Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Since I last posted, we had a tornado pass a mile from us. This is NOT a nice night!
16/Apr/11 2:03 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, stay safe.Sorry about all the water in the house. At least you are not in pain but be careful you do not aggravate anything trying to do 'fix its'.
Congratulations Nola on the good results. A lot of hard work but soon it will be worth all the effort.
16/Apr/11 2:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Broni, we have missed your posts, but are certainly glad you're getting some extra sleep to keep illnesses away! We'll keep a pot of coffee on for when you have more time to visit. Hopefully you can have a relaxing weekend!

Vicki, it's nice that your hubby can have a night out on the same night that you do - makes for less time sitting at home alone! I hope Reggie's cortisone shot from the vet and different food will do the trick for his skin condition! Enjoy your weekend!

June, so glad you had a lovely day and were able to convince the bus driver to drop you at a convenient spot! I sure hope Ken isn't waiting for you at the club, though! That's one of those times when it's great to have a cell phone!

Oh, Cyn, what an ordeal to go visit your cousin! It's almost too difficult and time-consuming to consider doing it again! You must be exhausted! I hope the rest of the weekend goes well for you!

Tami, I know the coffee is appreciated by many, though I prefer a cup of tea. However, I think we might all agree on the brownies; maybe next time? Have a great weekend with no Saturday School, unless you count Harley's obedience class.

Heidi, I hope you're still pain-free! Gosh, there's always something to be fixed at Surreal Farm, it seems, what with the sump pump, the "flashy thing" on the hot fence, the circuit breaker, and now the pipe bringing water from the well into the house! Fingers crossed that there won't be any more for a while! Remember not to over-do; let IH do the work.

Gail, the cake for Toy Elephant's birthday tomorrow sounds yummy - and decadent! Happy Birthday, Toy Elephant! I hope you have a wonderful day - and a truly yummy cake!

Theresa, we're back to cold temperatures, too! We wore our winter jackets while doing errands today - and will probably need them tomorrow, as well. We've had rain off and on since mid-afternoon and a few hours ago it turned to hail for a while. We've even had some thunder-boomers, which frightened the cat under the family room loveseat. (She's still there an hour or so later.) I'm sorry to hear that your grandie was sick again, but glad that the teacher may have narrowed down the probable cause. Some children really are uncomfortable/frightened because of reading aloud. There are certainly ways to get around it, including determining if she answers comprehension questions correctly based on her silent reading. Sometimes "buddy reading" (reading aloud with a friend or two, or even the teacher) can be helpful. I hope the anniversary celebration for your IL's goes extremely well and everyone has a good time!

Nola, we're always happy when you visit, even if it's brief! The updates are always good to hear/read! Of course (imagine that underlined), you passed the medication exam! We had confidence that you would! Woo Hoo and Well Done! It sounds like you have a bit of frustration in connection with Greg's appointment. Feel free to come
16/Apr/11 2:37 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Well, I've done it again. My comments didn't all fit. Here are the rest:

Nola, feel free to come here and vent when you have the time! In the meantime, I hope all goes well with your next assignment! You go, Girl!

Broni, thanks for the reminder to swing by Queensland on the way to Gail's - and also the reminder to have some Pavlova. Wouldn't it be great if we could just take the time and visit each other when we felt like it!

Oh, my, MIzT, what a frightening day with all of those storms! I'm so glad you and Al have the dome to escape to! Take care of yourselves! It's great to hear that he spent some time on the computer today and took many sips of water as the day progressed! So sorry to hear about your achies, though! Hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow, and the achies will subside! Thinking of you and Al!

Nope, Suzy, it's hard to believe that your Alie was once extremely shy. Maybe it's like acting; she can take on a different persona while performing.

Luckily, I had enough interruptions to be able to miss the TOPP! Unfortunately, that tornado was an awfully close call, Heidi! Is everything at your farm and nearby farms OK? Thinking of you and hoping the storms have all passed!
16/Apr/11 2:41 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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MizT, what an unfortunate situation at that rental home where water was turned off, then turned back on and no one thought to check on the house until there was a lot of water in the yard of a nearby house!

I really need to head to bed! We're working on a large project for the wood turning club most of the day tomorrow. Good Night, everyone! Sending positive thoughts, {{{{HUGS}}}}, prayers and to all of you!
16/Apr/11 2:56 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello everyone, hope you're all well and happy.

Heidi, so glad that you are feeling less pain - hope it lasts a long time.

Gail, glad you're feeling mellow and happy after your big day. And birthday wishes to Toy Elephant too. :)

Not much happening here - reading a new book in between computering .... Quite a nice day today, but has that Autumn feel - and it gets dark so quickly now! Well, better go see what Rob's up to - he just headed into the garden ... ! Cheers everyone. :)
16/Apr/11 3:21 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got THAT fixed. I found my epoxy-weld, mixed up a bunch, and fixed the leak, then wrapped the whole thing in waterproof tape..... then let it set for a couple of hours. I just plugged the well back in and there's no more leak. What a relief!!!
16/Apr/11 4:11 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I took a walk around outside. We have large tree limbs down around the yard. Buildings are all standing. I'll assess the rest in daylight.
16/Apr/11 4:15 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Hope the weather settles down a lot for everyone.. tornadoes (Heidi & MizT) Torrential rain for lots of people and Cyn even posted about earth quakes in Australia. We in the UK have just had a cool spell but it is supposed to warm up a little. Sun is shining now so will try to do some gardening.
16/Apr/11 7:22 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all - up and down like a yoyo all night. Today should be interesting ......
16/Apr/11 8:20 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Getting nervous about the drive tomorrow, which is weird because I used to do it every week, AND I've driven the 405 in LA!

Theresa, hope you get some time alone with your D to find out what is going on with your grandie. Hugs for her! And ooomph for you to help you cope on no sleep.

Brenda, hubby wouldn't even get out of bed for the earthquake they had in Queensland - seasoned veteran of earthquakes..

Heidi, glad the big stuff made it through the quake, hope things look okay when you get up tomorrow.
16/Apr/11 8:39 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, good luck on the drive tomorrow. I understand the comparison to LA. Miami is getting just as bad. We get a lot of tourists that don't know the way around.
Heidi and Tricia, glad there is no damage to your houses. Those storms were horrible.
Off to obedience school. Will check you all later.
16/Apr/11 10:46 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, that is just too close on the tornado last night. The ones here were a few miles further away, about 10 miles to the north and about 30 to the south. I am glad only tree limbs were down there. Your epoxy weld sounds amazing, I could have used some of that on occasion. Glad that leak is repaired and you have water again.

Time to make breakfast here, today I think eggs and sausage, I am hungry! tummy was not good last night and I missed super.

Huge hugs to each of you, with extras.

16/Apr/11 10:55 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Been meaning to say, CONGRATULATIONS to nola on passing the medication exam first try. Way to go, proud of you girl!!
16/Apr/11 10:57 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Just read the news, seems 7 were killed in storm related deaths late last night in south Alabama. I think that adds up to 17 nation wide in this huge storm system that went through.
16/Apr/11 11:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My repair job on the cracked pipe from the well is holding beautifully. No leakage whatsoever. It's hold as long as the pipe will, so there's no need to call in the plumber again. IH was thrilled that I was able to do that, and saved him a bunch of money. I'm just thrilled that we have running water again.
17/Apr/11 1:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... This is the stuff I used for the repair. It can be bought on Amazon and eBay. Mighty Putty really DOES work. I even used it on my tractor's diesel tank when it cracked.
17/Apr/11 2:08 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Thanks Heidi. I had seen advertisements for that, wondered if it really worked, now I know!
17/Apr/11 4:04 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Quick drop in while I'm waiting for Alie to get ready. I wanted to be on the road already, but she was not cooperating. Oh well...
17/Apr/11 7:16 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, thanks for the tip on Mighty Putty. I will have to buy some for emergencies. I think I saw it in a store around here. If it is sold on TV, one of the stores near me will also be selling it.
17/Apr/11 8:12 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good story. Harley started obedience school today. His class was supposed to start at 9 am. I got there with Mitchell and there was one other dog waiting. The trainer did not show up. The store manager called her and she said she thought the class was empty and she will be in in about 20 minutes. I didn't mind waiting but the other people had to leave. While waiting, I had Harley's nails trimmed. The store manager came into the grooming studio and told them that it was on the store as I had to wait so long. Then the trainer came in and Harley was the only student today. It was like having a private lesson at the group lesson price. I would say it was a good day.
17/Apr/11 10:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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How did the lesson go, Tami?
17/Apr/11 10:41 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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It went well. We learned the right way to teach "sit" and the hand command to go with it. Harley is actually listening, most of the time.
17/Apr/11 10:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good for Harley!!
17/Apr/11 11:02 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon all and good boy Harley!!
Heidi - glad the repairs to the leak are holding well. Not sure if that Mighty Putty is available here in Oz but will tell Col about it - strange thing about him, he would be more excited abaout that than shoes, bags, clothes, jewellery etc - can't work that out.
Where is Suzy driving today? Can't find the post and I was missing for a few days.
17/Apr/11 12:21 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy is off to Royal Easter Show. I should have got in earlier and told her her show ticket (Alie is singing) includes the bus or train travel so she could have parked part way and got the train or bus. Parking at the show is very expensive.
I think we are going tomorrow. We have the tickets but one daughter not feeling the best.
17/Apr/11 12:37 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, June, just what is the Royal Easter Show about?
17/Apr/11 1:36 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone! Just here for a brief stay, so it's a good thing there aren't too many posts!

Judy, what book are you reading when you're not at the computer? I'm glad your day is nice and has the feel of autumn! I enjoy that here in the U.S.! Our day here had the feel of winter: windy, cloudy, cold, rain turning to snow. A friend today asked, "If April showers bring May flowers, what does April snow bring?" The answer: a lot of crabby people! We're ready for spring!

Heidi, good for you for fixing the leak! Of course, IH would be thrilled if he didn't have to pay for a plumber! Maybe you should start billing him for the work you do that saves him money. I'm glad all of your buildings survived the tornado! I hope there isn't any major damage to trees!

Brenda, hooray for the sun! I'm glad it can be seen somewhere! I hope your gardening went well! We'd be glad to see the sun again and feel some of its warmth! I hope you had a great day!

Theresa, was today the family celebration of your IL's anniversary? I hope it went well and hope you're not too exhausted after a rough night of trying to sleep! (If I goofed and it's tomorrow, drive safely and have a wonderful celebration!)

Suzy, I hope the drive to the Royal Easter Show went well and the performance was well received! Did the weather cooperate? Crossing fingers!

MizT, I'm glad the bad storms weren't too close last night!

Heidi, thanks for the link and information about Mighty Putty! I've also heard about it but been skeptical about how well it might work. Perhaps you should do their next info-mercial.

Tami, sounds like you had a long, but productive morning! It's nice that Harley got his nails trimmed for free - and fantastic that he had a "private" obedience session. He will be so far ahead of the others next week and look like a star! It's a good thing you were able to wait for the trainer! I hope all the practice this week goes well!

June, I hope you and your family will be able to go to the Royal Easter Show tomorrow! Thinking positive thoughts that your D will be feeling much better!

Sending positive thoughts and vibes, , prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone! I really need to head to bed. Good night! Sleep tight!
17/Apr/11 2:41 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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MizT, Royal Easter show is like a big country fair where the country comes to the city. Horses, cattle, cats, dogs, poultry,pigs, sheep,alpacas, to name a few of the animals, produce, plants, plus the show bags and rides. A tiring and expensive day out! A big show ring with things going on there all day and night.
17/Apr/11 4:18 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Thanks June - and I hope all goes well with them. Enjoy it tomorrow! We never go to our show (the 'Ekka') any more because of spiralling costs and it's just not the same as it was - nor is anything, is it? Another example of me being a grumpy old woman. (June, hope your daughter feels better tomorrow!)
17/Apr/11 5:56 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Thanks Cyn. Forgot to tell Tricia that the show has a big arts and crafts section with lots of quilts etc. Cyn, the show was the one day our family went out together when I was growing up. Dad got someone to do the milking and we went on a bus from our community. Back then there was a lot of farm machinery but not any more.
17/Apr/11 6:57 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Lawn mowed (Ken), clean sheets and towels and I have spent about 3 hours witht he hot slidey thing today. I had Laura since yesterday and half today so a bit tired tonight.
17/Apr/11 7:00 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Rainy and cold here. Sounds like Julie and I have the same type of weather.

Yesterday's dinner for in-laws was not as pleasant as I had hoped. There seemed to be a fair bit of tension. I got my feelings hurt near the end of the day and we left shortly thereafter. I was so glad to get home. Hubby and I agreed that we were the only normal people there.
17/Apr/11 8:31 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Home safe and tired and achie...

June, I got in for free! We had a parking pass, in the animal people lot (which is miles from everywhere!) The entrance we were supposed to use was one that doesn't sell tickets. Alie had a complimentary pass and the security guy let me in for free too. I was all prepared to walk another mile or so to find an entrance that sold tickets....

17/Apr/11 9:49 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I'm trying to think of the way to describe the show - best of's - biggest pumpkin, amazing fruit and vege displays - which I didn't get to see ( will have to go without a teenager next time), animals showed and judged (very prestigious to win here)... rides, all kinds of food (if you don't mind paying $5 for corn on the cob)... think I'll find a link with info. It would be better than I would be at explaining it.
17/Apr/11 9:58 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, you would have enjoyed the doggy dancing today, they even gave some tips on training dogs..
17/Apr/11 10:29 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, sounds like you had a great time. Glad Alie had fun.
17/Apr/11 11:07 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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My house has the wonderful aroma of chicken soup simmering on the stove. Tomorrow night starts Passover and my family will be here for dinner. I am trying to prepare as much as possible today.
18/Apr/11 12:45 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Tami, what else is on your holiday menu?
18/Apr/11 1:48 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Been reading th e news, it seems that storm was not finished when it passed us, went through the Carolinas as a deadly storm, the death toll is now up to 35 total. Let us hope there will be no more storms that deadly this spring.
18/Apr/11 1:50 AM
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