Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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There are reports of shots and a body on a boat. They are using precautions as the suspect has used bombs/explosives and may have the boat set with traps.
20/Apr/13 9:47 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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They are saying now that he has been caught!! I hope that's right. What a relief it will be for Stella and all those who live in Boston or who have loved ones there.
20/Apr/13 11:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gil heard the same reports that the 2nd bomber is on a boat under a tarp, wounded (blood around) if not dead. These 2 will never commit an act of terrorism again. Best fate for terrorists.
20/Apr/13 11:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good news, CynB. That's what I get for eating supper.
20/Apr/13 11:17 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
I lost a post last night and am still very tired so don't know if I can recreate it, I'll give it a try..

June, so glad to hear of your wins. With so much sadness in your life right now a couple of 'ups' must help get you through. Big hugs.

Extra super glad to hear that they have caught the second guy! I hope no officers were injured.. how many bombs must they have made to have been throwing them out of car windows???!! I heard them called 'deranged' and that sounds accurate.

Speaking of officers. We stopped at maccas yesterday on the way up to Wollongong and a man fell outside the door. He was very thin and hubby says looked near to death. I didn't look closely because he was embarrassed. As hubby and another man headed out to help him up a police officer walked past him and rolled his eyes. Hubby says there was no smell of alcohol or evidence of drug use, he just looked really really ill and embarrassed. He needed so much help hubby wasn't sure how he was going to leave... We were already running late so reluctantly left him in the care of a woman who knew him.
20/Apr/13 11:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I heard an officer was killed, Suzy. I hope I heard wrong.
20/Apr/13 11:35 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Last night was AMAZING! There were 22 students at the music thingy Alie went to. They started with a group song - In Africa - the harmonies were amazing! Sorry, hard to think of another word for amazing.. Then all 22 of them sang a solo. Then they sang a song about the Emerald City (forget what it was called) For some of them it was their first time on stage and we could see their hands shaking. Some were a bit flat, but the majority of them were fantastic. Alie blew everyone away. She sang Skinny Love, Birdie's version. We had people coming up to us afterwards - are you Birdie's parents? - hey, these are Birdie's parents!... It was a bit uncomfortable (especially when a couple of them told us she was the best, and their child was performing), but mostly because we are not the type to like being the centre of attention, but we were bursting with pride and sucked it up. I'm trying to get it up on youtube so you can see it, but I don't know if it will work because it isn't working on my laptop. It works on Don's..
20/Apr/13 11:57 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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They got the SOB. Last I heard he is alive and in custody. He did need to go to the hospital and is in serious condition.
20/Apr/13 11:59 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Bugger Heidi. I hope they got the second one alive so he will suffer some - being locked up is not a walk in the park.
20/Apr/13 11:59 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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You snuck in Tami - good news!
20/Apr/13 12:00 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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If anyone has any concern for the SOB, just think of the 8 year old child he killed, who was at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, waiting for his father to cross the line. Think of how that father is suffering.
20/Apr/13 12:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Law Enforcement in Boston has a lot to be proud of. They got 'em!!!
20/Apr/13 1:01 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Have a good weekend everyone..
Sunshine here ... after a cold night... I think our warm days may well be over for this season. Lots to do now before winter.
Love & hugs
20/Apr/13 1:17 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Ooh.. some updates .. thanks Tami & Heidi..
so good to get news updates from over the pond.
It must be a few hours since I opened the window to catch up on you all..

Sidetracked in the laundry..have ALMOST caught up on all my washing from all my time away from home.. at least my bed doesn't need changing.. have only slept in it a couple of times in the last fortnight!!


Mama.. have sent you a skype invite.
Anybody else that would like to share will find me @ (christian name)bean1 ... no spaces, full stops etc..
20/Apr/13 1:30 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy.. my choir sings 'In Africa' and it is absolutely stunning with the mix of voices. I love it.
Karen Knowles is joining us next week to check us out and share some of her knowledge and experience. She used to run classes from our local community house. I could never afford to join them. A little birdie told me she might be going to do a deal for interested choir members as a contribution towards Creativity Australia.. we have some amazing sponsers interested in paying it forward.
20/Apr/13 1:36 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Posted by Birdie's mum
20/Apr/13 1:57 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everyone!

It's late, but I feel I owe everyone an update. Our D who lives in a suburb of Boston ran the Marathon this year as a 'charity runner' - not qualified by a time in a previous marathon, but running to raise money for a charity. We went to help with grandies and be there to cheer her on. SIL, grandies and hubby and I stationed ourselves at 18-mile (about 29 km) area for a couple of hours to cheer for the runners. A while after she passed SIL headed into Boston with grandies to meet at the end of the race while hubby and i headed back to their house with a few stops for errands on the way. Although I had seen 6 or 7 black unmarked SUVs with sirens and interior flashing lights race by, we still had no idea what was going on. About 30 minutes from their house, we started getting phone calls from our other D and SIL in Chicago asking if everyone was all right. They told us what they had seen and heard on TV. They and we tried to call our D and SIL in Boston with no luck. We rushed to their house to turn on the TV and find out what we could. It was probably another 1/2 hour before we found out that D and her family were all OK. D's anticipated pace would have had her at the finish line when the bombs detonated. FORTUNATELY, she had developed a blister which slowed her pace. She was about .5 mile (.8 km) from the finish line when the bombs went off, and race officials were diverting everyone away from the race. SIL and grandies were sitting in a restaurant 2 blocks away having cookies when he received a phone call asking if they were alright. Neither of them heard the blasts, as D was listening to a book on her iPOD and there is a lot of noise along the race, and restaurant apparently had very good insulation. Fortunately they were able to meet at their designated location and make their way out of the city. Luckily their town is about 5 miles from the location where the shoot-out between the brothers and police took place last night. They stayed inside today with doors locked, but weren't as near the center of attention as MizT's grandson or Stella's D.

We feel very blessed and are impressed by the first responders as well as all law enforcement people who worked so quickly to identify the suspects. We also saw many good people, including runners who turned around to run back and help the injured or ran on another couple of miles to a hospital to offer to donate blood. Many of the injured had remarkably positive attitudes the next morning. Our thoughts and prayers are with the injured, those who died, and their families.

My thoughts have also been with you, my Sudokuaholic friends. May each of you find peace and happiness every day. Please feel free to share these {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, prayers, , positive thoughts and healing vibes with each other and any family members or friends who would benefit.
20/Apr/13 3:48 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Julie, very happy to hear that you and your family are well. It is not often one can say I'm pleased to hear your daughter got a blister and that your SIL decided to treat the kids to a cookie when he should have been waiting at the finish line to watch his wife cross it.
20/Apr/13 6:27 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Love good news. Julie thank you for sharing.
20/Apr/13 8:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm SO glad that you and all your family are OK, Julie. That blister was a true miracle. It may have saved your daughter's life. I don't even want to think of what could have happened to your grandies.
Thanks for letting us know.
21/Apr/13 1:56 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, so glad to hear that your daughter and grandies are all safe. I can imagine that 30 minuets when they were out of contact seemed an eternity. Hugs to you, I imagine you are still a bit weak in the knees.
21/Apr/13 2:40 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Julie, I can only imagine what you went through. Hugs to you my friend.
21/Apr/13 3:06 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Julie, glad to hear that daughter and family are ok. Scary to be so close.
21/Apr/13 5:48 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi all,
Julie, after reading of your Boston experiences, I can only say thank heaven for blisters along with Heidi...It made me think of the stories I heard after 9/11... many people cited things such as missing a train, forgetting keys and going back , etc., that made them just late enough to miss the terror that occurred then, just as your daughter did this time. God does work in mysterious ways to be sure only those HE has said it was time for Him to reclaim, were taken.
I'm really glad things worked out for all of those I'm aware of anyway. Thoughts and prayers to those who died and their families who are left to try and understand why now and in this harsh manner. May they find peace.
I am glad the second killer is alive so perhaps some light can be shed on the whys of his actions. My heart goes out to his family too...they are not responsible for the sick actions of the brothers. We as people need to hear and understand the shame and hurt that the uncle felt and put out there for the world to hear.
The only thing that can change so much hatred is more love....and after acts such as these, many find it difficult if not impossible to do what is really needed, and the cycle continues unbroken.
SMH as I wish everyone love from my soap-box. I just wish our example of love, understanding and support that is demonstrated daily on the S A pages could affect the would be a much nicer place to live.♥
21/Apr/13 6:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I FINALLY got the lawn mowed. I wish my back had let me do it sooner.... it was 10 inches deep in spots. It looks better now, but could really use someone to rake up all the clippings. I bet that's not going to happen. I'm tuckered out now, so I'll hold off mowing the lawn around IH's office until tomorrow.
21/Apr/13 7:21 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, I'm so glad your D got a blister and your grandies love cookies!! Nail biting 30 minutes... I can't imagine what it was like waiting to find out if they were okay. Have you stopped shaking yet?
21/Apr/13 8:05 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Wow, Julie, like the others I am glad to hear about the blister!! Thank goodness that they were all alright. I can only imagine your horror in those minutes while you waited to hear!
Fate is a strange thing!
21/Apr/13 8:54 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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How can I thank all of you wonderful friends for the support and understanding you have shared here? All I can say is, 'Thank you so very much! You are an amazing and wonderful group of friends!' I'm sure you can all imagine the tight hugs and tears of relief that we shared when all were safe at home! If only all the families could have shared such a homecoming!

Sending cyber {{{{{{ H U G S }}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts and healing vibes for all of you!
21/Apr/13 4:51 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie, what an awful time for your family (as well as so many others) but I am so pleased that someone above took care of all your family.
I have had Laura today and we went and saw 'The Croods' An animated cave family escaping all the volcanos and earthquakes to find a new life in the sun. Laura enjoyed it and I found it 'interesting'.
She has gone home and will go to her fathers sister tomorrow.
MIL is still breathing. I have not been for several days as I was finding it too distressing.
21/Apr/13 9:33 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I am pleased Alie's concert in Wollongong was such a success. I do hope you get some rest this week before you are back to classes.
Laura has been on my FB page so I do apologise if you have had any requests etc. on the game pages.

Hugs to everyone.
21/Apr/13 9:37 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got up earlier, let Sandy out, then back in with the puppies (who are growing like weeds and all healthy) and went back to sleep. Now that I'm finally up, I have to fire up the Bad Boy (the brand of zero-turn lawn mower I have) and mow the lawn around IH's office. If I have enough gas, I'll also mow around the Lab. There are 3 separate driveways, spread out over a half mile.
22/Apr/13 3:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Finished the mowing around the office and Lab. Now I'm gonna crash with a good book: ''Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters''. I just finished ''Pride and Prejudice and Zombies''.
22/Apr/13 7:01 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Unusual names for the books you are reading, Heidi. I am happy for you that your mowing is finished. Just think, this is the first year in over 40 years I do not have to worry about mowing lawns, yeah!

Lovely spring days here, sunny, warm days, cool nights, just what spring should be. I have enjoyed them very much. Almost all the trees have leafed out now, love the spring green color. Someone came and planted at least a couple of trays of pink impatiens as an edging of the garden. Lots of perennials coming up, I saw caladiums, Hosta, begonias, lantana and maiden hair fern,coming back up where someone cut them down to the ground. I cannot find the self watering pots like I want at a price I can afford. I saw them online at Lowes early spring, now they have disappeared, cannot believe they have sold every single one in the whole Birmingham area, bummer. Best find some kind, some where and get them planted while plants are still available.

I had to go to Urgent Care yesterday, skin had suddenly slothed off in my underarm area, leaving a large very raw weepy area. Doc says a fungus, I have pills and a topical. It is better but still uncomfortable.

This month's birthdays among residents were concentrated around this week. I just wrote out 8 cards for this week. Perhaps I will get them delivered tonight, or perhaps some time tomorrow. I must remember to buy more cards, that was the last of the ones I had on hand. I have one more birthday this month. If all else fails, I could go to card shop and make a card, if I remember how to get there. I tried to get computer to make an icon for card shop for my screen, usual methods did not work, huumm. I should have asked Joy when she was here.

About all that is going on here, so I will leave you with a hug for each of you, and extra as needed. till later.
22/Apr/13 8:56 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all.
I know I have been missing awhile, have read but too much to catch up on.
Suzy...Alies's voice is just beautiful. A very talented young lady who should go far. No wonder you are so proud!
June...Thinking of you and Ken daily as you wait for the inevitable passing of a close Mum.

Julie...what a relief. That wait must have been the worst 1/2 hr of your life, not knowing and not able to contact her. These senseless actions are becoming too common, and we ask why!
MizT...can feel your joy in the coming of spring.
Hope the fungal infections clears quickly with the treatment. When the skin is unbroken, we sometimes use mylanta or cornflour which often works with mild cases. You probably have many ideas on remedies you used in your nursing career
and a lot of them are coming back into vogue. Natural is usually cheaper and eventually works too.
Marmacita...a beautiful post as usual which expresses all of our feelings.
Heidi...I enjoy reading your posts also. Full of things you are doing in your busy life.Puppies must be gorgeous and beginning to play if their eyes are opening. Bet the lawn looks great after mowing.I agree that it would be better if the grass was raked but you have done your bit.

Good news here as far as we are concerned. Courts have granted custody of D's foster child until she is 18 yrs. She is now 2 1/2yrs and only knows them as her family. It would have been a terrible trauma to remove her. So glad that that is no longer a worry.
Best wishes to you all hoping life is good.
22/Apr/13 10:11 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon everyone.
Julie... oh my.. as everyone before me has said.. how fortuitous was that blister!! (((Hugs)))

June.. chuckle... had wondered about the game requests... take care. I'm glad that there is a decent interval is developing since your sister in laws birthday. There is enough pain and heartache in the world without her having had her mother die on her birthday or REALLY close to it... Love to you & Ken..xx

22/Apr/13 3:55 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello Fellow Sudokuaholics!

Thinking of all of you and hoping you all have a wonderful week!

June and Ken, sending {{{{HUGS}}}} and as you wait for the transition. May your MIL/Mum pass easily and peacefully when her time comes.

Heidi, I started to wonder why Gil didn't offer to help with the mowing or do some raking, then realized how unlikely that would be, plus you wouldn't want him using your expensive equipment. Please take it easy and rest as needed so you don't un-do the benefits of your epidural. Stay in the house and enjoy the puppies! I'm intrigued by the book titles.

MizT, I'm glad spring has found you and gladder that you no longer need to mow, now that the grass will be growing. I hope the fungus quickly responds to the remedies prescribed by the urgent care physician! Wishing you luck that you will be able to find the self-watering pots at a reasonable price on time to plant some flowers! Do you have a source for economical cards for all of the birthdays celebrated there? How many residents are in your building?

Nola, what wonderful new that your D's foster child will be able to stay until she's 18! A warm, loving stable environment should help her, as opposed to the trauma she would have suffered if the courts had removed her. I'm sure many {{{HUGS}}} were shared when the news was received.

I am falling asleep at the computer, so will say Good Night. Please share the many cyber prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, and healing vibes being sent in your directions.
22/Apr/13 3:55 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy I enjoyed watching and listening to your very talented daughter. The video image is beautifully sharp even if you were unable to sort the zoom. Obviously a top notch lens. What sort of camera is it?

Heidi.. interesting names... good books?

I so enjoy your posts Tricia.. you sound very settled. Good luck finding the pots. Hope the cream does the trick. Fungal infections can be the devil to shift.

22/Apr/13 4:21 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Nola that is such good news. This world is so crazy at times it is reassuring to think that commonsense can prevail in the case of a young child that has known no other parents.

Hi Tami, Cyn, Brenda, Mama, Broni, Theresa
Sweet dreams Julie.
22/Apr/13 4:27 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Julie, I hope you've stopped shaking by now. Every time I see something about it I think of you and Stella and how horrible it would have been for you both. More so for you because of the finish line thing, but Stella more during the chase...

June, I think of you often and hope you are coping okay. Now it's your turn to rest.

Nola, what fantastic news about your foster grandie! I've watched kids moved from house to house to house and it's horrible!! I'm glad the courts took that view too.

I met a couple in Wollongong, sitting in a food court. They had the tiniest little boy, only 3.3kg! I got to hold him for a while. He is their grandson and the 4th grandchild they've taken in. The eldest they got at 11 months, then twins at birth, then this one at birth. Or rather when he was big enough to leave hospital. All of the kids were born addicted. Their daughter had taken ICE 2 days before this one was born. Knowing what ICE does to the brains of people who take it I wonder what it does to the brains of unborn babies.. I haven't researched it because I figured it would make me sad.

I've had a couple of days off - 3 I guess if you don't count housework, cleaning bird cages etc - but tomorrow we're on the road again. It's past time I picked up my mum's ashes so we're heading down. We were hoping to combine it with a trip to Melbourne, but that was before Alie was signed up for the music camp thingy... I don't think we'll make it now, though you never know.

The new video camera is a high definition JVC. There was a Samsung for $80 cheaper, but I googled on my phone and HD DIS means not full HD so we paid the extra bucks. I have been playing with it so next time I can use the zoom etc. I really want a good photo of the dress she was wearing as it looked gorgeous. I hope the organiser took one.
22/Apr/13 9:41 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I spent a bad night aching in legs and hips from all the mowing I did. Even the methadone didn't help much. Oh, well.
22/Apr/13 11:55 PM
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