Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.

Woodrow Wilson
17/Apr/13 10:48 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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This week we are the kids are taking the big state test. I am not on the list as an administrator/proctor. My job has been assigned at the last minute. Yesterday I tested one student as he could not test with the rest of the class he was in. Today I was sent in to help a veteran teacher who had a rough class. The school is lucky they sent me. I caught a major mistake that could have done damage to the school. The students are assigned books by number and passed them out in the wrong order. I was able to fix it before the seals were broken. They are also a bunch of 'chatty' kids. I was able to quiet them down. I let the people know about the mistake I fixed and I was then told I would be with him tomorrow and Thursday.
17/Apr/13 10:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good for you, Tami.
17/Apr/13 12:53 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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One of those days were I was busy all day but not much to show for it. I am sure you have had days like that. I did rescue a pair of pants. I was eating leftovers from lunch out with my sister, from the Styrofoam take out box. I did not know I had cut through the box when slicing my chicken. Some of the butter sauce chicken and veg had been grilled in leaked out of the box, and onto one of my favorite pair of pants. Good ole Dawn dish washing liquid seems to have removed it, I will know for sure tomorrow when it is completely dry. Love it when home grown remedies work.

the book club today was a burst. I am not sure why, but only 3 of us showed up and about the time we decided to leave, our leader arrived and said she had been phoning everyone to tell them it was cancled, but did not have our phone numbers. Oh well, not a long wasted trip for me, our meeting room is just down the hall from my apartment. I enjoyed chatting with Rufus and Judy for a while anyway.

I had a whole sack of books to donate. sister brought them to me Monday, we have both read those, so they go to the free table for anyone who wants them. Other day I saw one I had donated some weeks ago had made it back to be offered up again.

Tomorrow and Thursday I need to get some baking done. Might have to go to grocery first, I have not decided what to make. Saturday is the big fund raiser for Episcopal Place, the annual Gumbo Gala. Teams of cooks come out to Sloss Furnace and have a cook off. They get bragging rights for winning, and ticket holding guests get to taste many different kinds of gumbo. E P esidents are asked to bake something for the bake sale that goes with it. I saw a recipe for cinnamon sticks that looked tasty and seemed easy enough, I happen to have ingredients for that, so I might do that. OR I might do the cola-cakemix microwave cake recipe, that one is very easy. Might do both, depends on my energy levels next couple of days. We will see how it goes. I know I must go buy some one use aluminum pans for putting them in, so there is a trip out involved.

Did I tell you that I had lunch out with my sister on Monday, thanks to cell phones. I was in parking lot of Lakeshore, about to go to pool, when my phone rang. sister had about 2 hours to wait between appointments, wanted to know if I wanted to have lunch. SURE, I did not even tell her I had ordered lunch for that day here at EP, first time she has taken me to lunch this year! The EP lunch kept nicely in fridge till today. There was soo much food served up at Applebys, that I ate 3 meals from it, and that is how I got the butter spot on my pants. I enjoyed all 3 of the meals, too.

Enough gabbering, it is approaching my bedtime. Hugs to each of you, with extras. till tomorrow.
17/Apr/13 1:28 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
Disturbing news about Boston.
I'm glad that none of our family here had loved ones affected by the bombs. Heart goes out to those that are suffering. Has the world gone mad?

June.. ((((())))) The memories and grief that is woken at these times is so hard .. take care.

Enjoy your day everybody.
17/Apr/13 1:47 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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((((( HUGS ))))) to June and Ken.
17/Apr/13 2:42 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Some good times in the last two days. At bowls yesterday I won a 'cook it yourself' roast beef dinner in the raffle and a couple of small chocolate prizes in the game. We did lose the game by one shot but it was a lot of fun.
Today I saw a live production of Les Miserables. It was a suburban production but very good. The last time I saw that show a was in NY in Sep/Oct 2001.
Wednesday last week MIL looked so peaceful. Asleep but not knowing what was going on around her. After a week with no food or water the image is very different. I find it too distressing and I do not want to go to the hospital again. They are giving her morphine injections to keep her calm.
I am also a bit stuffed up with a cold. Makes it a bit hard to sleep at night.
17/Apr/13 9:50 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Well done June on winning the meal, even if you have to cook it yourself.
((HUGS)) to you and Ken it must be a very distressing time for you all.
I'm trying to learn how to use my new phone and it is slow going, so many differences to my old one.
17/Apr/13 10:27 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Last night I dreamed all night about something I am trying to figure out. I told you I need to bake for the bake sale. Got to thinking as I fell asleep, how will I package whatever I bake for safe transport. All the baked goods have to be taken en mass from here, where I turn mine in, to the site of the cook off, then the customers have to take them home. I worried with this all night, both asleep and awake. I think I will phone the lady in charge of bake sale and ask how residents have packaged their items in the past. NOT a major problem when you consider what others are facing today, but this annoying little thing that will not go away. June, you have lots of experience transporting food to bowls, any hints on how to move baked goods without disturbing them? Anyone else?

Coffee is ready, perhaps my brain will work better after a cup. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

17/Apr/13 11:29 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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June, my thoughts are with you and Ken.
17/Apr/13 11:29 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning All
(((((Hugs and Love )))) to those who want it, need it or share it...It does keep the world moving around.
Busy shredding mounds of aged documents...not a job I enjoy but a necessary one. Washing,ironing, and other lightweight maintenance has been done so simply a trip to the dog store to restock for Jazz and order his meds and I will be playing computer games in enjoyable way to get things real pushing.
Have as good a day/night as circumstances allow, and I must say how good I felt reading Theresa's post about a good night's sleep making her feel so good....wonderbar. June, I understand how you want things to move forward and release come for your MIL rather than seeing her seemingly wasting away....but she is in no pain and think of her simply as getting herself ready to be in the company of those gone before her so she's taking a little extra time to prepare....In God's time, its only a blink...Peace.♥
17/Apr/13 11:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June.... sleeping peacefully is good. Best way there is to leave these earthly bonds. Even though her appearance is disturbing to those around her, she doesn't see it. She's being allowed to go with dignity, instead of forcing her body to keep going, through IVs and machines, though her time is past. It won't be long now until her spirit is freed from restraint.
I don't see the need for you to sit at her side now, especially since it stresses you. You've said your goodbyes, and she knows you were there for her and love her.
18/Apr/13 1:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to go get gas for the lawn mower and fire that bad boy up. The lawn is almost thick enough for hay.
18/Apr/13 1:17 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tricia, I keep the styrene trays from any packaged meat I buy (wash in the dishwasher to make sure is VERY clean), or plastic plates. I then put food on them and cover with plastic wrap. Label with contents and price.
I use the $1 re-usable shopping bags (we get those to save on plastic bags) to carry the food. The bag can then be used to carry home anything you buy.
18/Apr/13 4:46 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, when I need to bring something I use a paper plate or foil pan. If I want it to look a little nicer, I go to the dollar store and buy a plate. This way, if I don't get it back I don't worry about it. I have two white, ceramic plates that I bought for that reason and have used them many times. I also have a few plastic trays that serve the same purpose.
18/Apr/13 10:39 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I went to the dollar store today, and found some of the one use aluminum pans. I got 3 round cake pan sized with fitted lids, and then 4 larger deep 'lasagna' pans. these do not have lids, but being deep I can cover them with foil and not come into contact with contents. I think these will do nicely for the fast and easy one layer square microwave cakes. I have a recipe for cinnamon sticks, wrapped around sweetened flavored cream cheese. Those can just be layered with foil or wax paper between, in the large rectangular pans. think I have it covered now. It is strange how something can get so on your mind right at bedtime that you dream it all night long.

Another tragedy, this time a fertilizer plant in the town of West, Tx has exploded with numerous injuries and wide spread damage. Surrounding neighborhoods reporting windows and doors brown in, many have damage from debris that was blown into them, some have burned, including a nursing home and an apartment building. A one mile area has been evacuated, over fears of yet another explosion is possible. It looks to be a huge rescue effort under way, with 45 patients arriving early at one hospital and more on the way. It was reported that some of the injured were firemen who were on scene of a smaller fire when the explosion occurred. thoughts and prayers to Texas tonight.

18/Apr/13 2:10 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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windows and doors blown in
18/Apr/13 2:12 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Tricia - I'm assuming that this explosion, tragic as it was, was from something blowing up in the plant and not an act of terrorism, like Boston the other day.
For 20 years, I worked for a company which, as well as trading in fats and oils, our premises and offices were in close proximity to our tank farm - huge tanks containing not just fats and oils but chemicals and fuels. Add to that we had the Shell refinery on one side of us and a fertiliser plant on the other. It was always a scary prospect that the would be a fire or explosion at one of the 3 plants. I was glad to get away from that danger, although I still miss the challenge of my job and many of my colleagues.
18/Apr/13 3:39 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Well, 4 hours at the hairdresser today - first application of hair dye did not work (not just on me, but on the lady next to me) - it turned out to be a bad batch of whatever they add to the dye (neutraliser??). Second application was successful thankfully. And they gave me $50 worth of their product for the inconvenience, not that it concerned me really.
Bad day for the girls at the salon though, their computer wasn't working either, they had no idea who was even due to come in for appointments! Some days you just shouldn't get out of bed.
18/Apr/13 3:48 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Quick drop in as I'm exhausted...

MizT, I didn't know about the explosion but hubby says it has been on the news all day. It's awful! I hope they have it all sorted now...

Tami, I didn't think you'd be perfect for the misfits because you are a misfit, I thought you'd be perfect with them because you see the good in them... That 'veteran' teacher is obviously not a veteran of all of the ridiculous testing they do nowadays...

June, I can only send cyber hugs. Big hugs! Thinking of you...

There is so much more I want to say, but I'm beat. Hopefully on the weekend...
18/Apr/13 8:42 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Zusy, about time you gave yourself some 'me time' girlfriend, are YOU HEARING ME???!
18/Apr/13 8:49 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Today my FIL would have been 100. He passed away almost 10 years ago. I am hoping MIL will go and join him today. She has now been 9 days without food or fluids. Also her brother would have been 107 today.
Why did I go to sleep in front of the TV earlier?
19/Apr/13 1:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hadn't heard about the fertilizer factory yet. I hope it wasn't sabotage by terrorists. Fertilizer is so easy to explode that it doesn't take much help from the sickos of the world. It'll be bad enough if it's ''just'' an accident.
19/Apr/13 2:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I had a bad night last night. Couldn't sleep, and the back is not happy today. I NEED to mow the lawn today, too. I didn't get it done yesterday because of thunderstorms and pouring rain.
19/Apr/13 2:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hmmmmm ... the way my body is aching, I may have a virus.
19/Apr/13 3:42 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, from what I read early, there was a small fire at the fertilizer plant. In fighting that fire, they think perhaps water got to one of the chemicals, some type of ammonia that I did not get, and the mix of water and chemical caused the explosion. I am hearing the first responders were all volunteer firemen from the very small town of West, Tx
19/Apr/13 4:24 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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19/Apr/13 7:29 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, I am perfect for the misfits as I am also a misfit. I did not fit in in school and was a loner. Today, I would probably be the kid that adults looked at as a possible future problem. I did not cause trouble, did not get along with my classmates and had few friends. I turned out quite well, don't you think. I still think like a middle school student. I am going to be 50 in 18 months and still feel like a teenager most days.
19/Apr/13 8:10 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I feel bad about what happened in Texas but I am glad that it was an accident. It is sad to think about all the bad going on in the world. We need to see more good.
19/Apr/13 8:11 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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June - thinking of you and Ken. I hope your MIL goes off peacefully very soon.
19/Apr/13 8:19 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hello all, Thoughts and prayers to all in need of comfort.
I have a favor to ask, I lost my old Skype contact list and would love to not only re-do it, but to add any of you willing to it so that we can chat and visit in real time on occasion. If so, please email or p mail me your skype name and number or I'll send you mind....which is my full name. I think most of you know it. Thanks...all is well here and sending wishes for the same to you. Peace.♥
19/Apr/13 8:37 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I Skyped it to you Mamacita.
19/Apr/13 11:07 AM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Morning everyone

June sending you and Ken Hugs and ♥

Mama sent you a PM message with my skype name.
19/Apr/13 12:39 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Popping in to say Hello and send lots of and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
19/Apr/13 5:03 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Wow...... a huge storm belted it's way through last night. At 3 am, it was 73℉ ( 22.8℃) and by 10 am, it had dropped to 42℉ ( 5.5℃) !!!!

The puppies are 10 days old now, and doing beautifully. They're toddlers now and will start opening their eyes in a couple of days.
20/Apr/13 12:55 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi I slept through our part of that storm, did not even hear a peep. But temp dropped from 73 at midnight to 44 F at the moment. I had to find a long sleeved winter weight shirt this morning. Turned off apartment AC when I went to bed at midnight. Might have to turn on heat if it gets much colder inside, just cold and damp feeling today. That combination is not good for old bones.

Joy arrived for dinner at 8:45 pm. We did not start our baking till 9:30. But you know, I really like this new recipe. I was very tempted to get into it for my breakfast. I might have to buy more cream cheese and make a half recipe just for me. It is cream cheese stuffed cinnamon sticks, not too difficult to make. Recipe was on facebook recently, it is on my timeline now if anyone is interested. Basically, cut crust from bread, flatten, and put 1 TBS of sweetened cream cheese and roll up. Dip into melted butter, or drizzle, or paint with pastry brush, we tried all, the dip worked best, then dip into cinnamon sugar and coat thoroughly, then bake. One of the rolls broke open when rolled, Joy could not get the hang of that, so we had to taste test that one. Yummy and my house and the apartment hallway smelled delish.

Our dinner was not too shabby either. Roast beef, smashed taters, green beans, tossed salad. Told Joy I had to take out a small loan to buy the roast, and it was on sale even, but it was sooo good. I had been wanting beef and this one turned out just right.

I need to finish getting presentable and go deliver my cake and cinnamon sticks downstairs.

OH, just heard from grandson, he posted a photo of his younger brother's service dog on facebook and said he could use King today. I asked how far he was from the manhunt going on in Boston area today. He said fairly close, but was on lockdown in his dorm, so he is safe. I hope he and everyone in Boston stays safe. CNN news reports police fear the suspect on the loose might have explosives on him, and also fear there are other pipe bombs in the area. Will this madness never end?

I am out of here to deliver my baked goods, catch you again later. Hope everyone is managing tolerably well today. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
20/Apr/13 2:51 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, just make a full batch and send the rest to me!!
20/Apr/13 3:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yesterday's high was 84℉, and today's is only 44℉. Quite the change!

That dinner sounds delicious, MizT. Maybe I'll make roast beef tonight.

I heard that they got one of the bombing suspects in a shootout. At least they've saved the taxpayers the expense of a long trial and supporting the b@stard in prison. I hope they get the other one soon.
20/Apr/13 3:55 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Stella has posted on FB that her daughter is in lockdown and that the bomber lived 2 streets away. I just couldn't sleep for thinking about it last night and how I'd feel if it was one of mine in danger like that - and I couldn't get to them.
Just saw a news post that there had been unconfirmed reports of gunshots so maybe they've found the second guy. I hope so!
20/Apr/13 9:29 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Cyn, Gunshots were indeed fired and residents were again told to clear the streets around Franklin Street according to ABC news. The reporters have multiple gunshoots on tape and have played them again and again. Something has happened, but 'police are moving slowly perhaps checking for booby traps if indeed they have found him.'
20/Apr/13 9:38 AM
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