Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... that wasn't very nice of you, scaring everybody so much, including yourself! I'm glad your heart is healthy..... I suspected as much. BIG and healthy.

I can't say that I'm surprised at the news about Three. I'm just surprised it took so long. I hope Dana forces him to pay child support for the little life he helped create.
20/Feb/13 7:26 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Snowing here and looking very Christmassy!!!

I have started a new project. I miss doing volunteer work, but have trouble walking sometimes because of arthritis. So I am doing my own volunteer work. I am knitting blankets for kids in a heart pattern, and I hope to convince some first responders to carry them in their vehicles for kids. I also hope to include a stuffed animal in each package. I have one blanket done, except for sewing the ends in, and am working on the second one. If first responders aren't interested, I will donate them to a mission in the city. I am thinking I can only do 4 a year, but it's better than nothing. Plus I can do it from the comfort of my couch!

Off to pick up the grandies soon. I have them until 8:30 this evening. Yikes!
20/Feb/13 8:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just installed a new hose on the float valve to the cow's water tank,and did a thorough cow check. There are no new calves, and nobody in labor. I think I'll take another nap soon. I'm still sleepy, for some reason. The drive is normally 11 hours for me, but I got stopped for speeding on the way there (I just got a warning) so I drove a little slower than usual after that. I also drove through pouring rain for half the drive last night, with icy patches, so that slowed me down, too. I left there at 9 pm and got home just past 11 am. But it's SO nice to be home.
20/Feb/13 8:37 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Welcome home, Heidi. Thanks for the comments, MizT. When I had my angiogram the year before last, they kept reminding me not to let the insertion site get wet, etc.

I do find my life is boring, but I like it that way. If I can get through this life while helping others, that's what counts. Bring on the boring!!!!
20/Feb/13 8:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa..... let me know if you'd like donations of stuffed animals for those sweet and caring first responder's kids packages. Stuffed animals are perfect since they're comforting for boys and girls both. Maybe some teddy bears made of ultra soft and hypoallergenic alpaca?
20/Feb/13 8:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My goal in life is to be bored. It sounds so wonderful! Nothing to do!!! Nothing going on!!! Free time!!! I can just imagine the relaxing things I can do! Or does that contradict the concept of boredom? I've never been bored.
20/Feb/13 8:45 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Another crazy day at school.

Suzy, can you catch me up on Three? I went back a few pages but can't find it. I know I am missing something. Hope all went well at school today and the drive was not too difficult.

Heidi, I agree about Maxine and the boy. He needs to learn. I hope she decides to leave him and come to you. She would be amazed at the difference.
20/Feb/13 9:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tami... all she knows is this boyfriend or her mother, who is a psycho. The BF is the more stable of the two, but I would hate to live with either. What she's going through is bad enough, but Maxine is afraid to leave one situation for another. She's terrified of being let down. She's admitted to me that her subconscious is afraid that I'll let her down, too. Everyone she's ever known had let her down or betrayed her. I've told her that her feelings are understandable considering what she's been through, and I don't feel insulted by that at all. It just makes me want to give her a hug. And it brings a tear to my eye that her life has been so hard and sad. ALL children need to be able to grow up feeling loved and being able to trust the people whose care they're in. NOTHING is more important than the welfare of a child! And while Maxine is 20, she's still a child in some ways.
20/Feb/13 9:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nap time. Be back later.
20/Feb/13 9:39 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Welcome back Heidi - I'm sorry that things with Maxine are so up in the air still. I wish her well and hope that she will make the decision to trust you and come with you where she and the baby will be safe.
Tricia - hope you get/got to your book club.
Suzy - baby steps is good. One day at a time.
Theresa - those blankets sound like a wonderful idea, especially with the stuffed animal.
20/Feb/13 10:26 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hubby took over looking after the grandies for a while. My stomach is quite upset tonight for some reason.

Heidi, I plan on getting stuffed animals in the baby section at Walmart, just so that I am sure they are all safe for little ones of all ages. I also wait until there's a sale for them and yarn because it's coming out of my pocket. I just feel I have to do something.

Heidi, thank you so much for the offer. I don't think I'll have a problem getting stuffed animals, but they won't be as nice as the ones you are talking about.

I have put all big projects on hold, except for helping Maggie with two granny square blankets she is making for the girls. I am helping her sew ends in (because it's such a tedious job) and then I'll show her how to crochet the squares together.

Hope your day went smoothly, Suzy!

Hugs to everyone .....
20/Feb/13 11:06 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, for some people being 20 is not grown up. Maxine did not have a childhood and did not get a chance to grow up. Keep being there for her. I am sure one day she will realize how important to you she is.
20/Feb/13 11:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tami... Suzy's mention of Three was in her last post on page 601.
20/Feb/13 11:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The nap wasn't long because Daisy and Katy were so excited that I'm home again. It's hard to sleep when overly excited delinquents are climbing all over your head.
20/Feb/13 11:25 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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WOW... lot's of interesting comments here..

#1... like Heidi I do NOT lead a boring life and cannot imagine what it would be like. With my singing, drumming, renovations, study and the business of money making so I can afford to keep studying I have no time for boredom.

#2... I do not find anybodies comments boring. I find them very interesting and they give me a great insight into life in other parts of the globe. Thank you all for sharing.

I've just deleted half a page of beanspeak.. consider yourself lucky.. decided to hold my tongue..
20/Feb/13 2:47 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Please don't delete any beanspeak. Though utterly confusing without a guide, it's a blast to try to decode it.
20/Feb/13 2:52 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hehehe - Beanie and Heidi on 'Beanspeak'!!
20/Feb/13 4:52 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Not feeling 100% today, I am dealing with my third bout of nausea in as many weeks. I would be more worried but it seems to be happening to others as well, so it must be a virus of some kind. As a result, I haven't felt like driving and I need some groceries so am waiting for hubby to come home to take me out. He tells me he could be hours yet.
20/Feb/13 4:56 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
I made it!! I slurred a little, my legs ache a little - but only a little so all is good. Lied my backside off all day. How've you been? I've been good, how about you?

I had a double of science, english and then 2 hospitality classes. Apart from the English lesson which was full of kids with behaviour problems - two TAs!! Unheard of! It was an easy day.

Complete this sentence: 'If I had a mother like everyone else's I wouldn't have to...' in my head all sorts of things are flying: cook dinner, do the washing, go to work....No, the problem was her mother expects her to finish school and maybe even go to Uni!! Horror of horrors... One day she will realize how lucky she is.

Theresa, that is a brilliant idea! When I had a fender bender with Dana I had to go to hospital because I was 26 weeks pregnant and had stomach pains (turned out to be nothing) and Dana was given a stuffed Dalmation in the ambulance. Here they have a knitted teddy that volunteers make for the kids. They are all the same pattern though in whatever colours the volunteer chooses. It's very simple and not the best looking bear I've seen, but the kids seem to like them..and if it helps them through a difficult time it's brilliant.

Thought I'd posted this..

20/Feb/13 5:47 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Feel better Cyn, Alie is home today with the same thing.
20/Feb/13 5:47 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! I'm going to try to get some reading and maybe even responding done tonight.

Oh, my! So many of us feel our lives are boring. Well, I must agree with those of you who enjoy the posts, especially responses from CynB, MizT and Mamacita! It's fun to read the day-to-day events and realize that life isn't all that different, whether we live in a different state or a different country. We have become comfortable friends with each other and don't need to try to impress! I think it's great! (And I think my life is boring, as well, just BUSY

Here's an idea for anyone who doesn't want to share the boring stuff: write about a dream vacation. Where would you go? How would you get there? Who would you go with? What would you do once you're there? Why did you choose your destination?

Vicki, Happy Birthday to your brother! Best wishes for a relatively painless and successful hip replacement for your Mum! That will add some excitement (or at least a change of pace) to your life.

Judy, you walked to the next suburb? Wow! Very impressive! I guess we don't need to ask how your rehab is going. Also impressive that nothing decadent appealed to you.

Suzy, Dana will rise to the occasion and show her resilience and strength! Has Three provided much help or support up to now? Is he moving to get a job - or a better job? Sending lots of positive vibes for Dana and Tahli! Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and for you! Will be thinking of you and sending LOTS of positive vibes for when you are driving and teaching! I know you'll do fantastically well!

Broni, I'm sorry you lost your post when you were booted off for swearing! I'm glad you arrived home safely! You must have been exhausted! How exciting that you'll be getting a caravan - a nice way to 'get away from it all!'

MizT, I hope you were able to get to book club today! (I love your advice for those who must 'take it easy. Wearing your 'Jammie's all day is certainly conducive to a relaxed approach

Heidi, thanks for letting us know you're back home safely! Will keep Maxine and the baby in my thoughts and prayers. I look forward to finding out if it's true that no calves were born while you were gone!

I don't have any energy to go on to page 601, so will stop here for the night. Positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and for everyone!
20/Feb/13 6:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Julie, my dream vacation is a cruise to Alaska. I don't know why, I've just had it in my head for years. I'd also like to go to Disneyland again, and maybe Disney World, the grand canyon, Yosemite, New York, Ireland, Scotland, England and France.

Three is moving because he had a fight with his friends and has no more friends in town. Poor baby has no friends so his baby has no daddy. I feel so bad for him - not.
20/Feb/13 6:55 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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I met Dana and Tahli, they are both strong women just like Zusy.
Zusy, go put your feet up girl. Glad you made it thru the day.
20/Feb/13 7:02 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Julie - my dream vacation?? Well, I'd love to go back to Greece to the island my Papa (grandfather) came from - Ithaki. Or I'd love to do the cruise Kathy (Valrico) did from Helsinki to Moscow to StPetersburg. So much more - Dubrovnik, Scotland, Venice and Paris (again).
But, mostly, I'd love to do a trip that took in meeting as many of the Sudoku people as possible.
20/Feb/13 10:19 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I don't feel bad for Three either! Not fair to Tahli or Dana - hope he misses them as soon as he goes. I'll say no more.
Signing off for now, still not feeling the best. Will check out FB and then off to bed. Ciao for now.
20/Feb/13 10:22 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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My dream is to travel Australia with my dog (she does not do well without me)then travel the world to meet all my friends I have never met. But may be travelling to the US later this year for a short time with my BIL.
20/Feb/13 10:25 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I also had a bit of a tummy bug this morning. Then had a bit of a lazy day. Went to the shops after lunch, bumped into a friend so we had a coffee and chatted for about an hour. Ate my dinner tonight so hope I will be OK. Did not visit MIL. Hubby said she also had a bit of the same as me (maybe I picked it up at the hospital last night?). She was to go home tomorrow but will not be able to go home till the tummy bug is clear.
Heidi,Sorry things were not resolved for Maxine but I am sure your visit was a boost for her.
Suzy, thought about you a lot today and wondered how the day went.
Broni, it was a pleasure to have you stop here again. Sorry that I had commitments on the Thursday that I could not change.
Must go and try and get some sleep. I have been finding myself awake at this time of night. I was blaming the rub I was putting on my thumbs but I have not done that tonight so here's hoping I drop off quickly!
Dream holiday.... I have not been to South America..........but I would enjoy just going somewhere near water and relax for about a week. (Wherever we go Hubby has to keep on the move the whole time)
20/Feb/13 11:50 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Broni.... did I read that right??? Maybe traveling to the US later this year? Where is your BIL? Will you be anywhere near the central US? Anywhere near a 12 hour driving radius from me?
21/Feb/13 3:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Dream holiday.... That's tough. I'm happiest when I'm with my critters. But there are 3 places I'd like to visit: I'd like to return to Costa Rica and see some friends.I bet the country has changed out of recognition, though, since I was last there. I'd also love to visit Scotland and I'd love to travel Australia.
21/Feb/13 3:07 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Cyn and Suzy for Alie, how did this 3 week tummy virus get all the way to Oz? that is what is going around here. I found out while in hospital, it is a virus, can present as nausea and vomiting, or diarrhea or both, or just a queasy tummy part of the time. It lasts about 3 weeks, but many have days people think they are all better, then wham, back again. It is what I have had, and today is 3 weeks, I hope the virus knows that hehehe. Hope Allie and Cyn both are better from it soon. It can leave ya feeling a bit weak and out of sorts.

We are such a global community now, someone not feeling well returned home to Australia, or an Aussie brought the bug topside, and here it goes.

SUZY, congrats on being back at work, you are phenomenal!

Just had a phone call from daughter, so have forgotten all else I have read. but I got some great news. My autistic grandson has slept with his parents since he started having problems, but for three out of the last 5 nights, he has slept alone, in a separate room even, and he did this change all himself. they had set up a nice room just for him some time ago when his last brother left home. Five nights ago, he came to bed and cuddled with his Mom, then got up and went to his room, climbed in his bed and went to sleep, slept all night. If you are not aware of severely autistic children, you would not know how major a thing this is for him. Daughter said in the last 10 days, he has just astounded them in some of the things he has done.

He always liked to bring in groceries, and he wanted the heavy sacks, not the light ones. He was helping his dad bring in groceries, and Dad asked him if he wanted to help put groceries away. He did, and he knew were everything went, too, except the sacks of flour and sugar, was used to seeing those in the canisters, not in sacks. There were several other things she told me, they do seem minor, but they show that he is thinking more on his own, and able to act on his thoughts, able to initiate an activity instead of being given one. It is amazing progress, and we do hope it continues.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. till later.
21/Feb/13 5:00 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'll be back, just wanted to say before I forget. Check out Jane's comment under Shar's on TOS. Spot on.
21/Feb/13 6:24 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oh and Mamacita and Kathy got it too.
21/Feb/13 6:25 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Well it looks like I'm not coming back here, I'm going to work again! I hope I make it through without making an idiot of myself...
21/Feb/13 7:03 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Zusy, you are stubborn! Thought I read that you would not work today or tomorrow. Take care my friend.
21/Feb/13 7:12 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, I 'liked' Jane's comment as soon as I saw it. If you want people to listen and help you with your problems, you have to be willing to listen. I find this site very cathartic as Sudoku people are there for you. Talking about things here helps me get things straight in my own mind. I LOVE YOU PEOPLE!!!

Funny story. Last evening when I was looking after the grandies, the oldest one (9 years) was getting herself organized for a movie at the elementary school this Friday, which her boyfriend is also attending. She had a whole list of things she was going to do this week, like wash her feet every day (???), brush her teeth 4 times a day, take a mint before the movie starts, cucumber slices on her eyes (which she did last night), and on and on and on. I really had a hard time not laughing, but I managed. She is so sweet! We got her clothes ready last night, the ones she will be wearing to school on Friday.
21/Feb/13 7:37 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Vacation dreams ... a well stocked cabin somewhere where no one can find me. Or a week at a hotel with room service. I am easy to please ...................
21/Feb/13 7:39 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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A son asked his mother the following question:

' Mom, why are wedding dresses white? ' The mother looks at her son and replies:

' Son, this shows your friends and relatives that your bride is pure.'

The son thanks his Mom and goes off to double-check this with his father.

' Dad why are wedding dresses white? '
The father looks at his son in surprise and says:

'Son, all household appliances come in white.'

The husband is still in intensive care and the prognosis is not good!!!

21/Feb/13 7:45 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
Check out my page are spot on...Suzy did say that and I agreed with her...however, as MzT pointed out, she is a phenomenal person. You go girl and do as much as you feel capable of doing, but get a bit of rest in between.
Tricia, How wonderful you and your D and SIL must feel with the recent progress made by your grandson. May he continue to do his very best as he grows.
21/Feb/13 7:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT... I just reread your post (I read it the first time when half asleep and it didn't sink in) What phenomenal progress for your grandson!!! I hope they've let him understand just how wonderful and amazing he is!

Just got back from taking neighbor George's steer to the processing plant. All went smoothly. Tomorrow is a day of rest here.... no driving. Friday I pick up the cockatiels at noon in Dayton, Ohio.... a 4 hour drive each way. I still haven't told IH about getting them, and unless he cross-examines me as to where I went, he won't be told. What he doesn't know about won't bother him.
21/Feb/13 9:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What was Jane's comment on TOS?
21/Feb/13 9:30 AM
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