Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Rolanda  From Australia
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((((Mama)))) ♥ Sorry to hear about your Niece, and your sister ♥
27/Feb/13 10:53 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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You know when you are sure you've posted something and it isn't there... happened again to me!

Mamacita, I'm so sorry to hear about your niece. Sending cyber hugs, hope you can feel them... So very like your family to think of others while going through difficult times. Organ donation is a wonderful gift!

June, hugs and thoughts to you too... Friends are hard to lose.

Viv, I wish it would rain here!! 94% humidity is miserable... I hope your avon order is huge - or maybe I don't, because you have to sort it and deliver it when it's delivered..

Broni, hugs to you

Heidi, that is the perfect thing to say. If I hear one more person criticise the job being done by a volunteer I swear I'll hit the over the head with my handbag - and it's heavy!

MizT, that is not the way to lose weight.. I hope you are feeling better today. Though with no sleep you may not be

Cyn, I don't think Nola has a laptop to take with her, but I could be wrong!!
27/Feb/13 5:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I was hoping for a nice quiet day at home today. Dana has gone home etc. Wasn't to be. I didn't get a call last night and I am usually called the night before to work. On very rare occasions I'm called around 6.30 in the morning. Today I was sitting at the computer at 8.07am and hubby brought me my phone, 'can you work today', starting second period. I was out ready to go by 8.22 (including a shower and washing my hair). I signed in at 8.55.

Funny: Miss we've had you for English, are you really smart? Yes I am.

27/Feb/13 5:40 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Sudoku Friends!

Heidi, wow, 14 calves already! Is my memory correct when I think you mentioned that the cow who seemed so restless was having her first calf?

Broni, are you enjoying your new car? Hopefully, you're able to enjoy a ride in it occasionally when your work schedule allow.

Mama, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I'm glad you were comfortable enough to share your thoughts with us. What a difficult time for all of you!

MizT, I hope your tummy soon feels better! That is NOT the way to lose weight.
I think the naming of winter storm began this year. I don't remember the reasoning, though I think I heard something about it earlier in the season. This storm dropped 8 to 10 inches of snow in our area.

June, my condolences to you on the passing of your neighbor. I suspect there will be some difficult days ahead for his wife. I hope the pennant bowls go well, and the weekend with Laura is enjoyable and restful!

CynB, I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. I'm glad he was able to get some pain relief. I'm hoping to see a post from Nola on the next page.

It's nice to see posts from Rolanda and Suzy. Suzy, I hope you remember to rest well between teaching assignments

My eyelids are getting very heavy, so I better get ready for bed. Sending lots of cyber {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, prayers, healing vibes, positive thoughts and for everyone!
27/Feb/13 5:45 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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The news tonight said the main highway to Brisbane was still cut. Not sure about the 'back' road. I do hope Nola got to Brisbane OK.
Hospital is having problems stopping MIL's bleeding and she could not take a colonoscopy. Now taking her off all blood thinners but that could cause clots to form. And a week ago she was told she could go home last Friday. How things can change from day to day.
27/Feb/13 5:50 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all
Mama..sorry sorry to hear of your lose. Big hugs.It would be traumatic to turn off life support.
27/Feb/13 9:09 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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The Bruce Hwy was already cut at Gympie by the time we got there.All accommodation was taken in Motels by stranded motorists. Found out that the train was still going so we spent the night in the evacuation centre and caught the 6am train to Bris. What an experience that was. 75 people sleeping on the floor at the Civic Centre,some had stretchers.Greg had no sleep due to snoring people,but I slept and was probably one that snored too. Had to leave the car at the station.
But we did get here. Plane leaves at 10am for Melb then Tazzie.
Bean...if you are coming to the airport, I will be wearing purple.
Will contact again tomorrow sometime.
Hope you are all well.
27/Feb/13 9:18 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Hey Nola, when are you coming back? If it is on my days off I could drive you back to pick up your car.
27/Feb/13 10:16 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Wow, Nola... That's quite the adventure! Glad you made it.
28/Feb/13 4:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to go for a meds pick up. My back is killing me. I haven't even done the morning cow check yet. I hope there aren't any new calves. It's sleeting out right now, very unpleasant weather for newborns.
28/Feb/13 4:25 AM
bee‎hive  From ge‎ro
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Hey Heidi, you found the page and after all I did to try and hide it....spoiltsport. lol
28/Feb/13 4:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well, I got the meds pick up done, and some grocery shopping. All day it's been alternating rain,sleet and snow flurries. Right now it's snowing, but they say that there'll be no accumulation.

No more calves yet today.

Hi Beehive.
28/Feb/13 9:47 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Morning all
Glad you got through Nola. Enjoy the trip.
28/Feb/13 10:58 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Nola ... just checking for a message from you on your movements.
Took my neighbour in for radiation today. Her early morning appointment was deferred and delayed and have just got home. Just about to look up your arrival & departure times. Its after midday now.. I think I should be there.. need a coffee..
28/Feb/13 12:08 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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haven't unpacked let alone caught up with reading after being away... still exhausted after all the driving and the full on program in Sydney.
28/Feb/13 12:11 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Love and hugs to all that need/want them.
Hope to catch up in a few days.
28/Feb/13 12:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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WooHoo! IH is gone for a second night in a row!
28/Feb/13 12:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well, the super glue only held the crown in for 1 week, so I just mixed up a little Fixit Sculpt and set the crown back in with that. It'll hold until my next dental appointment in about 2 weeks. And since I was mixing up Fixit Sculpt, I also used it to repair a vegetable dish that I'm repairing for a friend. It had been in her family for about 75 to 85 years, and a relative she doesn't like chipped it last Thanksgiving. Fixit Sculpt is a sandable, paintable epoxy resin that is perfect for this kind of job. Once the new section has hardened and cured (24 hours) I'll sand it and paint it to match the rest of the dish. It won't be perfect, I don't think, but it will look much better.
28/Feb/13 3:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Out to do a cow check in the snow and sleet. I suspect that any cow calving will do it in the shed, so I won't have to walk the whole 12 acres.
28/Feb/13 3:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nope.... no calves today. There IS a nice dusting of snow over everything, and I wouldn't want to be on the roads right now. The temperature is barely freezing, so it's kinda slushy and icy out.
28/Feb/13 4:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I hope you are all well!

June, I hope removing the blood thinners will help to stop your MIL's bleeding and nothing more. Keeping her, you and Ken in my thoughts and prayers.

Nola, what an adventure you have had so far - and your vacation hasn't even started! I'm glad things have worked out so far. I hope you will have a wonderful and relaxing time!

Heidi, I hope you were able to pick up the meds - and they were able to produce the desired results! It's good that there were no new calves today. Hopefully you will feel better tomorrow!

Bean, I hope you can find a few moments to relax amongst getting unpacked and back to a somewhat normal schedule!

I need to head to bed, hopefully by midnight (about 12 minutes). We have an early alarm tomorrow for our train into Chicago for puppy-sitting.

Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and for everyone!
28/Feb/13 4:49 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, happy your cows are smart enough to come out of the rain to give birth. Hope your back gets better. How long till another epidural? Any way to get one early since the last did not work?

BEAN, how kind of you to take your neighbor, so sorry the two of you had such a long wait. Thanks for the hug, always needed and appreciated.

Nola, happy you were able to be creative getting to your plane. I hope that is the one and only problem you have the whole trip.

Today was soo sonny, temp was warm, it ws deceptive though. Windy, and the wind chill really got too you.

I was out for a bit, to get to the pool for a sign in only, but that fulfills my contract for this month. I do hope to get some strength back so I can go to pool and at least 'hang' a while next week.

While I was out, I remembered it was Wednesday, and Aldi's always has some usually desireable meat on sale, it usually lasts only Wednesday morning. I was not dissapointed. Today ws chicken breasts at $1.69 a pound. It has been a couple years since I saw it that low, even on sale. I also found a spiral sliced ham, small one, on sale. I have meat for a while now. I cooked a couple of chicken breasts and made a yummy chicken salad, with celery, grapes and cranberries and one of the pieces of chicken. I will freeze the other for chicken salad again in a week or so. It was yummy for dinner.

PIcked up some more birthday cards while out too. I had this week's cards finished, but forgot to take them with me to deliver. I will get them delivered tomorrow.

Nuttin else going on here. I did a Heidi kind of nap once I came in today. I slept almost 2 hours in my recliner, got up and went to bed for another two. If anyone has seen my energy, would you send it back this way please?

My sister who has had the same reoccurring tummy symptoms, has an appointment with a gastro doc Friday. Hope he has some workable suggestions. I see my doc on Monday, perhaps both of us can get over this whatever it is.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till tomorrow.
28/Feb/13 4:51 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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HI JULIE, we posted almost same time! You are so good to your fur grandies, taking the train to puppy sit. How is the pup doing?
28/Feb/13 4:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... I can't get this epidural early, because of calving season. I'm gonna just have to grit my teeth and live with the pain until calving is over, THEN I get my 24 hours in bed and a few days with no lifting afterwards.
28/Feb/13 5:25 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The birds are fed and watered. It's nearly 2 am, so off to bed. My new bird cage/aviary came today so I get to put it together tomorrow. It's twice the size of my biggest cage before, and I got it for my rapidly expanding lovebird population. They're gonna love it!
The cockatiels will then get the biggest of the cages that the lovebirds had. The lovebirds occupy 3 large flight cages presently. The new one is bigger than all three combined.
28/Feb/13 5:58 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Something is wrong with my new computer and I cannot turn it on. Starts up, makes a whirring noise and turns off. That keeps repeating itself until I turn it off completely. I am now on my notebook.
We had a big win at bowls today. It is now our 'Pennant season' where we play other teams in our district. Our 3rd grade won the competition last year and have been moved up to second grade. Last year I was playing 4th grade!. Our first game of the season and we won!
Funeral tomorrow afternoon then we pick up Laura for the weekend.
Tomorrow night is our BBQ at the bowling club.
28/Feb/13 9:21 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I do hope Bean got to the airport in time to meet up with Nola. Nola should now happily be in Tasmania.
Heidi, I do hope the calving is finished soonest so that you can get an injection for your back.
28/Feb/13 9:27 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I think beehives comment should have been meant for me. He had made posts on most of the 'Off Topic' pages and you had to go to 'more' and open it to find SA 10.Takes more than that to fool us.
28/Feb/13 9:35 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Evening all.
Oh dear, just started steady raining again.
Mama sending lots of hugs your way.
Hello to everyone else.
I am trying to log my $1,300 worth of Avon orders through but the site won't work.
Grrrr. Has to be submitted by midnight.
I shall now go back and try again.
The Old Boy will be 76 this Saturday.
The growth on his lung has got bigger but so be it.
He just loves his smoking so much.
28/Feb/13 10:40 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Still snowing here. Enough already!!! The driveway had close to a foot of snow in it. Hubby and SIL are helping an elderly neighbour shovel his driveway ... he is the one whose wife died late last year.

Hubby will be going to visit his mom today, but my tummy has been upset since yesterday afternoon so I'm staying home. In fact I think I will have a nap when he leaves. He is going to get a few groceries before he goes because I just don't feel up to it.

Off to do some swearing ... hubby went to see his dad last night and I have a load of his laundry to do. We will probably visit him again tomorrow. He goes through a lot of clothes. He just can't seem to understand why the nurses at the hospital make him change his clothes at least once a day!!!

Lights keep flickering here, the satellite dish for the TV is not working well, and the internet keeps shutting down. So I shall post this before I lose it. Take care everyone!!!
01/Mar/13 12:44 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Break out the kleenex ....
01/Mar/13 1:25 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH MY, what a wonderfully sunny day today! Yesterday was sunny but oh so windy, colder today but no wind. We are about to have a touch of winter. Daytime highs just above freezing, nights down below. Hope Mother Nature gets it all out of her system and March can then be spring like.

Heidi, I hope those cows get in high gear and deliver all the calves sooner than later, so you can get some relief from your back pain.

Theresa, I hope your tummy problem is short lived. Feel better soon. I had a small chuckle at your FIL, not understanding nurses making him change his clothes hehehe.

VIV, who is THE OLD BOY you were talking about? I should know, but it escapes me at the moment. congrats on your huge Avon order, hope it went through for you.

JUNE, maybe BEAN will heck in and let us know if she met up with Nola, I hope so. sounds like you are busy busy with Bowls, good luck to your team. Hope the computer problem is soon resolved, too.

Heidi, can you get photos of your new aviary once it is together? I imagine your bird room is filling up with bird cages now.

Something unusual happened this morning, I woke and felt so good lying in bed. I realized that NOTHING HURT! For a full 5 minutes I had no pain, and how wonderful it felt to stretch like a relaxed kitty cat, sink into the bed, and just enjoy. Of course it did not last, made me cry, having a taste of what it would be like to be pain free, then have it snatched away.

Today I am slicing and freezing a small half ham. Just recently I used up the remainder of the large ham, frozen of course, that I had taken on vacation, in October. I think I might have enough room in my little freezing compartment for it all. If not, I can take some to my large freezer at Joy's house come Monday. I go very near going to doctor.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
01/Mar/13 2:55 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Nola, even though it was an experience you probably could have done without you have managed to get away on holiday Well done. Hope you enjoy every last minute of it.
Trying to sort out things for my sons's birthday tomorrow. Where did the last 26 years go!
Yesterday he took me out to a local pub which does food for my birthday. It was nice to spend some quality time with him as normally he is working when the girls and I go for lunch. He has decided just to have take out for his birthday dinner. Mainly as he is going out afterwards to celebrate with his friends.
01/Mar/13 4:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My bird room/ sunroom looks nothing like the pictures now. It's packed full of large flight cages, with room for plants on top of the cages only. The cages are all from 6 to 7 ft tall. I'm gonna have to rearrange the cages to make room for this big aviary. If push comes to shove, It'll go in the center of the room and I'll have to remove the table and chairs, but I don't think that'll be necessary. In fact, if I can, I'm gonna try to find room to get a second one this size for the budgies. They're reproducing faster than rabbits.
I can take screen shot of one of these cages/ aviaries, and post it on my page if you'd like, MizT. It'll take a while before I get all of the lovebirds moved into it because some are nesting and I won't move nesting pairs. All except for the one pair that decided to nest in their bird hut. I don't think the babies will survive in there because it only has 2 sides and they chewed oles in the floor. As soon as the babies hatch, they'll probably fall out. Another problem is that I know who the mom is, but I don't know which is the dad, so I can't leave them both in there. With lovebirds, both parents care for the young. If something happens to the dad, the babies die.Mom can't feed them enough by herself. So I will probably have to sacrifice those 4 eggs. That bird hut needs to be tossed anyways.
01/Mar/13 4:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK... I posted a picture of the cage.

Now to get to work checking cows, then assembling the cage.
01/Mar/13 4:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We had another big bull calf born. He's up and nursing, so he'll be OK. Mama had him outside in a mud puddle. Not the smartest cow.

I still haven't started assembling the cage. IH just got home, though, and wondered what the enormous box in the garage was.

01/Mar/13 6:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another cow looks to be going in labor. At this rate, calving will be over quickly.
01/Mar/13 9:36 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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It has been raining all morning. I just looked at the weather forcast and it said 'chance of rain 100%'. Game me a smile.
So pleased the calves are coming quickly for you Heidi. How long does it take you to get an appointment for an injection Heidi?
Must see what I can do about getting my computer fixed. This notebook is OK for travel etc but do not like it for everyday use.
01/Mar/13 10:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My next injection is scheduled for April 10th. I don't think I'll be able to get one any sooner even if I wanted to.
01/Mar/13 12:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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getting your computer fixed, June. From what I've heard, it sounds like a virus. I'm so glad that Macs are immune.
01/Mar/13 12:20 PM
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