Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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We have been in the City tonight to see 'vivid'. The buildins around the Harbour (Opera House Bridge etc) are all lit up with laser pictures and colours. Very spectacular. All done to music as well. I got lots of good photos. We then took a ferry ride around to Darling Harbour where there were many fountains playing to music and also the laser lights. We had dinner in town before coming back home by train.
I have spent time in the garden and other jobs over the weekend. Tomorrow I have to go to Belinda's place to feed the animals and stay overnight. Our son Neil will also be in Sydney for a couple of days (work). He can spend Tuesday night with his dad and I will be back to spend Wednesday night with them both.
I have finished Cathy's (from Southern Ontario) Book. 'Safe as Churches'. It is the only one I can buy for the Kindle. It is a murder mystery. A good read if you like that and hard to put down.
10/Jun/13 11:08 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hugs to you all. I am a bit tired so off to bed.
10/Jun/13 11:09 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another rainy day here. The puppies don't care. They enjoy playing in the rain or in the house. I'm the one who doesn't enjoy playing in the rain.
11/Jun/13 5:22 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.
We had a lovely morning catching up with our Adelaide friends yesterday. I wished that I had more time to see them as they are truly nice people.

Woke to a very foggy morning. The mild winter has been pleasant. Good for gardening and I don't have to worry about snakes.

Thinking of you all.
11/Jun/13 7:31 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Almost bedtime here so thought I should check in. busy day today. I had to go to bank, and found one really close, estimated driving time by google maps is 2 minutes. It is the opposite direction of where I usually am going, but when bank is only place I need to go, it is perfect! I found a much better parking p0lace when I got back, too, in the garage (the parking at ground level under my building)just across the driveway from entrance. I imagine only 3 other places in parking as close to door as this one. Easy walk to my chair.

When I got back, stopped to chat with Myra, and soon we had a table full of ladies and one guy, 6 or more of us. We were waiting for the vegetable man (who did not come today :) ) and enjoying talking. While there, Jean came in with a small cart of groceries, asked, 'Do you see $70 there'. Not really, untill she started pulling out different 'finds', favorite extravagant things. One of them was cheese cake. Myra and I both ohhed and ahhed over that purchase. Jean said she liked a little slice about 10 pm, with chocolate sauce and strawberries. Myra said, 10 pm, you are sure of the time? Tricia and I will be over to share. Just joking with her, something said by many here when some epically good food is mentioned.

Jean left to put away her groceries, and then appeared again, asked us what apartment were we in. Actually wrote it down. About 3 pm, I got a phone call(On our in house directory, phone numbers and names are listed numerically by apartment number), it was Jean, issuing an invitation to come tonight at 6:30 for desert. Tried to convince her we were just kidding, did not mean to invite ourselves, but she said she loved having friends in her home, so we went. I told her I would come if I could bring the coffee, perked up a pot, well dripped, but you know what I mean, got down the stainless steal thermos, and set off. We 4, Jean has a cat named Billy, had a great time! Billy met me at the elevator, he is allowed out in the hallway, and escorted me to Jeans door.

Next week, I think I will bake something, a cake or pie, and invite them down for desert. I mentioned the pecan coffee I have, they liked the sound of that, so we will have that come next week. Now what goes with pecan coffee??

11/Jun/13 12:45 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Coffee of course MizT, but I would be decadent with a little tipple of the Irish Whisky to go with it. Hey we have made it thus far so we should get to enjoy the spoils every now and again.
Just my opinion!
Nola, did I miss you birthday?? CRAFTS is setting in if I did.
Julie, we want to hear how you are.
Bella has been not well now for about 4 days, case of the trots but she was still woofing and drinking water but did not eat at all today. Came home tonight and she greeted me at the gate, gladly chewed on her beef chew and ate the dry she normally has for breakfast. Now I am home set herself like normal for guard duty on the side deck ready to woof at anyone who dares walk or drive or open a car door near our house. Hope she is improving, tore me apart this morning leaving her on her own.
11/Jun/13 6:13 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Now at Belinda's place. Animals all fed. One young horse (Goose) would not go through the gate into the paddock for the night for ages. These horses are warm bloods so bigger than race horses. Too big for me to push around and if I come out with bread to lure them through a gate I am always frightened they may knock me over.She has had rain so the ground is very muddy and slippery. I think my daughter forgets we are getting older!!!!
Anyway the fire is alight. Two cats and a dog are inside and I can now do my own thing for the rest of the night.
11/Jun/13 6:37 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tricia, love hearing how well everything is going for you now.Although I do find it hard to realise that you have so many health issues when you are a few years younger than me.
Suzie, I do hope you are able to help that girl with your reporting because of Duty of Care. Someone I know well reported an incident and ended up with words scratched in her car and being cyber bullied. I will tell you about it sometime on the phone. It was all related to FB.
Nola, Sorry you were not able to spend more time with your friends. Pleased you are enjoying the cooler weather. I hope it is not too cold here in the morning. Tends to be colder than at home.
Do not remember much that was on the last page. Will close down this computer till tomorrow.
11/Jun/13 6:47 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning All,
Nothing much going on in my part of the world except we are in the busy birthday season in my family so enjoying those.
Feeling good one day and so so another but overall am times my get up and go has disappeared, yet I still find life to be good and I think I'd better enjoy it while I can I do!
Hope things go well for the young girl friended bu Suzy...such an act of kindness should serve to wake us all to the need to do what we can to let others know there are caring folk in the world. I do hope nothing bad happens such as alluded by June...we know there are mean folk to who seek out every chance they get to intimidate others....makes my blood boil and I'd like to be in a room with them one at a time and do to them what they do to others...but then I'd be one of I'll leave it up to the good Lord, since I know what goes around comes around.
Forgot the other things I had wanted to comment on, but I've read and thought of all of you...and jazz is sending Bella a big woof woof in hopes that they both can continue to celebrate barking their ownership at the entire world when they want to...hehe.
Hugs and good juju to all who want to take advantage of it...plenty around so use as much or as little as you like...Until we meet again...Peace!
11/Jun/13 11:06 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Mama, you reminded me of something my dad said, My get up and go has got up and gone! Thanks for reminding me, I had forgotten that and it was like hearing him all over again.

Broni, here you have to be careful who you offer hard drink, many are very religious and not only abstain themselves but also are totally against it in others. Kinda puts a kink in entertaining, eh?

June, yes, I do think your daughter forgets you are getting older. You have always been there for her, it is easy for her to think you always will be. Perhaps you need to give her a gentle reminder how difficult some of this is for you, before you get injured, and she finds out too late.

It is hot, humid and cloudy here, but just clouds today, no rain forecast. I do hope weather man is correct. Yesterday was a much better day for me, after the t storms here Saturday. I think the steroids are doing a good job. OH, they would do better today if I TOOK them, I forgot this morning. There, that taken care of now.

OH, i must tell you more about billy. You see, Jean lives on the seventh floor, so the building does not connect to anything lese, just that one hallway and the elevator. So billy is fairly safe out in the hall. He is a beautiful solid smoke grey. While sitting at table, looking out over the roofs of adjacent buildings, I noticed something in the corner leaned up onto a book case. did not pay much attention, till in a flash and whth a bump, billy goes tearing up the carpeted board, and onto the two bookcases with a bridge between them. Billy's second floor hehehe. He sat up there overlooking his domain, watching us as we sat eating and chatting. One way to give the boy exercise and let him feel there is more room than out small apartment. I am told billy has a friend, another cat who lives on the same floor, and they often run u and down the hall together, will come and rub noses in greeting. both kitty mom's keep their door to apartment open while their fur baby is out playing hehehe.

Wonder where Heidi is this morning?????

I was up earlier than I wanted to be this morning, think I will do a little nap before time to go down to get my lunch. Catch you all later. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

12/Jun/13 1:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I slept all morning through. I just got up and need to feed the puppies.
12/Jun/13 4:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT... have you heard how your kitty is doing with Roger? Would she be happy in that apartment situation? Cats can adjust, no matter what they believe.
12/Jun/13 4:12 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just got home from school. I am working this week and the boys are helping me. I was just asked to come in next week as well. Two extra weeks of pay. Next week I am going to be running a 'summer school' class. I will be helping students recover failed classes with the hope that they will move on and not be retained. We are calling the kids and giving them that option.
12/Jun/13 6:15 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all - I haven't been here for days, have had visitors from Tasmania. (Caution, vent following)
We had a lovely time until yesterday, which was her birthday and our 25th Wedding Anniversary. After a nice lie-in in the morning, we went and had a lovely brunch/early lunch together and then left to drive her and her 5yo son up to her mother north of Brisbane.
This was where the trouble started - her mother criticised her from the minute she got out of the car about her weight, living so far away and her mothering skills - to name but a few. It went on and on and it was obvious she expected an energetic friendly splendid little boy to sit still and touch nothing (can't be done!!). By the time we left we were so disturbed at leaving her with this woman, and little Danny wanted to come with us! Our friend was distraught by 8pm and has another friend coming to collect her today. She was intending staying with her Mum until next Wednesday.
Col and I were so exhausted and upset by the afternoon that instead of going out to celebrate our anniversary, we just came home. Will celebrate tonight, if our visitors don't return here. I think she's going to try to change her airline tickets and just go home to her husband but if that can't be done they'll be back here - where people care about them!! That woman doesn't deserve the title Mother!!
12/Jun/13 8:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Your poor friend, CynB!!!!! Nobody deserves to be treated like that. Her mother reminds me of my mother, who I have nothing to do with anymore. Your friend and her family will be much happier if they only spend their time and caring on people who truly love them. I feel so bad for her 5 year old son. He's obviously grown up in a loving, nurturing family, and he must have been in shock from all that venom.
12/Jun/13 11:09 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn, sorry that your anniversary got messed up.
12/Jun/13 11:14 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

I have just read posts on page 643. Well, I have attempted to read them. I'm exhausted and can't stay awake. Therefore, I remember very little. The good news is that there were posts from many, including Midge, CynB, Theresa, Suzy, Tami, Heidi, Judy, MizT, June, Bean and Theresa!

Sending lots of cyber {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes and ! Please take care of yourselves, Everyone! I will try to get here earlier tomorrow and start reading page 644.
12/Jun/13 4:41 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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A quick glance at page 645 tells me that Nola, Broni and Mamacita have visited. Sending warm {{{HUGS}}} to them, as well.
12/Jun/13 4:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I lost a long post! I had it all on a notepad and had to restart the computer so lost it all....

I worked today - first day in foreeever.. After work I had a spot scraped and burned off my shoulder. They put an adhesive bandage on it - that's gonna hurt when I take it off. Came home and was so tired I fell up the front steps, even managed to bang my head! My knees are pretty messed up. But I'm working again on Friday so they have to heal fast!

12/Jun/13 5:38 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola, Nelson Mandela has the same problem as your son
12/Jun/13 6:48 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all ... there is this bright yellow ball in the sky that we haven't seen for a while ... I think it's the sun!

Cyn, some parents!!!! It's funny that even as adults we can be affected by our parents. It took me 40 years to realize that I really didn't like my father, but before that I would bend over backwards trying to get his approval.

Had a busy (sort of) but non-productive day yesterday. Went for fasting blood tests while hubby went to the hospital because he could hardly walk. He has another bout of gout. We left the house around 9:45 AM yesterday and didn't get home until almost 3:30 PM. I was so tired and sore from sitting around most of the day. At one point while waiting for hubby at the hospital I went for a walk, but it was rainy so I didn't go far. Today I am very achey.

Suzy, hope the effects of your fall are not too bad. I worry about you, girl!

Hi Julie - hope all is well in your world!

Off to the doctor this morning after I bring the girls to the bus stop. Fun and games. Let the good times roll.
12/Jun/13 8:38 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hubby has to be off work for a minimum of 3 days. He is on some potent meds where he is not supposed to drive. So for three days I should have a chance to get a few things done here because he can't go anywhere. I am looking forward to a bit of free time. By that I mean I don't have to fix extra meals while he visits his dad, and stuff like that.

I have started going through boxes again, but I just don't seem in the mood today. I have to be in the mood to be ruthless when I clean out stuff or else it just gets shuffled and moved from one box to another. We'll see what today brings. Wish me luck.
12/Jun/13 8:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That sounds like a nasty fall, Suzy. Banging your head worries me the most. PLEASE be careful!
13/Jun/13 2:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm having another slow day. I need to run a few errands, then finish stacking hay in the barns. I've nearly filled the first barn already. And I'm almost halfway through the job.
13/Jun/13 3:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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So much for moving hay. I have potential puppy buyers on the way. They'll be here in a half hour.
13/Jun/13 5:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Bear has been sold. I told the buyers that they got the puppy with the best personality in the litter. They figured it out by themselves. He charmed them something fierce.
13/Jun/13 6:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The only puppy still available is Spike. I wouldn't mind keeping him myself. He's a lover.
13/Jun/13 7:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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And the hay is all out of the fields. There are still about 70 rolls that have to be stacked in the barn, but that can be done over the next couple of days.
13/Jun/13 10:11 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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SUZY, so sorry to hear you had a fall. Please be careful as you can. Hope those knees feel better soon.

Heidi, Scooter kitty is no longer with Roger. his health took a turn for worse, he is not able to care for all his animals, he had a menagerie. All the cats had to be re-homed, cause his back will not let him bend to clean litter box. It is about to break his heart. Only has a couple of his dogs remaining now. Scooter went to a cousin, he and his roommate have no other animals, so Scooter is again the Queen Bee. She can go outside safely, she has 2 laps to claim as hers and does often. I still get reports about her, but no photos like Roger would send. He promised to snap some on his next visit and send to me. She is loosing some of the weight she gained, just eating and sleeping all the time, not getting outside, cause she did not like the dogs. I think she is happy. Thanks for asking about her.

Congratulations Heidi on finding a good home for Bear. Not long now till they can go to their new homes is it? Hope you are not having the heat we had today. Is the AC still working in your tractor? Might almost make it enjoyable to drive and stack hay.

Today was a very busy day. I baked pumpkin muffins before breakfast, went to Lakeshore for the huge hot tub hehehe. Stopped at Aldis for fruit, cause the veggie man did not show Monday. Could not risk missing him again today, I only had strawberries and half a banana left. Then I had to get presentable for scrabble. After scrabble, it was downstairs to water everything, with 96 for a high today and windy, make sure no one went thirsty.

I feel very honored to be invited to play with this group. They have been playing together for years, but one passed away. They had not played in a long time, Barbara was sick, in and out of hospital for some time, and since her death about 6 weeks ago, they had not decided who to ask to play with them. I had a great time, able to joke and kid with them, and although Judy had hoped because I had not played in so long ( In my teens perhaps), I would rescue her from low score most of the time. Judy was still low score, both games today. I came within one point of tying for first place on game 2, and was a close second on game one. Did I say I had a good time? Did I say I like to win?

Almost bedtime, and perhaps it is medicine time too. I have felt better today than I have in months. I know it is the steroids, but anything to get some relief. It has been one of those times, I did not realize just how much I had hurt and for how long, until I got better. I know long term steroids is frowned upon, but it is sometimes used. I do wonder if I can talk to doc about low dose long term for me. Nothing else has helped, my quality of life would be the pits to return to that much hurt, and I would trade quantity for quality any day. something to think about.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.

13/Jun/13 12:09 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I wish I had known that you like to play scrabble. I can never get anyone to play with me. I like to win, too,
13/Jun/13 12:36 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone! Yes, I'm here, and it's not even 11:30 p.m. However, I can't stay, as the alarm is set for just after 5 a.m. Just wanted to let all of you know you're thought of often! Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and for Everyone!
13/Jun/13 2:21 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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MizT steroids long term are horrible but if you can get the dose down low enough the advantages outweight the disadvantages. Now I am on 5mg day my skin doesn't tear as easily and I no longer look like Jabba the Hutt hehe Take care Suzy - it ain't worth it! Hello to all- a cold rainy day here - how I dislike winter.
13/Jun/13 2:46 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy, that sounds like a bad fall. Hope you're getting over it and have no further problems from it.
I've forgotten everything else I read. I now seem to be coming down with the flu.
My friend had hired a car, left her mother's place and due here any minute. I told her they can stay as long as they like while she decides her next move. (Her mother screamed at her and called her ungrateful!! Can you believe it??)
13/Jun/13 3:48 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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What a shame for your friend to go all that way and have that awful experience with her mother - at least she will not have any regrets as she did try. I also feel sorry for her mum as she is the one who will miss out the most - how lucky I am to have a great relationship with my 4. Therese leave the boxes and do something that pleases you - boxes aren't going anywhere!
13/Jun/13 4:08 PM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Suzy not good, falling.

Cyn awful mother your friend has.

I met up with Margo/Adelaide today, she is here in the West for the week. We had Brunch at a very nice cafe on the Swan River halfway between my abode and her daughter's abode

Hugs and ♥ to all and Sundry
13/Jun/13 5:46 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, I'm glad your friend left. She deserves better, and although she's probably not ready to believe that yet, this is a first step. Just because we're called 'mother' doesn't mean we are automatically 'good mothers.' (I couldn't use 'one' it sounded too pompous! And 'you' can be misunderstood as meaning YOU)

June, perhaps Belinda does it to keep you young! This girl has no access to me. Her high school is over an hour from me... phew

MizT, I don't know how you find time to do all of the things you have the opportunity to do now! i hope you are able to work out something with the steroids. I play lexulous on the other site and I love it because I can just keep putting wrong words down until one works. I could never play as well in real life where you are penalised for getting it wrong. It also allows both American and Australian spellings for most words, though not for 2 letter words.

Midge, I can't help it, I keep trying to imagine you as Jabba the Hutt but it isn't working.

Theresa, enjoy your days off with your hubby. Sorry he had to be unwell for it to happen though.

Julie, I hope you get a good night's sleep soon!

Heidi, Cyn's friend's situation reminds me both of your mother and your now sick friend with her daughter.
13/Jun/13 6:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm working again tomorrow! Yay! And my knees aren't hassling me as much as I thought they would. I'll let you know how they go after a day at school. My shoulder where I had the skin thing scraped and burned only hurts when I lift my arm above my head. So I won't do that.
13/Jun/13 6:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, congratulations on the extra work!
13/Jun/13 6:23 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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My son went home to Melbourne today. It was nice seeing him for a couple of days. We went out to lunch with friends today. A help yourself buffet so I ate too much. We just had a toasted sandwich for dinner. We also bought a very expensive medical 'massager' that stimulates the blood circulation as well as lymphatic system. It helps with a lot of arthritic and other pain. I must say she worked on my shoulder and it feels much better tonight. I will not get my massage pad for another two weeks. I do have to get fit before we tackle Turkey and Greece.
13/Jun/13 8:34 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Cyn, I feel for your friend. How awful to be treated like that by her Mother. Also a big congratulations on your Silver Wedding Anniversary.
Suzy, hope all goes well for you at school tomorrow. it will be nice to have a few days pay. Extra pay for you too Tami. So important when raising a family.
Heidi, pleased you have found another home for one of your pups.
Nice to see you Rolanda, pleased you met up with Margo. A lovely lady. I met her one time when she was in Sydney.
Theresa, hope you get some of those jobs done when hubby is home but hope he is soon able to go back to work.
Midge, hope you are keeping OK.
Julie, not sure I could keep up with all the late nights early mornings that you have.
MizT,love reading all your 'doings' at your new abode.
Mamacita, please keep well. We do love it when you are able to visit.
Broni, Nola and others, thinking of you all.
Hugs to all.
13/Jun/13 8:46 PM
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