, you CAN get seriously attached to an animal. Please keep us posted.
MizT: Sorry to hear about your friend Greg. Loving thoughts & prayers. Hope the autopsy finds out what happened.
29/Mar/11 11:45 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Still sneezing & coughing this morning. Not much sleep either.
My friend Janet referred me to her doctor. I can't see him till Wednesday 4/6, so it may be a few more days of this. I feel sorry for Darrell. I even offered to sleep in the other room or on the sofa last night...
29/Mar/11 11:50 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzanne hope you get a bit of relief from your coughing and sneezing soon. Greg was a friend of Heidi's not MizT.
30/Mar/11 12:46 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Thanx Brenda!! That's what I get for reading posts at 6:30 a.m.!!
30/Mar/11 2:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Buddy is a lot more than a horse. He has a fan club in the neighborhood. He actually gets invited to parties! They pick him up, take him to kids parties where he wears silly hats and gets fed cake and ice cream. I'm not invited. I've often said that Buddy has a better social life than I do!
30/Mar/11 3:18 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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How is Buddy today Heidi?
30/Mar/11 3:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That hospital is full of Pakistani doctors who don't care what they're doing. They stay there long enough to max out their malpractice insurance, then leave. I have no idea why they haven't been shut down yet. They keep adding state-of-the-art facilities, and advertising that they can do wondrous things there, but I've lost 4 friends there to botched surgeries and care. One was a friend who went in for a hysterectomy. The surgeon nicked her intestines multiple times and didn't notice. She developed peritonitis. They opened her up again (same surgeon) and patched up half of the nicks (didn't see the others). My friend worsened. A different surgeon opened her up for a third time, patched the remaining nicks and tried to clean up the peritonitis. She was then put in a regular room, no machines or nurses to monitor her, where she died a few hours later. I was with her at the hospital and saw this. Another friend broke her arm and had to have it operated on. Halfway through the surgery, the entire staff left the OR, with my friend on the table under anesthesia, and didn't return for half an hour. While she was unattended on the operating table, she fell off the table and fractured her skull seriously. A 3 month battle for her life ensued, but she didn't make it. In both cases, the hospital was sued. But everything was covered up.
30/Mar/11 3:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The pain meds are helping him a little. We leave for the Vet clinic in 1 hour, Brenda. Thanks for asking.
30/Mar/11 3:35 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, so sorry for the loss of a friend.

Good luck Buddy.
30/Mar/11 5:14 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Started feeling queasy last evening, and still don't feel the best. SonIL is home tomorrow so I will have a bit of a break then.

D is talking about going out once she is able to put more weight on her foot - nice to see her making plans.

Suzanne, feel better soon.
30/Mar/11 5:19 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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We too will be having a federal election this year, and the phone calls start from candidates. Next they'll be knocking at the door .......
30/Mar/11 7:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Buddy will be fine in a week. He'd stepped on a piece of wood and it went so far in his hoof that it wasn't visible. It also kept the infection from draining out. The infection went up instead and this afternoon it broke through above his hoof. The wood is now out, the infection has been packed with antibiotics and well wrapped, and he's on injectable antibiotics as well. Besides the painkillers that I'm to continue feeding him. He's such a trouper that he's already walking on that foot!
30/Mar/11 8:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Starting tomorrow, I'll have to soak that foot in epsom salts daily as well.
30/Mar/11 8:08 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, glad to hear that Buddy will be ok. I remember you telling us about Buddy going to the parties but it had slipped my mind. He sounds like a wonderful animal to have.
30/Mar/11 8:20 AM
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